A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 88 Draco.

Archer felt powerful, confused, and fuzzy-headed, but quickly shook his big head.

He felt four powerful limbs and two massive white wings, looking around he noticed all the enemy soldiers just staring at him in shock and awe.

Looking over to the camp he saw hundreds of Dragon-kin trapped in cages, seeing this Archer instantly lost his temper.

Taking a deep breath he let out a loud roar that shook the battlefield like an earthquake, the whole Aquarian kingdom felt his rage.

With a single flap of his wings, he took off into the air. As he hovered above the battlefield, his eyes blazed with fury as he surveyed the scene below.

All the enemies turned to him with wide eyes.

With a deep breath, he unleashed a beautiful violet breath attack, straight onto the battlefield.

The flames roared to life, burning everything in their path.

The ground shook with the force of the attack, and the air was filled with the acrid smell of burning flesh. Archer's enemies screamed in terror as they tried to flee, but it was too late.

Violet flames consumed everything, reducing it all to ashes and leaving nothing but a smoldering wasteland in their wake.

Archer descended to the ground, when he did his senses picked up an incoming attack, raising his right wing to block it.

A shabby spear suddenly struck his scales, but it crumbled upon impact. He moved his wing out of the way to get a better look at the new attacker.

He spotted a group of demi-trolls, wearing shabby armor and wielding weapons made from iron, they were staring at him with crazed looks in their eyes.

Their skin was a sickly green color, and their eyes glowed with an otherworldly light. They looked like they had been living on a battlefield for years, surviving on whatever they could scavenge.

As they closed in, they spread out and surrounded him, their movements were too calculated and precise.

Ten Demi-giants completed their encirclement and charged forward at once. But Archer was ready.

He used his powerful tail and razor-sharp claws to cut them down as they came into his range.

Then, with a powerful flap of his wings, Archer took to the air. He quickly turned around and unleashed a devastating blast of fire straight at the group.

Four of the demi-giants were burned to ash, their bodies no match for his breath. The remaining giants hesitated for a moment but then charged forward once again.

He descended and got into a brawl with the remaining six, he bit heads, slashed limbs, and pierced bodies.

Demi-giant bodies came crashing down until Archer bit the last one's head off and threw the body to the side.

Suddenly, movement caught his attention. A massive giant, towering above the demi-giants he had faced before.

It held a boulder the size of a small house, and Archer knew he was the intended target. As he closed in, the giant raised the boulder above his head and threw it at him.

But Archer was too quick and dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the massive projectile as it crashed into the ground, sending up a cloud of dust and debris.

Without hesitation, he rushed forward, causing the ground to shake beneath him.

As he closed in on the giant, Archer's muscles tensed, ready to strike. With lightning-fast reflexes, he pounced at the giant, his sharp claws tearing into the giant's flesh.

It roared in pain, but he was relentless, determined to defeat his foe. Blood flowed freely as the two battled fiercely, each trying to gain the upper hand.

The battle between him and the giant was fierce and brutal. Archer's sharp teeth and claws tore into the giant's flesh, while the giant retaliated with powerful punches and kicks.

Each blow shook the ground beneath them, and the air was filled with the sounds of their roars and grunts.

Despite the giant's immense size and strength, Archer fought with ferocity and determination. His agile body dodged and weaved, using his wings to defend himself while constantly searching for an opening to strike.

When he found it, he attacked with all his might, inflicting serious damage on the giant.

The battle raged on, with each combatant refusing to back down. In the end, it was Archer who emerged victorious, standing tall over the defeated giant.

With a final, devastating blow, he brought the giant to its knees and roared in triumph.

Archer gazed upon the giant, he could see that it was on the verge of collapsing. With a deep breath, he summoned all his strength and let loose a stream of fire that engulfed the giant, reducing it to ashes.

The flames danced and flickered, casting eerie shadows across the battlefield. Archer stood there, watching as the last embers died out.

His eyes scanned the battlefield and he heard even more fighting coming from the city, he made his way over.

Climbing up on a wall and sitting down, he spotted the Aquarian soldiers charge out and mowed down every Kagian and Kheesarian soldier.

After a while of resting, he approached the Kagian camp and freed the captured Dragon-kin, sending them into the domain with one word as he summoned a portal.


All the Dragon-kin entered without complaint as the large white dragon freed them. The freed Aquarians grabbed the soldier's weapons and charged at the confused enemies.

Seeing the battle was now in favor of the Aquarians, with a flap of his wings he took off. Archer soared through the air, following a road north that led further into the kingdom.

The thumping noise of his wings echoed through the air, drawing the attention of those below.

As he flew, Archer marveled at the sight below him. From his vantage point high in the sky, he could see all manner of beasts roaming the land.

His dragon eyesight was far superior to his normal eyesight, allowing him to see details and movements that would have been invisible to him otherwise.

Looking back at his wings, which were twice as long as his body, Archer felt a sense of awe and wonder.

With these wings, he was able to take to the skies and explore the world in a way that few others could.

As Archer soared through the skies, his keen eyes spotted a plume of black smoke rising in the distance. His curiosity piqued, he rushed forward and soon came upon a fierce battle.

The Aquarian forces were being pushed back by the Kagian army, and the outcome looked grim.

Determined to turn the tide of the battle, he flew higher, taking in the scene below.

With a mighty roar that echoed across the battlefield, he commanded the attention of both sides, causing a momentary pause in the fighting.

Seizing the opportunity, Archer tucked in his wings and dove down towards the Kagian army, smashing into their ranks with incredible force.

The impact caused chaos and confusion, giving the Aquarian forces a chance to regroup and launch a counterattack.

Archer climbed out of the resulting crater and surveyed the aftermath of his attack, he knew that he had taken out many soldiers.

With a few swift swipes of his claws, he took out many more soldiers left and right before starting to flap his wings and take off into the sky once more.

Soaring high above the vast grasslands, his sharp eyes scanned the horizon for any signs of danger.

He continued his flight for hours until he stumbled upon a small city under siege. Without hesitation, Archer rushed forward.

Taking a deep breath, he unleashed a burst of violet flames, incinerating the soldiers who stood guard outside the city.

But his attack was not enough to breach the protective dome that covered the city, so he descended to the ground.

With his razor-sharp claws and powerful jaws, Archer attacked the confused soldiers, determined to rid the Aquarian lands of the Kagian soldier and their other enemies.

Days passed, and Archer found himself drawn to the solitude and peace of the mountains to rest.

He lay on a rocky ledge in his dragon form and wondered why he felt so comfortable, but he decided to change back.


A brilliant white light emanated from Archer's body as he shifted back into his humanoid form. He stretched his arms and heard a satisfying crack.

Looking down at his body, he noticed that he had gained some muscle mass. He sat down and summoned a small portal, calling out for Sera, the mischievous girl.


He called out, waiting a few seconds until a red blur shot through the portal and clung to his face. He felt her sandpaper tongue attacking his face and couldn't help but laugh as he pulled her off.

Hugging her tightly, he spoke, "Hello, girl. I'm fine, so don't worry."

Sera started purring as she curled into his hug.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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