A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 205 Entertaining

The Solari soldier halted before them, glancing at Mohamet before being redirected by the general towards Archer.

Turning toward Archer, the man inquired, "Who are you, and who are these soldiers?"

Archer gazed at the man before responding, "Well, I'm a friend of Princess Hemera, and I wish to gain experience by defeating the creatures."

The soldier appeared bewildered but acknowledged the boy's indirect assistance, nodding as Archer noticed and proceeded down a random street.

They walked for a while until Archer sensed more approaching threats. Reacting swiftly, he summoned his Dragon Slayer sword once again and swung it without hesitation, cleaving a Blightborn creature that had suddenly appeared.

The dismembered pieces of the body fell to the floor as more enemies emerged. The Dragon-kin warriors formed a protective shield wall and prepared their spears.

Filled with exhilaration, Archer swung his weapon wildly, reminiscent of an excited child. While some of his strikes connected with the Rat-lings, he also missed several of them.

Simultaneously, he unleashed Celestial Beams and Element Bolts, wreaking havoc among the horde as the projectiles crashed into their midst.

The Rat-lings instinctively avoided Archer's swings and collided with the sturdy shields of the Dragon-kin, impaling themselves on the spears.

The Dragon-kin withdrew their weapons and thrust them forward again, causing the Rat-lings to die in large numbers.

Archer, positioned ahead of the shield wall, reveled in his actions, cleaving Blightborns and Rat-lings in half.

Meanwhile, his spells continued to rain down on the street, creating chaos wherever he moved. Before long, the onslaught of creatures ceased entirely.

Archer and the Dragon-kin soldiers pressed on relentlessly through the streets, cutting down any Rat-lings and Blightborn creatures that dared to cross their path.

The clashing of weapons and battle cries echoed throughout the city as they advanced.

Reaching the outskirts, their eyes fell upon an abandoned church standing desolate in one corner.

Its stone facade showed signs of wear from the passage of time, and an unsettling sense of foreboding emanated from within.

Archer's gaze fixated on the ominous black bell perched above the entrance, a haunting symbol of the horrors that awaited them inside.

Undeterred by the eerie atmosphere, Archer led the way toward the church, accompanied by the Dragon-kin soldiers.

The heavy wooden doors creaked open, revealing a dimly lit interior. The air felt thick and suffocating, hinting at the lingering presence of dark forces.

Suddenly, with a thunderous crash, towering Rat-Orges emerged from the shadows, their grotesque forms looming over the intruders.

The air reeked with a foul decay as the monstrous creatures exposed their razor-sharp teeth, poised to attack.

Archer wasted no time. He swiftly exited the church and skillfully maneuvered between the Rat-Orges, slashing through their flesh with his Dragon Slayer sword.

His strikes were accurate and deadly, akin to a formidable force of nature unleashed upon the abominations.

The Dragon-kin soldiers quickly joined the fray with their spears and shields, forming a protective wall behind Archer.

The Rat-Ogres charged forward, slamming into them. It nearly buckled under their weight, but the soldiers managed to hold their ground.

Archer swung the big blade again, but this time luck wasn't on his side. One of the creatures knocked the sword out of his hand and quickly seized hold of him.

Before he could react, the creature wrapped its powerful grip around him, squeezing tightly. However, his wings halted its progress halfway.

His tail lashed out, slicing through the Rat-Ogres, but it failed to dislodge Archer. Undeterred, Archer conjured a Celestial Beam, directing it at the creature.

The beam struck the Rat-Ogre, causing it to release its grip on Archer as it stumbled backward.

As Archer hit the floor, he wasted no time. He unleashed an Element Bolt composed of fire, which seared into the creature's body. The intense heat cooked the Rat-Ogre from the inside out, ensuring its demise.

Rising to his feet, Archer scanned his surroundings and spotted a colossal Rat-Ogre engaged in a fierce battle with the Dragon-kin soldiers.

The creature flung several soldiers aside, leaving them sprawled on the ground.

Noticing the fallen comrades, Archer witnessed General Mohamet charging toward the Rat-Ogre, thrusting his spear into the creature's body.

More soldiers joined in, pinning the creature in place with their weapons. Simultaneously, another soldier swiftly sliced the beast's leg, causing it to collapse to the ground.

Seizing the opportunity, Mohamet leaped onto the fallen beast, delivering the final blow to ensure its demise.

He jumped off the creature and approached Archer who was brushing off his clothes, while the soldiers put down the last Rat-Ogre as the abandoned area went silent.

Archer looked around and didn't see or detect anything, so he made his way to the church while speaking to the General. "That was entertaining. But tell the soldiers to be on watch and stay here."

Mohamet nodded his head and rushed off to organize the Dragon-kin as he entered the building.

He cautiously stepped into the church, his eyes scanning the dimly lit interior. To his surprise, there was nothing but a massive hole in the middle of the church.

Archer could feel a sense of eerie emptiness surrounding him. Curiosity overcame him, and he cautiously approached the hole.

As he neared, a putrid stench assaulted his senses, making him crinkle his nose in disgust. However, amidst the repulsive odor, something caught his attention.I think you should take a look at

His Aura Detector started picking up dozens of pings coming from the hole. Intrigued and alert, he peered into the depths, but all he could see was complete darkness.

But all of a sudden, a creature flew out of the hole and attacked him, but he quickly raised his arms and blocked the attack.

The impact made him skid backward, he heard a thud and looked at the new creature who appeared.

A familiar-looking creature appeared but much bigger and bulkier this time, it looked like it was mutated, he quickly scanned the creature.

Name: Mutated Umbra Hulk

Rank: B

The creature towered before him, its hulking form casting a long shadow across the chamber.

Archer met the gaze of the creature, its eyes glowed with an eerie intensity, filled with primal fury.

The beast emitted a guttural roar that reverberated through the church, sending shivers down his spine.

It was a challenge, a warning of the impending battle that was about to unfold.

Without hesitation, the Umbra Hulk charged forward, its massive feet causing the ground to tremble.

He steeled himself and prepared for the oncoming assault. His heart raced, adrenaline coursing through his veins.

As the beast lunged forward, Archer's reflexes ignited. He swiftly sidestepped the first thunderous blow, narrowly evading the sheer force of the Umbra Hulk's mighty fist.

He countered with a fierce slash of his sharp claws, pouring all his strength into the strike, hoping to deliver a decisive blow.

But to his dismay, his claws merely scratched the surface of the creature's tough Chitin Armor.

The creature barely flinched, showing little effect from the attack. Undeterred, Archer unleashed a barrage of Solar Flare, Stone Wardens, and Element Bolts directly at the creature.

Dozens of Stone Wardens materialized at Archer's command, charging at the Umbra Hulk while he cast Element Bolts made from earth and thunder crashed into the creature, causing its chitinous armor to crack.

Despite the assault, the creature let out a mighty roar and pushed against the Stone Wardens, taking them out one by one.

But luck was not on its side. Archer continued to summon more Stone Wardens while simultaneously casting a Celestial Beam that tore off one of its arms.

It roared in pain, but without hesitation, Archer rushed toward it leaping onto its massive form.

He cast Eldritch Blasts directly into the creature, unleashing their destructive force. Holes appeared in its chitinous armor, causing it to crumble.

After a few minutes, all the Stone Wardens were gone. He gracefully jumped off the Umbra.

As he landed, he took a deep breath and exhaled a stream of violet fire that engulfed the creature.

It dropped to the floor dead, he took a second to recover and walked over to the hole while thinking about what to do with it.

Archer started spamming Stone Warden and ordered them to jump into the hole and start blocking it as he cast Plasma Shots, Eldritch Blasts, and Elemental Fury.

The spells crashed into the tunnel walls and started to make it crumble, he repeatedly cast spells until the tunnel collapsed on himself.

As he took in his handy work his Dragon Senses kicked in as another creature lunged at him from a dark corner.

Emerging from the shadows, the creature slithered forward with sinuous grace, its elongated body undulating with each movement.

Archer stepped back and scanned the creature.

Name: Poison Carrion Crawler

Rank: A

The creature had a segmented exoskeleton of sickly gray color, gleaming with a putrid slime oozing from its pores.

The Carrion Crawler watched Archer, its six spindly legs moving with an eerie, fluid motion.

Its elongated tentacles, adorned with rows of razor-sharp teeth, twitched and writhed in eager anticipation.

With a single bulbous eye filled with malevolent intelligence, the creature fixated on its prey with an eerie intensity.

A foul stench filled the air as the creature approached, a nauseating blend of decay and filth. Slimy tendrils dangled from its maw, oozing noxious saliva that dissolved the ground beneath.

As it drew nearer to Archer, its insatiable hunger became evident. Its maw widened, exposing rows of jagged teeth stained with the remnants of past gruesome meals.

A low, guttural growl escaped its throat, a menacing sound that sent shivers down Archer's spine.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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