A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 174 Heading South [Bonus]

Talila sat in the Vassia City's adventurer guild when she began hearing rumors about a boy who had decimated hundreds of church knights and attacked the Duke's castle.

Intrigued, she inquired around and discovered that it was the same boy she had encountered before. Talila wondered how he was faring and had been longing to see him again.

At that moment, Cecelia and Radyn took a seat across from her. The group's cleric, Cecelia, looked at Talila and spoke, "Well, Tali, we'll be embarking on a significant trade mission to the Land of Mediterra, visiting the Solaris and Lunaris Empires."

Talila's face lit up with a smile upon hearing her friends' words. She couldn't wait to depart from the Avalon Empire.

It was widely known that the specter of war loomed ominously on the horizon, threatening to engulf the empire from all sides.

This apprehension had prompted the imperial army to ramp up its recruitment efforts two years ago.

Scores of young men and women eagerly flocked to join, which had been divided into four smaller armies and stationed strategically at the empire's most vulnerable points along the border.

She turned her gaze to Radyn and inquired, "Do we have any information about which kingdoms are likely to declare war?"

The knight nodded, acknowledging her question, and proceeded to explain the situation. "Indeed, Avalon finds itself under assault from all sides. Every petty kingdom seeks to seize land and diminish the empire's size."

Taking a sip of his ale, he continued, "The imperial army locked down the border several weeks ago and has been amassing its forces. The Dukes have mustered their armies and stand prepared. However, the other kingdoms have yet to make their move."

Talila nodded, finishing her drink, just as Novius, Darius, and Feyra arrived with the supplies required for their journey.

Novius took the lead in speaking, addressing the group, "Are you three prepared? The caravan is assembling at the eastern gate."

The two women and the man nodded in agreement and proceeded to exit the guild, making their way toward the designated gathering point.

While walking, Darius adjusted his pace to match Talila's and initiated a conversation. "Tali, once we reach the Negendra Kingdom, we must sample some of their renowned Negendrian wine."

She looked at the man but didn't say anything, ever since the incident with Archer she hasn't liked him at all.

After walking for a while they reached the eastern gate, where a bustling caravan was assembling.

Merchants were busy loading wagons with goods, and the air was filled with the sounds of chatter and clinking metal.

They approached the caravan's leader, a seasoned trader named Roderick, and exchanged a few words.

After confirming their places within the caravan, Roderick greeted Talila's group with a warm smile.

"Ah, you must be The Sparrows," Roderick said, extending his hand in greeting to Talila and then Novius. "I've heard good things about your group. We're fortunate to have you join us on this journey to Mediterra."

Talila shook his hand firmly. "Thank you, Roderick. We're honored to be part of your caravan and excited to see the wonders in the south."

The caravan set off after everyone was ready, the rhythmic clatter of hooves and creaking of wagons accompanying their departure.

They ventured east, through rugged mountain passes where the towering peaks seemed to touch the sky.

The air grew cooler as they ascended higher, and their breath formed misty puffs in the crisp mountain air.

As they descended on the southern side of the mountains, the terrain gradually changed. Lush green valleys stretched out before them, dotted with colorful wildflowers.

The journey continued south, winding through picturesque landscapes and quaint villages.

Talila and her companions marveled at the breathtaking scenery and exchanged stories with fellow travelers.

They shared meals around campfires, with laughter and camaraderie filling the nights.

Finally, after weeks of travel, the caravan approached the borders of the Negendra Kingdom. A large stone bridge that guarded the way south welcomed them into the realm.

The guard above the gate told the caravan to stop as more guards appeared and started inspecting everything.

After they were finished they let the caravan pass. They continued on with their journey, now traversing through the vast expanse of the grassland desert.

The landscape stretched out as far as the eye could see, with golden grasses swaying in the gentle breeze. The sun beat down relentlessly, casting a warm glow over the arid terrain.

Talila rode atop her horse, scanning the horizon for any signs of civilization. Dust billowed behind the caravan as the wagons rolled steadily forward.

It had been days since they last encountered a settlement, and the sight of one seemed like an oasis in the desert.

As the afternoon sun reached its zenith, a murmur spread through the caravan. Pointing ahead, travelers exclaimed in excitement, "Look! A town! We've finally reached civilization!"

Talila's heart leaped with anticipation. She spurred her horse onward, urging her companions to pick up the pace.

The distant town grew larger with every passing moment, gradually revealing its structures and rooftops against the barren backdrop.

As they drew closer, the town's details became clearer. Small houses lined the streets, their earthen walls and thatched roofs blending harmoniously with the desert surroundings.

A bustling marketplace came into view, filled with merchants hawking their wares and locals going about their daily routines.

The caravan entered the town, welcomed by curious gazes and the lively hum of activity. Talila and her companions dismounted, their dusty boots sinking into the sandy ground.

They wandered through the streets, captivated by the sights, sounds, and aromas of the bustling town.

Merchants displayed their colorful fabrics, spices, and handcrafted goods. The aroma of exotic foods wafted through the air, tempting hungry travelers.

Locals greeted the caravan warmly, offering hospitality and sharing stories of the desert's challenges and wonders.

Talila approached a friendly-looking merchant and inquired about their journey ahead. The merchant smiled, gesturing towards the south.

"Beyond this town lies the vast desert of the Negendra Kingdom. Be prepared for the trials that await, but also cherish the hidden beauty that lies within."

Taking a moment to absorb the wisdom, Talila thanked the merchant and rejoined her companions.

They gathered together, discussing their plans and preparing for the next leg of the journey.

The town had provided them with respite and supplies, rejuvenating their spirits for the challenges ahead.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the desert town, Talila and her group bid farewell to the friendly locals.

They mounted their horses, the caravan reforming behind them, and set their sights on the horizon once more.

As hours passed, the sun began its descent, casting a warm golden glow over the land and transforming the surroundings into a breathtakingly beautiful landscape.

As the group ventured through the arid wasteland, Talila took the lead, guiding them through the treacherous terrain.

With each step they took, a cloud of sand billowed behind them, stirred up by their weary footsteps.

The faint rumbling grew louder, drawing the attention of the seasoned adventurers. They dismounted from their horses, their hands instinctively reaching for their weapons.

Without warning, the sand erupted around them, revealing a horde of massive Sand Scorpions.

Their serrated pincers snapped menacingly, and their stingers glistened in the dying sunlight, poised to strike.

The adventurers quickly formed a protective circle around the caravan, bracing themselves for the impending battle.

Talila stepped forward, her bow at the ready. She closed her eyes, allowing the desert winds to guide her mana.

A faint glow surrounded her as she channeled her energy into her arrows. With a deep breath, she opened her eyes and released a fire arrow.

The arrow sailed through the air, leaving behind a trail of shimmering magic. It struck a Sand Scorpion square in the eye, causing the creature to shriek in pain and rage.

Talila wasted no time, firing a barrage of mana arrows, each finding its mark with deadly precision.

As the arrows pierced the exoskeletons of the scorpions, they writhed in agony, but more scorpions emerged from the sand, undeterred by their fallen brethren.

The Sparrow Adventurer Group fought valiantly, slashing and hacking at the scorpions with swords and axes, while Talila provided cover with her unerring shots.

Novius cast a Fireball at the closest scorpion sending it flying backward.

The battle raged on, sand and blood mixing together in a chaotic dance. The adventurers' muscles strained, their hearts pounding with adrenaline.

Talila's arrows continued to rain down upon the scorpions, thinning their numbers, but the relentless creatures refused to yield.

With each arrow she released, Talila's confidence grew. Her shots became faster, more accurate as if she and her bow were one.

Her mana reserves depleted, but she refused to falter. She had to protect her friends and the precious cargo they had to guard.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the last Sand Scorpion fell, its lifeless body sinking back into the shifting sands.

Silence settled upon the desert, broken only by the sound of heavy breathing and the distant cry of a desert bird.

The Sparrow Adventurer Group stood victorious, albeit battered and weary, soon after that they continued on.

Little did Talila know that this journey would be the beginning of her story.

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