A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 171 Sia Silverthrone (2) [Bonus]

When Sia stepped out of the Manaship, she summoned her Dawnbreaker and commanded her soldiers to follow her.

One hundred mounted soldiers trailed behind her. Her anger simmered as she advanced towards the city, disregarding the city guard at the gate.

They approached the castle as the citizens started paying attention to the large war mounts making their way down the road.

As Sia made her way down the road she was thinking back on the times she spent with Archer reading in the Ashguard library.

[Flashback to the time when Archer was nine]

While Sia was given time off she came to the Mistwood Duchy to visit her favorite boy who she hasn't seen in ages.

The Mana-ship dropped her off outside the city thanks to her privileges of being an officer in the Dawnbreaker legion.

When Sia made her way into the city she bought some chocolate for Archer as she passed by a stall.

Not long after she entered the castle and went straight to the library, only giving her nieces and nephews a smile as she passed by.

Sia walked into the library, her eyes scanning the familiar surroundings. her gaze fell upon little Archer, sitting in his usual spot.

A smile graced her lips as she approached him, her steps filled with infectious excitement.

Closing the distance between them, Sia reached out and gently grabbed hold of him, pulling him into a tight embrace, and squashing him against her massive chest.

She held him there for a moment, a mixture of affection and protectiveness radiating from her.

Archer, initially surprised by the sudden embrace, soon found comfort in the warmth and safety of Sia's arms. He wrapped his own arms around her, cherishing the bond they shared.

Sia's face lit up with affection as she showered him with care and attention while kissing him all over his face causing him to laugh which caused her to do it even more.

When she stopped she looked at him with a smile. "Archer, when you grow older, I'm going to be your wife and take good care of you," she declared her voice tender and overflowing with love.

He was caught off guard, and reminded her, "But Sia, you're my aunt."

Sia dismissed his concerns with a gentle laugh, the sound escaping her lips like a sweet melody to his ears. "Labels are insignificant, my love. I have chosen you, and our bond transcends mere family ties. Our connection is destined, and my love for you surpasses any formalities."

At first, Archer doubted her words, thinking they were just meant to comfort him. He believed she said those things to make him feel better.

Little did he know, Sia's intentions were genuine, and she harbored a deep and unusual attachment to him, driven by her "nephew-con" inclinations.

Unbeknownst to them, a white-haired woman watched from above, wearing a satisfied smile as her plans unfolded before her.

[Present time]

Sia rode into the castle, her soldiers intimidating the castle guards as they entered.

Disembarking, she strode through the main entrance of the castle as her guards followed her wondering what she was going to do this time.

She made her way down the hallway, her eyes caught sight of Aldwulf approaching. A surge of anger consumed her, and without hesitation, she lunged at him, swiftly swiping his legs, causing him to fall.

Aldwulf was confused. Out of nowhere, he was being attacked. When he looked up, he saw Sia Silverthrone standing above him with a look of rage on her beautiful face.

She glared down at him, making an effort to calm her temper, and sternly warned him, "If I ever hear of you bullying Archer again, you'll be in serious trouble. Do you understand, boy?"

He nodded his head rapidly, resembling a chicken. However, when Aldwulf heard the name of that demon, panic consumed him.

Observing his reaction, curiosity sparked within her. "What's the matter, Speak up."

Aldwulf was about to respond, but a shrill shout echoed through the hallway. She looked up to see her sister's husband's first wife rushing towards them.

Stepping back, she observed as the woman started fussing over the boy.

After checking on him. Ksara looked up with hatred burning in her eyes. "Is it not enough? That little demon mutilated them, and now you're here? What do you want, Sia?"

Sia looked at the woman with narrowed eyes as she approached her. "I've heard what you did to my boy. The same warning applies to you as well. The next time you decide to mess with him is when your family falls from the Emperor's grace."

She smiled at the woman after threatening her and continued speaking. "Now tell me, where is my idiotic little sister?"

Ksara was about to start shouting again, but when she saw Sia's not-so-friendly smile, she fell silent and mumbled, "In the garden with our husband."

Sia nodded and unexpectedly slapped Ksara, sending the evil woman to the floor to join her eunuch son.

She cast a disdainful glance at Aldwulf and let out a laugh, fully aware that her boy had already stripped them of their masculinity.

With a confident stride, she headed towards the garden.

[Larka's POV]

Larka was sitting in the garden with her husband who took some time off from organizing the defence of Mistwood for the upcoming war.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a soft orange glow over the garden where Duke Leonard and Larka sat at a stone table.

The air was heavy with a mixture of blooming flowers and unspoken remorse. Their faces were etched with lines of regret as they listened to the murmur of the evening breeze.

Rumors had reached their ears, tales carried from the south by traders and merchants. Whispers of their son's achievements and betrothal to three princesses.

The mother's voice quivered with a mixture of sorrow and self-reproach. "How did we let it come to this? Our own flesh and blood subjected to such cruelty and pain by our own hands, all because of our pride."

Leonard clenched his fists. "We were blinded by our own desires, consumed by our petty pride. We treated him as if we never wanted him, a burden, and now we must bear the weight of our terrible choices."

The garden, once a sanctuary of serenity, seemed to reflect their inner turmoil. Larka's voice trembled as she continued, her words heavy with regret. "We never stopped the abuse, not even once."

Tears streamed down her face as she bowed her head in shame. "We failed him. Our duty as parents was to love, nurture, and guide him, but instead, we treated him horribly. We abused and mistreated him."

In the midst of their despair, Larka's voice quivered. "We must find a way to make amends, to show our son that we are truly sorry for the pain we caused him. We cannot undo the past, but we can work towards a future where he feels loved."

Suddenly, they heard a cackle coming from behind them. Larka turned around, her eyes widening as she spotted her older sister, Sia Silverthrone, accompanied by her guards.

She stood there in her military uniform, staring at them with a hateful expression etched upon her face.

The look on Sia's face deeply wounded Larka, as she had always respected her eldest sister. Sia had risen from being a common foot soldier to becoming the general of the legendary Dawnbreaker legion.

[Sia's POV]

Sia noticed the two of them sitting at the table, discussing ways to make it up to Archer and show him "love." The absurdity of their words made her burst into laughter.

But as she heard their conversation, anger welled up inside her. 'They don't love him like I do. I will never mistreat him and will always love him,' she thought passionately.

Sia couldn't wait to see Archer now that he was nearly 16 so she could properly pamper and treat him as a wife should.

Snapping back from her wild thoughts, she addressed her shocked sister. "Why would you allow him to be abused, Lark? Didn't I tell you what I would do the last time?"

She walked up to her sister, who quickly stood up. Leonard attempted to step in front of Sia, but she swiftly backhanded the man.

He went flying backward and crashed to the ground. Sia looked over to where he landed and shouted out. "Don't get involved."

She turned to Larka, who took a step back. Sia walked closer to her with a smile, but Larka knew it was anything but a smile.

"Lark, how dare you treat him like that! He's mine!" Sia exclaimed, delivering a sharp slap.

Larka held her cheek, feeling the sting, but she remained silent. She knew she deserved the slap, yet her mind was filled with confusion over her sister's words.

She looked at Sia. "What do you mean he's yours?"

Sia stood her ground, locking eyes with her sister. Sporting a grin, she unveiled her plan. "I intend to marry him and shower him with the love he deserves. I've already spoken to Father, who, upon hearing the rumors, was thrilled to align himself with a rising star in the empire. Unlike you and Mother, he's not narrow-minded."

When Larka heard her elder sister, whom she respected and loved dearly, wanted to marry her son, she didn't know what to do and was confused.

Sia's guards heard her speak and started handing coins to each other while mumbling. "Damn, you were right. The general is a nephew-con."

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