A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 163 Hello There

Time came to a standstill as Archer's heart shattered into countless fragments. A primal roar of anguish erupted from deep within his throat, echoing for miles.

Collapsing to his knees, he cradled Sera's battered and barely breathing body in his arms. She trembled, fragile and weak, as he held her close.

A wave of anger surged within him as it started to take over him. The grief morphed into an all-consuming wrath, propelling every fiber of his being.

Archer rose, his eyes burning with vengeful fire, and unleashed a ferocious breath that engulfed the Nightwalkers in flames, reducing them to ashes.

He unleashed a relentless barrage of Eldritch Blasts upon the Nightwalkers and Deathlock. Each blast struck with a ferocity fueled by his anguish.

Archer fought with savage intensity, every movement driven by his shattered heart and the burning desire to exact vengeance upon the one who had hurt Sera.

Firing his magic into the horde of Nightwalkers and other creatures closing in, he held her tightly, launching an assault on the Deathlock. Every ounce of his strength was poured into the attack.

Within this storm of raw emotion, his strikes were relentless and powerful, fueled by a seething rage.

The Deathlock faltered, its aura wavering under the onslaught. With a final strike, he dealt a blow that shattered the creature's defenses, sending it crashing to the ground.

Breathing heavily, he stood over the defeated Deathlock, he raised his foot and stamped down on the skull smashing it to pieces.

Archer's gaze shifted downward, his eyes filled with a mixture of relief and concern, as he saw Sera grievously wounded and emitting feeble chirps of pain.

Her delicate wings trembled, and her scales bore the scars of gashes, proof of the attack she had valiantly blocked for him.

He tenderly cradled Sera's injured form. Love and anguish intertwined within his heart, as he fully realized the depth of her sacrifice.

With utmost care, he brushed a gentle finger over her wounded wing, his touch conveying comfort and reassurance.

Sera looked up at him with her dull ruby-red eyes, radiating happiness that he remained unharmed.

Archer retrieved a health potion from his Item Box, hoping it would help her with the pain, but to his dismay, it had no effect.

At that moment, a piercing shriek shattered the air, diverting his attention. He turned his head to witness another horde approaching.

Ghouls sprinted alongside Dullahans and Plaguebearers, while Wraithwings, Banshees, and Death Hawks soared above him.

Leading the charge were the Nightwalkers, and the realization dawned upon him that the Deathlock he had faced earlier was likely just a pawn in the grand scheme of things.

Frustration welled within him, and he tightened his grip around Sera, resolute in his determination.

Casting Blink repeatedly, he sought to gain a crucial advantage over the impending horde. He reappeared 100 meters away and started running toward the large mountains in the distance.

As he was running he turned around and saw the undead catching up, he started thinking about what to do when an idea came to him.

Archer stopped running to turn around, he took a deep breath and let out a stream of fire between him and the horde.

With haste, he cast Meteor Swarm. Within a minute, a blazing rock descended from the sky, colliding with an earth-shaking impact right in front of the advancing horde.

A tremor shook the ground beneath their feet, accompanied by a sudden eruption of flames that consumed the nearby surroundings.

The horde let out piercing screeches, frozen in their tracks as a wall of blazing debris obstructed their path.

Archer skidded to a stop, his eyes widening in astonishment. The fiery barrier severed the horde's route and killed a large amount of them.

Seizing the opportunity amidst the chaos, he held Sera tightly and resumed their frantic run, his heart pounding with adrenaline.

With a glimmer of hope in his eyes, he whispered to her, "This is our moment, Sera. We must escape."

Without a moment's hesitation, he veered into a different path, maneuvering through the billowing smoke and engulfing flames, desperately seeking a safer refuge for them both.

As he sprinted, believing he had evaded the horde, a piercing screech echoed from above.

As he glanced upwards, a colossal undead bat swooped down towards him. Reacting swiftly, Archer sidestepped its attack and used his claw to forcefully tear off its wing.

Without wasting a moment, Archer unleashed a barrage of radiant bolts at the approaching horde of creatures.

Yet, their numbers seemed to multiply, and as the situation deteriorated, he knew he had to keep moving.

With determination fueling his every stride, he raced across the vast plains, relentlessly pursued by the undead giant bats.

Maintaining unwavering focus as he raced forward, he continued to cast bolts, unleashing them with precision, all in an effort to repel the unyielding onslaught of the undead assailants.

Each bolt found its mark striking the bats with devastating force and sending them hurtling down to the earth.

One by one, they fell, their wings crumbling as they crashed to the ground. The clash of magic and the thud of fallen creatures echoed through the open plains as he relentlessly picked off the pursuing bats.

As the last of the bats plummeted to the ground, he briefly paused, catching his breath and surveying the scene.

The open plains stretched before him, now quiet and devoid of creatures. he pressed on, his gaze fixed on the distant mountains ahead.

Archer walked into the forest, his pace slowing as he focused on Sera, who was sleeping but showed no signs of healing.

Glancing around, he spotted a rock overhang and swiftly flew up to it. Upon reaching the spot, he discovered an open space with a small hole in the wall, offering a sheltered refuge from the raging storm.

Using his magic, he cast Cleanse to remove all the blood and dirt from both of them.

Realizing that the sun was setting, Archer quickly set up a tent in the shelter and entered after reverting back to his humanoid form.

He got undressed and got into bed as  he tightly embraced Sera's slumbering body, swiftly succumbing to sleep after the grueling fight.

After a few hours, he woke up, his body shuddering with unease. Looking down, he noticed Sera trembling uncontrollably.

In that moment, a memory resurfaced, reminding him of her previous request to be bitten. Worried about her condition, he made a decision.

With utmost care, he raised the wounded dragon to his mouth and tenderly bit her fragile neck, his sharp teeth piercing her injured scales.

Seconds after biting her, he felt something stirring inside him, pouring into her little body.

A bright light shone, temporarily blinding him, and he fell back onto the bed, rubbing his eyes.

Once his vision cleared, he looked at Sera, who was glowing as she lay on his chest, letting out quiet breaths.

Feeling reassured by her well-being, he settled back into sleep, holding her tightly. The storm continued its ferocity outside, but their shelter provided them safety throughout the night.

The next morning, Archer awoke to a weight pressing down on him. Slowly opening his eyes, he was greeted by a pair of captivating eyes staring back at him.

"Hello there, husband." She greeted him with a captivating tone.

Archer was startled by the girl's enchanting and exotic voice. His surprise soon gave way to curiosity.

With a mischievous smile, she sat up on his lap prompting him to sit up. He took a closer look at the intriguing girl before him.

She had untamed, flowing blood-red hair that cascaded around her, while her smooth, dark brown skin radiated a warm and inviting hue.

Her captivating ruby-red eyes seemed to hold many secrets and mysteries.

With an allure that captivated his gaze, she possessed a pair of delicate red horns adorning her head, an unusual sight that only enhanced her beauty.

Scattered red scales adorned her petite frame, adding a touch of enchantment to her appearance.

As he took in her unique features, a thought flashed through his mind, unbidden. "A legal loli dragon girl!" Archer's eyes widened slightly, surprised by the realization of her extraordinary nature.

A slender red tail gracefully swayed behind her, further confirming her otherworldly lineage. Archer shook his head, attempting to clear his thoughts, and softly called out her name. "Seraphina?"

With a wide grin on her face, Sera nodded. "Well, you'd have to be pretty dense not to recognize me, husband, considering you bit me last night and completed the ritual," she remarked, her voice filled with playful amusement.

His eyebrow raised in curiosity as he heard her speak, prompting him to question, "Ritual? What is that?"

Sera couldn't contain her giggles as she leaned in closer to Archer, her warm breath tickling his ear. With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, she whispered softly, revealing to him about ancient dragon rituals.

"In the old dragon empires, there existed a sacred ritual," she murmured, her voice filled with excitement. "Two dragons, bound by destiny, come together in a powerful bond. They share a moment of raw connection, biting each other and drawing blood."

Her words hung in the air, carrying a sense of ancient mystique. Sera's voice lowered, becoming more intimate as she continued, "Through this act, their life forces intertwine, creating an unbreakable bond that lasts until the end of time. It is a union of souls, a testament to their eternal love and loyalty."

As Sera concluded her whispered words, a surge of emotion overwhelmed her. Filled with gratitude and affection for the boy who had saved her and welcomed her into his life, she couldn't resist expressing her feelings in a unique way.

Without any hesitation, Sera softly nibbled on Archer's ear, her teeth gently grazing his skin in a loving and appreciative gesture.

After biting his ear, she proceeded to explain that when she was in her dragon form, she experienced vivid dreams that revealed various insights and information.

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