A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 158 Girls Talk & Angry Daughter.

[Flashback When Archer left the girls in the treehouse]

Ella carefully placed the spellbooks that Archer had given them on the table and rose from her seat.

She gracefully made her way to the kitchen, where she busied herself with preparing something delightful.

The fragrant aroma of tea soon enveloped the air, promising a moment of warmth and relaxation.

Teuila watched her, curiosity shining in her eyes, but choose to stay quiet as she waited for Ella to finish.

With a slow pace, she approached the window, captivated by the view that stretched before her, showcasing Archer's domain.

After a few minutes, Ella returned with a tray holding cups of tea. She settled back at the table, and Teuila did the same, joining her.

In the enveloping silence, Ella poured the tea with ease, the motion itself conveying a sense of calmness. 

She took a deep breath, her gaze fixed on Teuila, and started to speak. "Teuila, we're going to meet Archer's third fiance in the Zenia Empire. I wanted to hear your thoughts on him having multiple wives."

Teuila's expression remained composed, her eyes meeting Ella's with a mix of curiosity and contemplation.

She took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding. "I'm okay with it as long as he doesn't neglect any of us. If that happens, I'll speak up," she calmly replied.

Ella nodded with a smile and laughed as she spoke. ''I agree, I love him with all my heart but we have to keep an eye out for any girls who will try to take advantage as he's not the smartest goblin in the cave.''

She nodded, her laughter bubbling as she listened to the half-elf jokingly call Archer a goblin. Unable to contain herself any longer, she burst into laughter.

Ella watched as Teuila laughed, clearly showing her affection for Archer. She couldn't help but notice that since they reunited, Archer had become even warmer and friendlier.

She had a hunch that the little dragon always perched on his shoulder was somehow responsible for the change.

Teuila composed herself and said, "Ever since I've met Archer, people have been inexplicably drawn to him. They genuinely like him, and he's remarkably friendly in return."

After taking a sip of her tea and loving its flavor, she carried on, "During our first encounter, he was in danger, targeted by the Dragon Slayers. Fortunately, I arrived just in time with my father's guards."

Ella spoke before she could, "Sorry for interrupting you, let's continue the conversation on the balcony. It seems like a lovely day to be sitting inside."

Teuila acknowledged with a nod, rising from her seat and taking the lead toward the balcony.

They proceeded outside, finding comfort in their designated seats as they settled down.

With a cheerful chuckle, Teuila continued her story, fondly recalling the memories from their time in the carriage. "Once we took care of the Dragon Slayers, we brought him back to the carriage. When he woke up, he and my brother Triton were talking but Archer mischievously threw food at his face."

As Ella smiled, she realized that Archer had undergone a complete transformation, becoming a different person from the one she had initially known.

She came to this realization and knew it was time to open up to Teuila about Archer's difficult past.

She understood the importance of sharing this information with her new friend about their Fiance.

With a resolute look on her face, Ella said, "Teuila, I think it's time I told you about Archer's troubled history."

Ella began softly. "Ever since I first met Arch, I've witnessed the immense pain he has endured at the hands of his own family. They were not just indifferent to him, they were cruel."

Teuila's eyes widened, a mix of shock and concern washing over her. She leaned forward, urging her to continue.

"He was constantly belittled and bullied." Ella continued, her voice filled with empathy. "They treated him as an outcast, ridiculing him for his dreams. They took joy in his suffering, making him doubt his worth and abilities."

Ella's voice trembled slightly. "They inflicted emotional and physical abuse on him, leaving deep scars that he carries today. Seeing someone with such a kind soul endure such torment breaks my heart."

Teuila's hand reached out, grasping Ella's in a gesture of support and understanding. "How did he manage to stay so strong amidst all of this?" she asked.

Ella smiled sadly. "Despite everything, he found solace in his books and knowledge. He held onto his dreams tightly, refusing to let their cruelty extinguish his spirit."

A tear trickled down Ella's cheek, mirroring the deep emotions she felt for him. "Teuila, we must protect and cherish him. To show him the love and support he has been denied for far too long."

She looked at Ella with a heartfelt expression and spoke. "We're in this together. We will always be there for him, no matter what. Our love and support for him will never waver."

Both girls shared smiles and spent the next few hours enjoying their tea and engaging in conversation.

Their bond grew stronger as Teuila treated Ella as an equal, not a maid, and Ella treated Teuila with genuine friendship, not just as a princess.

[Present Time - Alexandria, the capital of the Zenia Empire]

The Emperor and Empress wasted no time in returning to Alexandria, and the news of their daughter's engagement quickly spread.

Their carriage, accompanied by the Royal Guards, made its way through the city, Amkhu braced himself for his daughter's inevitable outburst upon their arrival home. He knew well the fiery spirit that resided within her, and he anticipated the passionate display that awaited him.

As they approached the palace, remnants of a lively celebration adorned the streets.

The convoy reached the palace entrance, where the Emperor spotted his five children eagerly waiting alongside their Aunt Tiye, who was holding the second prince, Seti.

Stepping out of the carriage, Amkhu was followed by his wife Hatshepsut. They approached their family and noticed Nefertiti, who seemed to be suppressing her anger.

Amkhu turned to his eldest son. "Hello Khufu, how was everything while we were away?" he asked.

Khufu, a young man resembling his father with brown hair, his mother's pink eyes, and a tall stature for a Zenian, smiled and replied.

"Father, the Luxorians have increased their raids on our border towns. The Medjay have successfully pushed them back multiple times, and the imperial army have been patrolling the northern border."

Amkhu pondered his next steps and called over his advisor, who had been standing in the background.

"Mostafa, come here," he beckoned.

Mostafa, an older man wearing a colorful Shendyt and a Nemes headdress, with a long beard that gave him a wise appearance, approached Amkhu.

He bowed respectfully and said, "Yes, my Emperor. I hope your journey was successful."

Amkhu nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it was Mostafa. However, please send a messenger to my brother and instruct him to deploy the Falcon Knights to the north. They must deal with the Luxorians' raids. Inform him to report to me before departing."

The older man bowed and departed to carry out the Emperor's command. Just then, Nefertari, the eldest daughter, and Isis, the second eldest, approached with warm greetings, while Nefertiti appeared visibly upset.

"Welcome back, Father and Mother," they warmly greeted.

Hatshepsut smiled, and as Amkhu went to speak with Khufu and see Seti, she engaged in conversation with her three daughters. "Hello, my beauties. How have you been?"

Both girls smiled, and Nefertari replied, "We have been well, Mother. I have been working at the Academy, learning new formulas for creating potions."

Isis chimed in with a bright smile, "The guard commander has been teaching me how to use the bow and spear. He says I am a good student."

Hatshepsut turned her gaze toward her youngest daughter, Nefertiti, and spoke in a soothing tone. "I understand your anger, Nefi, but you must try to comprehend the opportunity to unite the Southlands with us and Aquaria leading the way.''

Nefertiti looked at her mother with narrowed eyes before speaking. "That does not give you the right to marry me off to some dragon. Yes, they are a rare race, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm not property and should be able to live the way I want to."

Hatshepsut sighed, considering the boy whom her husband wanted to build close ties with before she spoke. "Nefi, wait until you see him. How do you know you won't like him?"

She gazed at her mother, the mirror image of herself. Her mother possessed long pink hair, radiant pink eyes, and a captivating, curvaceous figure that could topple kingdoms.

''Mother I know you and Father mean well but I don't want to have a marriage arranged for me. I don't want love, I'm happy with my studies and learning more about my Arcane magic.''

Her mother shook her head and smiled. ''Don't worry Nefi. If you don't like him when he arrives here then we won't force you. Maybe one of you girls would like to marry him instead.''

She looked at the other two girls who nodded before Nefertari spoke. ''Of course mother, I may be older than my sisters but he may like older women.''

Isis nodded along but didn't say anything as their father walked over and hugged all three girls but Nefertiti gave him the cold shoulder as they made their way into the palace.

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