A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 141 Gold Coins.

While searching the chamber, their attention was drawn to a collection of clothing that appeared to belong to traveling traders, it's likely they intended to sell it.

Teuila's voice resonated with excitement. "Arch, look! There are alchemy supplies here."

Archer approached her and looked into the container. It was a crate overflowing with an alchemist's treasure trove.

Inside, they discovered equipment for potion-making, ingredients, and a treasure trove of instructional manuals.

Without delay, Archer swiftly stored away the crate, along with the discovered clothing.

He turned his focus to finding any hidden gold, yet the chamber yielded only the possessions plundered from raided caravans.

Noticing a pathway that extended deeper into the cave, Archer decided to explore it, but not before collecting anything of value.

Among their findings were luxurious silks, exotic spices, and an assortment of miscellaneous items.

He stored them all and decided to sell them in the next city they came across. Once they finished, the both of them proceeded down the pathway.

After walking for a little while, they came across another chamber. Archer used his Aura Detector and received five pings in response.

He turned to Teuila and spoke. "There are five bandits in the next chamber. Do you want to take them on this time?"

She nodded and made her way to the chamber while holding her daggers. Teuila entered, catching the attention of the five bandits who stared at her in disbelief.

With a swift motion, she drew her twin daggers, their gleaming blades reflecting the flickering light of the chamber.

The bandits, armed with various weapons, encircled her, their eyes filled with a mix of greed and lust when they looked at her.

In a blur of movement, Teuila lunged forward, her daggers slashing through the air. She skillfully parried the bandits' attacks, countering with precise strikes of her own.

The clash of steel resounded, accompanied by the sounds of grunts and battle cries.

Teuila danced nimbly around her opponents, effortlessly evading their strikes while delivering swift and lethal blows.

Her movements were fluid and seamless as if the daggers were mere extensions of her own body.

With each calculated strike, she demonstrated her agility and mastery, leaving the bandits bewildered and vulnerable.

One by one, the bandits died to her blades as her daggers found their targets with deadly accuracy, their cries of pain mingling with the metallic echoes of combat.

Teuila's blades twirled in a whirlwind of lethal precision, her strikes seamlessly merging into a deadly dance.

With remarkable speed and agility, she adeptly exploited the bandit's weaknesses. Their defenses crumbled under the weight of her daggers, unable to withstand her swift and deadly attacks.

As the last bandit fell to the ground, gasping for breath and defeated, Teuila stood tall amidst the aftermath of the battle.

Her daggers were stained with the blood of her fallen foes, a testament to her combat prowess.

Silence enveloped the chamber, broken solely by the rhythmic sound of her controlled breaths.

A triumphant smile graced her lips as she turned to Archer. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" She quipped, her voice filled with a mixture of exhilaration and satisfaction.

Archer's smile widened as he witnessed her joy. "That was brilliant, Teuila! You were like a storm in battle."

She smiled as he gathered the hearts. After searching the chamber, he stumbled upon their hidden stash of gold coins.

The chest had been expertly concealed beneath a loose stone, skillfully disguising its true location. Teuila was the first to spot it and motioned for Archer to join her.

Working together, they removed the stone and lifted the chest, revealing its impressive size. Archer's eyes shimmered with excitement, eliciting a laugh from Teuila as she settled down to observe.

Amidst her laughter, Teuila jokingly muttered to herself, "Greedy dragon."

With eager anticipation, Archer swiftly opened the chest, revealing a trove of gold and silver coins, interspersed with gleaming gems.

Securing the chest in his Item box, Archer gestured for Teuila to follow him as they made their way out of the cave.

However, as they emerged into the open, Ella materialized before them, causing both of them to jump in surprise.

Upon witnessing the scene, Ella couldn't contain her laughter, amused by the exchange.

"Sorry for the delay, guys. Mama was talking my ear off. But it was nice catching up with her. By the way, I checked on Sarah. She's perfectly fine. A brownie named Cinnamon has been taking care of her."

Turning her attention to Teuila, Ella continued, her voice filled with excitement. "Mama wants to meet you and have a meal together, just the three of us."

Teuila nodded, intrigued by the idea. "That sounds wonderful. Should we go now? It's still early, and we can catch up with Arch later."

Ella's face lit up with joy, her infectious smile spreading. Both girls turned to Arch, awaiting his input.

Archer grinned before responding. "Sure, go ahead. I'll be busy hunting bandits and heading north. We can meet up later, but tonight would be better. I'll be flying or fighting most of the time, and it's best if you don't appear in the middle of it."

Agreeing to his suggestion, both girls gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked through the portal while engaged in lively conversation.

Left alone, Archer scanned his surroundings in search of a tree where he could relax and enjoy the hearts he had collected.

Spotting a suitable one nearby, he swiftly made his way toward it and climbed the trunk with agility. Finding a comfortable spot on the lowest branch, he settled in.

With a sense of contentment, Archer began consuming the 60 hearts he had gathered. Although focused on his meal, the lively birds darting around a tree laden with ripe fruits caught his attention.

After a couple of hours had passed, he started feeling ill. So he leaned back on the branch, closing his eyes, getting a moment of rest.

His legs dangled over the edge as he allowed his body to recuperate. While in this reclined position, he took the opportunity to assess his current status.


[Experience: 8450]

[Level Up: 142>143]

[SP: 6>66]

[Strength: 4100>4200]

[Constitution: 4000>4100]

[Stamina: 4000>4200]

[Charisma: 4000>4100]

[Intelligence: 3550>3650]

[Blink: 4>5]

[Crown Of Stars: 0>1]

Archer was happy to find that his overall status had improved slightly. Each of his stats had seen a modest increase, but what brought him even more joy was leveling up his latest spell, Crown of Stars.

With a keen desire to maximize his progress, Archer made the decision to invest the points he had earned thus far.

He distributed 10 points to each stat, except for intelligence, which received 6 points.


[HP: 5000>5100]

[Mana: 25000>25300]

[Strength: 4200>4300]

[Constitution: 4100>4200]

[Stamina: 4200>4300] 

[Charisma: 4100>4200]

[Intelligence: 3650>3710] 

Perplexed by the amount of experience he had earned, Archer began to calculate his kills. He tallied up 50 noble guards, 55 bandits, and 1 Shadowfang as his conquests.

For every human enemy he killed, he was rewarded 150 experience, while the more formidable Shadowfang had bestowed upon him a generous 800 points.

Calculating the total, Archer was thrilled to discover that he had gained an impressive 22,550 experience points.

Taking a moment to rest, Archer's discomfort subsided, allowing him to stand up. He looked around, making sure the coast was clear, before softly whispering. "Draconis."

Instantly, his Draconic features appeared, and he leaped from the branch, taking flight toward the north.

Along the way, he activated his Aura Detector, specifically honing in on human auras.

After a while of flying, he received pings from a location further west. Intrigued, he followed the signal, leading him to a bandit camp situated in a spacious clearing near a river.

The area surrounding the camp was littered with the bodies of local cannibal tribes, indicating a fierce conflict had taken place.

Although Archer contemplated attacking the camp by sneaking, he decided against it because it was boring.

Choosing to attack from above, Archer flew over the camp and targeted the nearest bandit. With a swift descent, he struck the man with his sharp claws, taking him down.

In a seamless motion, Archer cast his Crown of Stars spell, activating it instantly. The seven vivid violet motes shot out, swiftly eliminating seven unsuspecting bandits.

Continuing his assault, Archer cast Eldritch Blasts and used the power of the Void Blaze. The relentless blaze consumed the approaching bandits, leaving behind a trail of devastation.

As more bandits emerged and charged at him, Archer swiftly swiped their legs, causing them to trip over, he then delivered several fire bolts to their skulls.

Suddenly, he sensed an incoming spell and reacted promptly by casting Cosmic Shield deflecting the Fireball spell.

Gazing towards the source of the attack, Archer noticed an older man, his hand raised, attempting to cast another spell.

Quickly casting Blink, Archer reappeared in front of the man and severed his right arm before impaling him with his tail.

After looting the man's body, he discarded it to the side and proceeded to collect the hearts from the fallen bandits.

In total, he obtained 32 hearts, along with a considerable amount of gold coins.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]


Archer's current status.

[Name: Archer]

[Race: White Dragon]

[Age: 15]

[Rank: Magus]

[Exp: 8450/15000]

[Level: 143]

[HP: 5100/5100]

[Mana: 25300/25300]

[Magic: Fire-Water-Earth-Wind-Lightning-Space-Darkness-Light-Spirit-Aquarian]

[Strength: 4300]

[Constitution: 4200]

[Stamina: 4300]

[Charisma: 4200]

[Intelligence: 3710]

[Status Points: 0]

Spells: Void Blaze(4)Cosmic Shield(6)Cosmic Sword(5)Blink(5)Cleanse(-)Eldritch Blast(6)Plasma Missiles(5)Thunder Wave(5)Call Lightning(5)Element Bolts(5)Dragon's Breath(4)Meteor Swarm(0)Gate(-)Crown Of Stars(1)

Skills: Spell Creation(-)Mana Regeneration(-)Regeneration(8)Dragon Senses(-)Short Sword Mastery(4)Aura-Detector(4)Dragon's Domain(3)Draconic Form(-)Spell Combination(-)Infusion(-)Dragon Form(1)

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