A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 123 Cementing The Alliance.

Archer guided them through the city, showcasing its various features, and after an hour, their tour was complete.

Jethro and Sagana were brimming with joy and satisfaction.

The old man approached Archer with a quick stride, his eyes filled with excitement as he clasped the king's shoulders.

"Your Majesty, when can we begin moving people in?" he asked eagerly.

Archer smiled at the man before responding, "As soon as we leave. First, we need to talk to Teuila's family."

He started walking, with the two girls following closely behind. But before they could go far, Sagana spoke up, expressing her gratitude.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. We truly appreciate your assistance."

At that moment, Archer remembered that they need more dragon tokens, and he closed his eyes once again.

Concentrating he conjured thousands of white dragon tokens, which formed a pile in front of Sagana and Jethro.

Archer decided to create bracelets that will allow the girls to teleport here whenever they want.

He concentrated his thoughts on fashioning two exquisite bracelets. Each piece of jewelry boasted gems that flawlessly mirrored the captivating colors of the girls' eyes.

Not long after starting he created two beautiful bracelets, he placed them in his pocket to give them to them later.

Turning towards Jethro and Sagana, Archer summoned a portal that would take them to his assigned room from the previous night. As he gazed up at the sky, he noticed that it was still early morning.

"Jethro, Sagana, expect to see me more often from now on. I'll be back soon," Archer said, his smile shining with warmth and anticipation.

With a wave of his hand, he opened the portal and confidently stepped through, the girls following closely behind him.

Exiting the portal, they found themselves in the bedroom that was given to them. Teuila's face lit up as she grabbed Archer's and Ella's hands dragging them out of the room.

They made their way down the long corridors until they reached the dining room, where the entire royal family was already seated.

Emperor Amkhu Sharifi and King Rayhan Samra and their respective wives were already there waiting to eat.

Upon seeing the trio, Lashure gestured to the three vacant seats. They took their places at the table and waited for the food.

Soon after, the maids arrived, carrying trays loaded with a mouth-watering assortment of dishes.

Archer's eyes were immediately drawn to the feast before him.

He gazed upon the spread of Aquarian delicacies, marveling at the vibrant colors and enticing aromas that filled the room.

The sight alone stirred his appetite, causing his stomach to rumble with anticipation. Just as he was about to dig in, Teuila interrupted, pointing at each dish and sharing its name.

"That," Teuila pointed with a smile, "is Fa'apapa, panikeke, palusami, and sapasui." Her finger gracefully moved across the array of delicacies.

Her attention then shifted to the remaining dishes as she continued her descriptions.

"Lastly, we have Faiai Eleni and Lu'au."

Archer expressed his gratitude to Teuila with a nod, and she responded with a radiant smile. The three of them eagerly began to stuff themselves full of food and drink.

Suddenly, a woman's voice interrupted his meal. "So, you're the white dragon everyone talks about. My cousin claims to have seen you while traveling back from the south."

Archer lifted his gaze, his eyes drawn to the enchanting figure before him with sun-kissed locks of captivating pink cascading down and eyes that sparkled with a mesmerizing hue.

He responded with a warm smile, "Yes, I am indeed the one. He probably did see me as I was flying all over the south.''

The older woman smiled when she heard his reply, she introduced herself.

"I'm Hatshepsut Sharifi, the Empress of Zenia and your future mother-in-law." Her words were followed by a delightful giggle, and another woman joined the conversation.

"You're lucky, Hats. Neither I nor any of the girls have given Rayhan any sons, which is a shame," the woman remarked, seemingly oblivious to Archer and the girls.

Hatshepsut observed Archer as he ate, contemplating her response. "I'm not entirely sure, Haria. Nefertiti possesses a fiery temper, and she rarely gets on with others, except for me and Amkhu."

Taking a sip of her wine, she continued her explanation.

"Well, there was an incident before we departed. A young master from the influential Arsaphes family, whose father holds the position of Overseer in the northern region of Zenia, attempted to court Nefertiti. However, she used her Arcane magic and forcefully repelled his advances, resulting in the loss of a hand."

Hatshepsut set down her empty wine glass, concluding with a sigh, "Now she complains about facing difficulties in completing her academy tests because no one is willing to collaborate with her, particularly males."

Archer listened attentively to every word, growing increasingly curious about this fiery and independent girl.

He finished off a bowl of Sapasui and helped himself to a plate of Lu'au, his appetite seemingly insatiable.

Despite the amused snickers from the girls, Archer remained undeterred, focused solely on tasting the flavors of the feast before him.

As he continued to eat, King Lashure turned to him and asked a question, his voice filled with curiosity.

"Archer, when do you plan to embark on your journey to the Zenian Empire?" King Lashure inquired, his gaze fixed on him.

Having just savored the flavors of a succulent piece of meat wrapped in a delicate coconut leaf, Archer lifted his eyes to meet the king's gaze.

He replied, "Once the celebrations are over, we will journey to the north. But rest assured, King Lashure, Teuila can return here whenever she wishes."

Archer's assurance resonated with the man, a warm smile on his face. It alleviated the king's concerns about allowing Teuila to embark on this grand adventure with Archer.

Returning the smile, Archer reached for another plate, his appetite undeterred. However, before he could savor another bite, a voice interjected, breaking the momentary tranquility.

"Do you plan to return home after your visit?" The voice belonged to a slender, tanned man with brown hair and eyes.

It was Emperor Amkhu Sharifi. Finishing the food in his mouth, Archer replied.


Amkhu smiled and added, "When you arrive in Zenia, make your way to my capital Alexandria and present this medallion to the guards at the city's entrance."

With a flick of his hand, the emperor tossed a gold medallion to Archer, who caught it and examined the intricate design. The medallion featured the image of a crocodile-like creature.

Amkhu explained, "This medallion will grant you passage through the gates and guide you to the palace. I am eager for you to meet Nefertiti."

Archer smiled as he carefully stowed the medallion in his Item Box. The breakfast continued for a little while longer until the table was finally cleared.

King Rayhan Samra set down his wine glass and fixed his gaze upon Archer, addressing him directly.

"Will you take a Mana oath to refrain from attacking the Nethania Kingdom and provide assistance in its time of need?"

Archer raised an eyebrow, his gaze locked with the king's, before responding with a confident smile.

"Certainly, but in return, you must swear not to harm my future wives, and refrain from attacking me or any Kingdom I am associated with."

Rayhan stared at the young man who was smiling as Archer went back to talking to the two pretty girls by his side, he inwardly hated that he didn't have a daughter before speaking.

''Okay deal.'' He started reciting a mana oath in front of everyone.

"I, Rayhan Samra, pledge to the world's mana, with all the sincerity in my heart, that I will never lay a hand of harm upon Archer, his beloved wives, or any kingdom he is affiliated with. May my words resonate throughout the realms and be bound by the strongest threads of mana."

He sat back down and started drinking more wine, Archer looked at the man but didn't feel anything different.

Rising from his seat and spoke "I, Archer, wholeheartedly pledge before the world's mana, that I shall never inflict harm upon the Nethania Kingdom, in any manner or guise. In their time of dire need, I vow to extend my aid without hesitation or reservation. May the echoes of my solemn words reverberate across the vast expanse of realms, forever entwined with the unbreakable threads of potent mana."

The triumphant cheers and jubilant celebrations reverberated through the hall, celebrating the official start of the Tri-Alliance of the Southlands.

With this sacred pact, a new era of tranquility and harmony descended upon the Southlands, nurturing prosperity for generations to come.

Monuments, standing tall and resolute, would rise in everlasting tribute. They would etch into the annals of history the name of Archer, the white dragon, and savior of the Southlands.

Each stone and carefully crafted inscription on the towering structures would serve as a testament to the profound gratitude inspired by his heroic deeds.

In the years to come, the white dragon's descendants would be treated as honored guests, embraced with love and reverence all over the Southlands.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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