A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 8 Chapter 23: A Request

Volume 8 Chapter 23: A Request

Volume 8 Chapter 23: A Request

"We're done!" Herrick and Melor slammed their heads down on the table! 

"So their brains couldn't take it any longer," Sarah muttered. It was something the others had realized. Sooner or later, those brains would explode from the amount of information dumped on them.  

"You guys are not even halfway there," Faelyn frowned. The amount they were taught wasn't even at the halfway mark. 

"You don't give us any breaks!" Melor cried. Faelyn was a spartan teacher.  

"You whining is your break," Scarlet smirked. 

"Evil! You're the devil! Demon!" 

"I am a demon, thank you." 

"Now, now. I think we all earned ourselves a break." Angelica clapped her hands. Despite their complaining, they had worked hard when they weren't. The group had been working the last 4 hours straight.

"Where's Keith?" The guy had left an hour ago. But as they talked, Keith had returned, "I returned! And I brought treats as well!" 

"Yippe!" Herrick and Melor raised their hand! Of course, Keith would prepare something for them! 

"What did you bring for us?" Angelica stared at the plate.

"After a long day of work, sweets are a must." That caused the girls to perk up.

"Here they are." Keith placed down the plate. 

"Sparkly!" On the play was a bunch of glass cups. One was layered with orange and white; another was with pink and white. The last one was a mix of pink and orange. 

"What are these?"

"It's a mango and LY mango mousse." Keith grinned, "Please take the one you like." 

"I will take this one." Each one took the one that looked pleasing to them. And when they took a bite, 

"It's chilly and refreshing," Sarah grinned as she savored each bite. 

"How is it chilled?" Sakura was surprised by the temperature. It was cool to the touch. 

"I thought we needed something cool, or our heads might have melted from the heat." Their heads had been going in overdrive. They needed some sugar and coolant to cool them down. 


"I feel my brain is so much better." Herrick sighed in relief. That anger he had soon disappeared. The girls were the same as well, and they continued to eat.

What happened next caused everyone to freeze. 

"Let's do this!" Herrick and Melor pumped their fist as they grabbed their book. 

"Huh?!" Scarlet blinked, "Why are they studying?"

"Shouldn't they be burnt out?" No one had expected this. 

"Maybe it's because of the food I fed them?" Keith thought about it. 


"Like you know how some foods have health benefits? Some increase memorization and increase motor functions." Like with fish. They had healthy omega three that would increase the brain.

"Do mangos have that kind of benefit?" They'd been eating them left and right, and they had never felt the same effects. 

"I did add some honey in there; it might be like a soother." Dragon honey did have excellent healing capabilities. It could have refreshed their minds. 

"...Would that be considered cheating?" Scarlet muttered. 

"I don't think so?" 


"I'm not going to say anything," Angelica grinned as she savored her mousse. It was delicious, and she didn't care whether or not this would be cheating.

"Worst case, I can feed it to Grandpa Cadmus and make him take the blame." Keith grinned. Who was going to question it if the headmaster ate it? 

"..." So evil. 


"Good luck on your midterms, Everyone." Angelica waved.

"Thank you so much for your help." Keith and the others bowed. The two's assistance helped out a lot. As Sakura and Angelica were going to leave,


"Senior Angelica, Senior Sakura." The two girls turned around to see it was Alfia.


"What's the matter, Alfia?"




"I have a favor to ask of you two."


"What favor do you need?" That was surprising. They never pegged Alfia to be the type to ask for something from them.


"Can I get information about the student Alger Zio Delorosei?"


“…” The two looked at one another, "Is it because of Keith?" The two had heard about Alger and Carolyn dating one another. It seemed the two were going to get married as well.


"Sort of."


"Student Alfia, we can't give out a student's personal information to another. It would be a breach of privacy." The two were at the highest power. But handing information like that to another student was asking for trouble.

"I know. But I need it." Alfia's eyes turned serious as she looked at the two.


"…" Angelica and Sakura glanced at one another.


"We'll give you some information. However, we won't give any private information." General rumors and stuff like that would be okay.


"Thank you." Alfia bowed.


"There's nothing to worry about. But if it's concerning Keith, then, of course, we have to help out." Keith was someone they were close with. 


“…” The two didn't say anything else as they left.

Alfia took a deep sigh. However, 


"Keith won't like it if you snoop around like that?" A playful voice called out behind her. 

Alfia sighed, "Are you always going to follow me?"


"Of course, we're friends." Scarlet grinned, but then she asked, "Why are you doing this?"


"He's strange."


"That's what Keith said before." Keith had said before that Alger was strange. 


"He said that. But I also find him strange." Keith wasn't the only one. 

"When I looked at him again, someone was definitely up with him." Something stirred in her mind when she first met him at the party.

Mysterious. Looking at Alger the second time when he came to pick up Carolyn made her realize something else. 

"He's dangerous."


"…" Scarlet sighed, "I will also look into it."




"Did you forget I have connections with the newspaper club?" That was how she was able to spread rumors about Keith instantly, "They should be able to give better information than the two."

"Thank you."


"Like I said, what are friends for? Also, we need to return, or Keith will get suspicious."




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