A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 33: (2)

Chapter 33: (2)

Kaiyan could grasp the fact that Harpy Queen was very dangerous through the explanation of the old knight, but he still didnt understand why infantry was needed.

Why would infantry be needed to confront aerial monsters? Just to protect the archers?

To capture Harpy Queen.

Did I miss something in the middle of the explanation?

How exactly are they going to capture Harpy Queen with infantry?

When Kaiyan expressed his doubts on his face, the old knight, as if understanding, burst into laughter and opened his mouth.

Heh heh, harpies cant stay in the air continuously unlike other aerial monsters. Since their bodies are larger than their wings, thats the reason.

So they come down to the ground. Thats when the infantry soldiers

Heh heh, thats right. If they come down to the ground, itll be easier for the infantry soldiers to capture them than the archers.

Now he understood. The aerial monsters had to come down to the ground.

Even though its difficult to capture them in the air, once they come down to the ground, the fighting power of those creatures is halved. Unlike the unreachable sky, they come within the range of weapons.

Wait, if Harpy Queen is a named monster Could it be that if I catch her, I will get 1000G?

As he thought about Harpy Queen, an idea flashed through his mind.

The sudden increase of 1000G was most likely due to the Orc Lord, even if the probability wasnt one hundred percent, it was around ninety-nine percent.

The Orc Lord, a named monster. And the Harpy Queen that we should capture is also a named monster.

If I really obtained 1000G because I killed a named monster as I expected

I will definitely kill her.

Huh? What do you mean?

Its nothing.

An opportunity that he couldnt miss.

He wasnt a hundred percent certain, but it was highly likely that she was a monster worth 1000G.

Already, his heart was pounding, and his anticipation was heating up.

To have another chance to obtain 1000G.

Should I thank Tarien for that?

While going to Panielun, he cursed Tarien every minute, but now he felt a little sorry for him.

**** ****


With the sound of horses neighing vigorously, the carriage he was riding stopped.

Finally arrived, huh?


We have arrived at the canyon. Everyone, get off!

Move quickly!

The knights shouted loudly, waking up the soldiers who had been sleeping in the carriage due to the tedious journey.

Finally, they arrived at Panielun, one of the three defense points of the alliance.

We arrived at Panielun Amazing.


Uncle Max tapped my shoulder with surprised eyes as he looked at Panielun.

Yes, Uncle Max.

What are his impressions of seeing Panielun for the first time?

Its really

The Grand Canyon was so vast that the expression grand seemed appropriate for its immense scale.

Just by looking at the height of the canyon, it was at least hundreds of meters high. It could be called a small mountain range rather than a canyon.

Its really amazing. Its such a huge natural fortress.

Whats more astonishing is that its not just an ordinary canyon, but its called Panielun Fortress.

Thats why Panielun is impressive. To think they would use such a grand canyon as a fortress.

Even if the canyon was already there those holes must have been made by them, right?

Inside the cliffs of the canyon, there were holes resembling caves scattered throughout, where soldiers were standing guard with torches.

Just by roughly counting, there were hundreds of holes.

He already knew this from Uncle Max, but seeing it in person made him involuntarily exclaim in admiration.

Heh heh, the wizards went through a lot of trouble to make that.

Were the wizards the ones who made it?

Thats what he heard. Without them, it would have been impossible to create.

Indeed, magic is truly amazing.

Its not for nothing that hes searching for wizards not only for combat but also in various places.

While they were still talking about the fortress, a knight who seemed to be affiliated with Panielun stepped forward.

Guide the soldiers to the accommodations for the support units.

Several Panielun soldiers who received the knights orders scattered and headed toward the support units.

One soldier also approached their 7th Special Unit, and he was a young soldier with unusually blue hair.

Hello. Im Derian from Panielun.

Nice to meet you. Im Jeff Kallein from Gami-an.

Uncle Jeff responded to the soldiers greeting.

Normally, it should have been the officer knight who did it, but it seemed that the knights and Tarien had already gone inside as they were nowhere to be seen.

I will guide you to the accommodations. Please follow me. By the way, the path in the fortress is complex, so you must not scatter.

No need to worry about that.


Following Derians guidance, they headed toward the entrance of the massive fortress.

Thud, thud.

Wow, it looks even bigger up close.

They had the help of wizards, but how did they come up with the idea to create such a natural fortress?

Uncle Max chuckled at his amazed expression.

Boy, you havent seen the most surprising part yet.

Is there something more surprising here?

Youll be even more amazed when you look down from up there.

That place up there

Certainly, looking down from several hundred meters above would be truly astonishing.

What kind of feeling would it be? The feeling of having the whole world in his hands? Or perhaps a sense of terror, like when flying in the sky.

While taking a stroll around the Panielun Fortress, he approached Uncle Max, who was looking around the fortress with a faint gaze, to satisfy his curiosity.

Uncle, its certainly different from the plains. Theyre fighting from the afternoon onwards. Does that mean the battle will end later?

Not necessarily. These guys also go back when the sun sets. The battles in the canyon are shorter than on the plains. Of course, they are more intense.

It will be more intense Im looking forward to it.

As he thought about facing new monsters in battle, anticipation started to rise within him.

Preparations had already been made extensively to slaughter the aerial monsters.

Since I used G, I hope its not wasted.

Two days ago, he had spent a great amount of G out of anger for obtaining only D-grade archery skills from the lower-grade archery book. And the result was

Ting! [Intermediate Archery (C): Applied when holding a bow, increases attack power by 20%, can use the bow more skillfully.]

He was able to raise the rank of the archery skill from beginner to intermediate. And on top of that

Ting! [Breath Control (C): Increases accuracy by 20%, increases attack power by 20%.]

Ting! [Focus (D): Increases attack power by 10%, increases intelligence stat by 10%.]

He learned two new skills from the archery book.

What was really fortunate was that the Breath Control skill turned out to be a C-grade skill as he had anticipated.

If this skill had also been a D-grade, he would have immediately rushed to Tarien and punched him.

These skills are better than he expected.

After trying out the two skills, which he initially thought were disappointing just by their names, he couldnt help but change his mind. It didnt matter if the skills were used with weapons other than bows.

In other words, even when using a sword, the skills would still activate properly.

This was a privilege that only the player could enjoy. Achieving great effects with minimal effort.

And lastly, the most important that bracelet.

It was hard to believe that such a thin silver bracelet could be useful, considering his high-strength stat.

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