A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War!

Chapter 117: (1)

Chapter 117: (1)

Kaiyan looked at Rieka with an incredulous expression when the Spirit, resembling a baby griffin, tugged at his coat.

Kirut? Kiruroot!

[Its saying to follow it now that our conversation is over.]

Alright lets follow it for now.

While Kaiyan had many questions about Hwansu and Spirits, his curiosity about where the Spirit lived pushed those questions aside, and he began to follow it.

Its faster than I thought. How does such speed come from those short legs?

The Spirit, leading the way through the underbrush, moved surprisingly fast, almost like a regular person sprinting on flat ground. Considering the forests obstacles, it was faster than most mercenaries.

[Of course. That child is a Spirit of Wind! It could go faster, but it seems to be holding back because of us.]

Right, it has wings but doesnt fly. It must be out of consideration for us.

Kaiyan hadnt noticed at first, but the Spirit resembled a baby griffin and had wings on its back. However, the wings were so small that they seemed incapable of flight. But it wasnt a matter of inability; the Spirit was considerate of them.

The more he observed, the more endearing the Spirit became.

Then, Rieka, tell the Spirit it can go faster.

[Okay! Little one!]

Kirut? Kiruwut?

As Rieka softly called out to the Spirit, it looked startled, its big eyes widening as it toddled over to her.

[Yes, listen carefully.]

Kiwut? Kiruwut!

[Yes, but can you go faster to your home?]


[Yes, faster than now! Well keep up, so dont worry! Yes, yes!]

Watching the adorable exchange between the kitten and baby griffin, or Rieka and the Spirit, Kaiyan felt an inexplicable sense of awe.

Lost in this emotion, Rieka approached him after finishing the conversation.

[What are you doing?]

Nothing, just watching. Did you finish talking?

[Yes! The Spirit will go as fast as it can, so keep up.]

Im really grateful to have you with me. Lets go before we lose it.

The Spirit, having ended the conversation, was already flapping its small wings, flying at a much faster speed. Though the wings were small, the speed was incomparably faster than before.

Matching its pace, Kaiyan placed Rieka in his pocket and started moving in the direction the Spirit went, stepping on branches.



After some time, feeling weary from tree-hopping, he noticed the Spirit slowing down.

Is that the place?

As he expanded his sensing abilities toward the direction the Spirit was heading.

Dozens of them? Is it really taking me to its home?

It was unexpected to be taken to its home on the first meeting.

Was this naivety or ignorance of the world?

Reaching the location where the Spirit stopped, Kaiyan slowed down too, only to find several Spirits, resembling animals like the Wind Spirit, looking at him with curious eyes.



From a wolf-like figure to an array of unique animal forms, none overlapping. The commonality was the pure aura they emitted and their adorable appearance.

Ha This place must be Ruetan, where the priests say gods reside.

[What does that mean?]

It means its a wonderful place.

The sight of dozens of such pure and adorable Spirits was astonishing.

Perhaps Caniens warning about not being able to return was due to these endearing Spirits.

Kiruroot! Kirururoot!

Kuu? Kuuu!

Rieka, what are they saying?

[Its telling the others that youre the friend who saved it. That you defeated the monster.]

As the Wind Spirit who brought Kaiyan here shouted to the other Spirits, they relaxed their guard. A brown, bear cub-like Spirit, seemingly the leader, stepped forward and extended its hand.


Is it trying to shake hands?

Kaiyan was surprised that the Spirit knew human greetings. Just as he was about to extend his hand in response.

[Kaiyan, its not a handshake. Spirits have a habit of touching each others hands as a greeting. Dont grab its hand, just extend your palm.]

Touch with the back of the hand? Like this, I suppose

Following Riekas instruction, Kaiyan changed his approach, touching the back of his hand to the extended palm of the brown Spirit.


Seems I got it right.

The brown Spirits childlike joy confirmed that Kaiyan had followed Riekas guidance correctly.

As he gently stroked the head of the delighted Spirit, it blinked in surprise before breaking into a smile again.

Its adorable. This place, Havemime, must be where cute Spirits live. But Rieka, are we really in a pocket dimension?

[Thats a good question. The presence of Spirits suggests the existence of a World Tree and if this is truly a pocket dimension, its astonishing how vast this space is. Even a higher-dimensional cube would struggle to contain it.]

Kaiyan estimated the distance from the cave where he first awoke to this place to be well over 10 km, and that was a conservative calculation. Could such a vast land really be contained within a pocket dimension, especially when his own pocket space was less than 10 meters?

Hmm And that up there, doesnt it look just like the sun?

[Hmm it does resemble the sun in the continent of Eunasia]

Looking up at the sky, he saw a bright sun shining above. Initially, he had thought it was magic or an artifact, but now, with his greatly enhanced vision, it seemed more like a real sun.

Rieka, how about asking the Spirits? If theyve lived here, they might know where this place is and how to leave.

[Oh! Thats a good idea! Just a moment!]

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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