A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 34: System Update.

Chapter 34: System Update.

'System, hey system are you there? Ugh, this foggy jerk, where is he when I need his useless ass. HEY! SYSTEM WAKE UP YOU ARROGANT ASS< YOUR MASTER NEEDS YOU HERE.' You Xi Wang spoke and shouted in his mind trying to wake up system, who has been silent this whole time.

You Xiwang did not have to wait for long as he heard a groan in his mind followed by a voice which sounded as someone he just woke up from slumber.

[What the fuck did you eat to be farting fire from the gigolo-mouth of yours, eh? Corky after killing someone, are we? ARE WE BOSSY NOW YOU worthless LOSER, WHO CAN'T EVEN CONTROL HIS MIND AND SLAMS HIS HEAD HERE AND THERE." the system responded in kind.

You Xiwang retaliated, 'That was your job, you soul guarding mutt, how dare you bark at daddy master here, you couldn't even detect that soul sense and you expect me to control myself, control your two dime ass you now face, piece of shit.'

[Oh, really? Now look here you little waste of DNA, do you think I can just control you like that soul sense and make you run around naked flaying your unused virgin dick in public? Or better, I will make you run around while you fart five elements from that juicy, thick steak of an ass. You fucking boy toy, who do you think gave you this life, huh? Answer me, you hairy ball sack.] system was on fire as he used his toxic talents.

You Xiwang fell silent and after a few seconds he sneered, 'Hehehe feeling happy you little prick, your whole existence is based on the emotions I felt that day and you say you gave me this life. Where would have you originated to give me this life if not because of me? From shit?'

The system was shocked when he saw how You Xi Wang turned the tables on him and was about to retort when he again heard his voice, 'Now answer my questions or I might have to tear that foggy asshole of yours and, search for a brain.'

The system replied, [Do you have your brain in your ass?] but before he could even feel smug You Xi Wang laughed and said, 'No you numb nut, your head is full of shit so I thought you might have a brain hidden inside your ass. Hahahahahahaha.'

The system was raging, so he just spouted curses to You Xi Wang, who just laughed it off. After venting his anger through the curses system described his new talents, which he gained from absorbing the remnants soul sense. Now the system could perform soul searching arts, it could also detect other soul cultivators and their auras more precisely than before. These two skills were very useful to You Xi Wang in his future quests and revenge.

You Xi Wang meditated to harmonize his system with the rest of the soul and stabilize the update. This update is basically a cultivation breakthrough. The system is like an autonomous software which practices soul cultivation disturbing no other processes inside the body, it also has supportive functions such as diagnosis of the body in case injured, cultivation assist, like forming up a routine and coming up with solutions for breaking past bottlenecks, vigilance, analysis and emotion control, except rage. The reason is simple, it came into being because of negative emotions, anger, rage and hate are the strongest of negative emotions.

The system may sound like a part of You Xi Wang's soul, but it was like a mutation in his soul which needed to co-exist with the rest of his soul, otherwise You Xi Wang might turn into a vegetable or his head might blow up like a balloon. This is why you Xi Wang needed to meditate to make the stabilization complete faster.

It was already morning by the time You Xi Wang finished his meditation. He stood up and went to his room to freshen up. After he was taking a bath, someone knocked on his door. He opened and saw Emily standing there with a smile on her face. She came inside the room and hugged You Xi Wang and said in his ears, "Young master Noe is here to see you, he is waiting in the garden."

You Xi Wang hugged her back and kissed her forehead before nodding and asked her to bring his breakfast in the garden, they flirted as usual and after sharing a kiss which made Emily pant, they separated and You Xi Wang headed to the garden while Emily headed to the kitchen.


In the garden and hunk, wearing a loose black t-shirt and white shorts with black ankle-high running shoes, a figure was pacing left and right without rest. This figure was none other than Neo Paul. He rushed here because he needed You Xi Wang to join his squad of five to go on a training trip, to improve their martial arts and team coordination for the assessment held when the school starts after the vacation period.

You Xi Wang came and noticed his friend being agitated and said while walking towards a chair, "Relax, will you? I know that you want to go on a training trip in Flora sector. I have called beauty Yuki, fenny and Allan. They have all agreed to it and will be here in a few hours. Now can you stop pacing and ruining my garden? Have some food, it will help your furry ass to calm down?."

Neo Paul grinned and smacked his best friend's shoulder hard and spoke in a loud voice, "You know me the best Bro." he laughed after this and You Xi Wang shook his head with a smile.

Emily brought the food to the garden as she was asked to and served You Xi Wang personally as a dutiful wife would, Neo Paul noticed this and said, "You sure know how to live and look at me. Stop PDA-ing in front of single people."

"How about you man up and propose Lena?" You Xi Wang scoffed at him.

"Are you kidding me? She will shave my head bald, that girl may look like a kitty, adorable and all, but she is wild, I fear her." Neo Paul defended himself.

You Xi Wang dug deeper and said in a heavy voice, "Even though you are stronger than her, you have always guided her in your spars along the years, you think she is ignorant and doesn't know about your feelings? You muscle head idiot, just tell her once how you feel and you will realize that I am right."

"Are you being honest?" Neo Paul lacked guts only for expressing his love for the girl in their class and was called Lena.

"Bro, How did you think I landed three hotties for myself if I was not sure?" You Xi Wang spoke in a cocky tone. Emily rolled her eyes and served food to this show-offing teen.


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