A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 23: Battle in space I

Chapter 23: Battle in space I

"Sea of Blueflame"

He bellowed.

Then massive quantities of formidable blue flame shot out from his body towards the being flying over.

The being halted and aimed its palms at the sea of flames rushing over.

Then a silver-colored energy erupted from it palms and quickly condensed into a massive hexagonal shield, protecting the being from the incoming flame.

The shield blocking the raging blue flames rapidly thinned as it was burnt away by the flames.

But the being pumped more energy into the shield to increase it thickness, it density, so it could withstand the flames for some time till the attack would stop.

After a few minutes of blocking the frenzied sea of fire, it realized it was only wasting away energy as the sea of devouring fire was unceasing, it continued to come at him.

Then it shot up above the flame and rushed towards Houston.

Houston on seeing what was happening, stopped discharging flames and clenched his fist.

Then he flew towards the being coming at him. He punched out and at the same moment, the being punched out.

Their fist connected.


It was like a massive bomb went off.

A ripple of energy carrying great destructive power erupted from the point of collision knocking both Houston and the being off into the distance.

The sword being entangled began to glow in a bright, resplendent light.

Then it shot off seven rays of swordforce energy at the seven beings that laid out the entanglements that captured it.

The resplendent rays of energy carrying tyrannical sharpness was met by rays of energy produced by the beings.

Boom! Boom!...

Continuous explosions rang out as the attacks impacted.

The rays of swordforce energy pierced through the attacks one after the other but they had gotten dim after loosing a lot of their energy when they impacted the attacks released by these beings.

Whilst shooting forward, a ray of energy sliced through one of the adversaries, cutting it in half and killing it.

The other beings became enraged.

Then they launched powerful attacks at the sword.

The sword was impacted by the powerful attacks but the materials used to forge it were truly resilient.

Being swept about like a small canoe in a turbulent sea, there was no damage to it structure, not even a slight crack.

For that attack earlier, the sentient entity controlling the sword had drained it entire energy to shoot those powerful rays of sharpforce energy which successfully annihilated one of these beings.

Now, it could only hope the man battling the other being in the distance who was Houston should quickly finish the battle and could come release it.

After exchanging fists many times like brutes, Houston and his adversary returned to long distance battle.

"Destroying Sword of Fire "

Houston calmly said and aimed his palm at the being.

The instant he did, an exceedingly huge sword that was composed purely from blue flame and invoked the feeling of unmatched sharpness, shot out of his hand at a blazing speed towards the being.

The being held it hand out, then a massive brown hammer appeared in it, it was rapidly formed out of it energy.

The hammer that materialized in its hand had a head that was astonishingly massive in size. Then as soon as the hammer formed, it began to radiated a strong suppressive pressure and a power to crush all.

Clasping the handle with both hands, it shouted with wrath in its tone;

"Kal'eth Empyrean Killing Hammer"

Then it swung the hammer at the incoming sword with great might.

The sword, carrying great heat and sharpness rammed into the hammer resulting in a terrifying explosion.


A frightening blast occurred sweeping away with a wave that had the tendency to rupture half of a small world.

Both of them were knocked back thousands of feet by the wave.

Their bodies were strong enough to withstand the destructiveness of the explosion wave.

Houston seeing the being was pretty powerful as it could exchanged attacks with him and not be disadvantaged produced a large blue halberd from his interspatial ring.

It was a treasure-weapon, a Class-24 Category weapon.

Once he activated it, an array, called 'Great Infernal Immolating' array, numbering in millions and had the sizes of worlds which were linked to form a vast network of arrays within a voidstone plugged into one of the sockets in the halberd began to operate.

It speedily generated an enormous amount of variant-blue flame energy which was then transferred to the halberd.

This resulted in an intense blue glow of the blue halberd as the energy was conducted across it body to the large blade.

"World-immolating Great Halberd strike"

He said employing a battle technique and then swung his halberd at his adversary.

The instant he did, the extremely large amounts of powerful blue flame that abruptly discharged from the halberd's blade rapidly condensed and shaped into a ball the size of a small world and cannoned at the being.

The ball of flame which was shockingly enormous in size, radiated great, terrifying heat as it blazed at extreme speed towards Houston's challenger. 

When the blue fiery ball was formed, continents in few, distant small worlds at night, facing away from their suns were irradiated by it intense blue light and extreme heat. It was like an overly colossal blue sun had suddenly appeared.

Then as the ball shot towards the being at a great speed, the image of an extremely gigantic halberd could be seen; where it astonishingly massive blade encased the enormous blue ball of flame that looked like a sun and radiated unsurpassed scorching power.

With furrowed brows, the being from where it stood quickly produced a weapon, a spear; which was inscribed with indecipherable words.

On activation, the cryptic inscriptions on the surface of the spear lit up, then thousands of large inscriptions appeared around him like it was projected, and in sizes that could match the sizes of continents.

Instantly, the inscriptions transformed into spears of exceedingly great sizes and merged with one another in a second to become a single mighty spear that could nearly match Houston's fiery ball-attack in size.

"Great Vjolnur Almighty Spear strike"

The being cried out with anger and the spear suddenly gained the inky-black shadow of a crowned and caped being that stood behind it. This shadowy silhouette radiated fearsomeness and majesticness.

Once this being appeared, the spear shot out at the incoming energy-strike from Houston.

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