40 Thousand Reasons

Chapter 153: Gloria Mundi

Chapter 153: Gloria Mundi

As more and more Imperial forces were gathering in the Antian sector, I considered my duty here finished. I did accomplish most of my objectives here, from capturing a thousand more ships and burning a thousand Chaos vessels, then stealing a Blackstone Fortress and a Glorianna-class battleship, plus three others of small size.

My current fleet of 2 battleships, 2 battlebarges and 40 cruisers paled in comparison with Battlefleet Gothic, which had 6 Battleships and 400 cruisers of all sizes. It took them a bit long to gather, but when they did that fleet was formidable.

And then, there were a dozen Astartes Chapters, Sisters of Battle with flying Cathedriums just as large as battleships, Inquisition forces, Deathwatch forces, Adeptus Mechanicus and more.

All lead by Lion El'Johnson, as the guy wanted to gather reputation and followers.

I wasn't a follower though. Plus I didn't like burning innocent people that much. Couldn't stop it, but I wasn't going to participate either.

My fleet sneaked away, most Lancefire ships heading for home with our legal loot via the Maw Warp Gate, while the two Lamenter battlebarges and the Inquisitorial Blackship battlecruiser set forth for Forge World Cypra Mundi, and then for Vigilus.

I carried the illegal loot in my tesseracts, and resumed my regular schedule of STC repairs. I did recover a number of new STC templates during my looting of Footfall.

And then there were the thousand new Silent Sisters recovered by Rose from their hidden planet, which will need to hep me produce even more Blank children.

There was no need to force them either. Once the plan was laid out, for the salvation of the human race with our Blank genes, there were hundreds of silent volunteers already.

I was most interested in using the STC of the Ragnarok tank hull, which had a simple but rugged drive train, and modern looking tracks. These machines could be mass-produced with ease, and replace most of my tanks in the Auxilia and even the proper Lamenter armored forces. Various patterns with flatter turrets and different types of guns and secondaries scrolled on my cogitator's holoscreen.

Magma Cannons, Volcano Lances, Siege Cannons and even Vulcan gatling guns, plus cheaper versions with twin lascannons and Vanquisher Cannons for anti-tank warfare.

For the cost of a single Baneblade I could have 30 such tanks, and they'll move faster and require less fuel.

My Rose sat in my lap while I worked, sometimes providing insights into what to expect from various xenos or traitor units.

"You seem to like these ugly tanks very much, my love." she mused and pointed at a low profile Ragnarok where I was trying to fit a twin-multilaser as a hull gun. Might need to turn the engine sideways...which would disrupt the balance.

Nah. A single barrel multilaser then. There was another multilaser co-axial to the main gun anyway.

The hull would be constructed from cheap plasteel, while the turret would need be cast of adamantium to withstand the shock and recoil. Cover it all in 20 centimeters of blackstone, and this baby would be more durable than a Baneblade.

Only it would weigh 65 tons, not 300 tons. Perhaps make the tracks from adamantium as well? 70 tons now, but the tanks won't be easily immobilized by mines or obstacles.

"They are the future, Rose. Five times cheaper than a Leman Russ and thirty times cheaper than a Baneblade. Just as durable as a Baneblade if not more." I explained while relaxing in my armchair.

"I've seen the Death Korps of Krieg use something like this, but they all burned up so fast..." the Inquisitor mused in a low voice.

"It's always a trade between numbers or quality. To have both, you need advanced science and immense production capacity. The Imperium's technology is low, and thus we need numbers. The Forges have better technology and thus they can make higher quality products, but in small numbers. The Ragnarok is the middle ground. Any civilized world can make thousands of them, perhaps only armed with lascannons and siege guns, but those are still thousands of tanks they did not have before." I whispered in her neck while fondling her breasts for my own enjoyment.

"... And in space, we'll need those Nova Cannon cruisers instead of tanks. Plus corvettes to serve as infantry." the Inquisitor concluded as she turned to grope me back.

"Exactly. Now, you want the bed or the ceiling?" I asked in a wry voice, and began suckling on those magnificent breasts.

"...Both, I guess." Rose muttered in a breathy voice.

Flying the bed to the ceiling was good training for her, as it increased her control over psyker power even during most arduous moments.

Still, one day I should get her a Null Bone Necklace or something, as the big staff joining us in bed was a bit too much. It was mostly the grinning skulls. Not a big fan, although they were very common.

Soon enough, a new trade deal was finalized with Forge World Cypra_Mundi. Not as easily as everywhere else though, because this Forge was supplying most weapons and ships for the Eye of Terror defenses, and thus it was overseen directly by the Administratum.

The bulk of the Segmentum Obscurus fleet was based here, with thousands of ships, forts and naval bases for repair and supply.

I promptly ignored all the Navy's vox messages, letting Rose clear a path for us with Inquisition codes and setting me a meeting with the Fabricator Dominus, on my ship.

"Lord Lancefire, I heard so much of you, sometimes it sounds as mere legends. Except, Inquisitor Atraneus had met you personally and didn't seem too pleased with your conduct." the Fabricator explained while examining my gifts one at the time, a thousand STC templates going from basic industry to Warp-less engines and everything in between.

"Really? I even named the light tank Weasel after him. Not the Lascannon variant, the one with a heavy flamer." I hummed unimpressed.

"...And this was supposed to 'burn' him, right? You sure have time to waste on petty rivalries, Chapter Master. So, what can my Forge do for your august Lamenters Chapter?" the techpriest asked directly.

"I will need a million techpriests, with their servitors and acolytes to join me in the Fringe. With a Manufactorum ship, that contains technology to produce Nova Cannons and shells. Also, a small group of specialists in archeotech weapons and Warp phenomena." I demanded in a level voice.

I could have asked for ships or troops, but means of productions were more valuable, in the long term.

"It is a harsh demand, but worth it, of course. I expect they will be sent to the new Machine Forge in your Lancefire domain?" the Fabricator asked curious.

"Probably not, or just a part of them. Most will be relocated to Forge Retribution to work on the Anti-Tyranid fleet. I have 200 old cruisers that will need to be upgraded with Nova Cannons and mine laying capability for Nova Mines. Hopefully they'll be ready in 20 years, before the larger Tyranid fleets arrive." I explained in a gentle voice.

The Fabricator froze for a second, before sighing. "Well then...I should get started on something like this myself. Do you happen to know a Blackstone planet that my Forge could mine?" he asked in a calm tone, while his mechadenrite tentacles spread incense around us, creating a haze of visible cyber engrams.

I nodded wisely, and opened the galactic map on the cogitator. "There are two places nearby. One is on Vigilus, where I'm heading right now. The other is Sarkon, a Necron World but rather harmless. Bombard them for a few weeks and then you can start mining." I answered pointing the place on the map.

He considered my words for minute, then nodded. "I think I can send an Ark Mechanicus right away to Vigilus, and prospect the place for blackstone. As for the Necrons, they are rarely 'rather harmless'. I shall consult my Necron experts and send a few explorer teams first."

I just shrugged as he was right to be cautious. "As you wish. Anyway, perhaps you have a Titan or two with female Princeps? We're gathering the core of new Titan Legion there, called Deus Ex Machina. For now, only tentative prospects, but I expect to produce Warlord Titans there in a few decades."

"Fertile female Princep, I suspect? Perhaps one could be sent, if my Forge obtains a blackstone mine too. Your battlebarges are covered in meters of it, and I can barely find small plates for Astartes power armor!" the techpriest complained and twirled a few tentacles in disgust.

I raised an eyebrow and smiled. "As it happens, I do have a hangar filled with blackstone. Merely half a megatone, but if you needed it that badly...it's a gift." I offered grandly. Then immediately filled an empty hangar with blackstone, from my own reserves.

"Yes! I mean...thank you, Lord Lancefire. Now, what kind of vehicles could I gift you?" he asked and produced an impressive list.

I searched through the list for a long minute. Most of the equipment would be useless to me, or I had better. "Nova Shells, five thousand. Exterminatus Cyclonic torpedoes, a hundred. Vortex torpedoes, fifty. And all Sentinels and Hydras. It's only a few thousands anyway."

The Fabricator hesitated for a minute, no doubt considering a thousand factors I had no idea of.

"You will get the torpedoes in twenty years, Lord Lancefire. The Nova shells will be loaded on the promised XL Manufactorum. As for the light vehicles, it would take a week to load them on your ships." he answered in a heavy tone.

Probably making sure he receives the blackstone at the same time. "Very well, Fabricator. Make sure to mark everything as donations to the Lamenters Chapter. I rather not pay taxes for killing xenos."

"Of course, Lord Lancefire. A pleasure meeting a fellow man of culture." the techpriest quipped on his way out.

Well, it went good enough then. Hydra anti-air tanks and Sentinel walkers were always in short supply, despite their ridiculous effectiveness per cost.

All infantry regiments could gain an amazing boost in firepower and versatility, if only somebody updated the damn regiment charts.

Two weeks later, we reached Hive World Vigilus, a place of immense importance in the future. Right now it was a mess of usual Imperial corruption, Chaos cults and gangs, starved laborers and pampered nobles.

Too bad for them, right?

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