1-Second Invincible Player in the Game

Chapter 47

1-Second Invincible Player In The Game 47

47. Frost Heart

The auditorium floor was covered with a red carpet.

While the third exam passers glanced at the group on the other side, I was endlessly watching the floor.

Limberton scratched his head and asked,

“…Weren’t they eliminated?”

I looked up from the floor and replied,

“They will be going to the same dormitory as us.”

In reality, you’re admitted the moment you pass the second exam.

Indeed, among the three clauses written in small print on the consent form received at the time of passing the second exam, there was also this phrase:

[We do not take responsibility for deaths during enrollment.]

And they didn’t care whether there were casualties during the third exam or not.

It was an implication that you were admitted the moment you signed the consent form.

“So, what about those guys? Where did all those many go, and why are only five left? And why do they look like that?”

Limberton pointed to the donation-based admissions, but I couldn’t answer.

Because the old man on the stage had clapped his hands to draw attention.


A sound heavy enough to ring in the ears.

The murmuring quickly subsided.

The imposing presence of the muscular old man with a scar by his eye made him seem like a predator even from a distance.

“My name is Arkandric Al Odman, the principal. This year, we have a total of 250 passers. I’m very pleased to see so many capable individuals gathered here.”

As his name was mentioned, gasps of ‘gasp!’ erupted here and there.

They must be from the north.

It was only natural to be surprised that the old man before them had earned the title of Frost Swordmaster for his deeds in repelling demon invasions near the northern border with the Demon Realm.

“Many must have been taken aback. There are those who know little of Frost Heart, and the academy entrance exam was far from what they had expected.”

As many nodded in agreement, Arkandric continued his explanation.

The first topic was the direction and founding purpose of Frost Heart.

“While other academies focus on producing officials, our Frost Heart is dedicated to training demon-slaying brigades. The test you all took was to gauge your basic aptitude for survival in the demon realm. But, didn’t you find it strange? Why is there a dungeon below, and an academy built above it? It’s symbolic. The founder wanted to pass down the noble spirit of pioneering to future generations—”

“Hold on a moment.”

Just then, some reckless individuals raised their hands, interrupting Arkandric.

“Don’t tell me the graduates here are sent to the demon realm?”

“If that’s the case, there’s no need to graduate from the academy, right?”

“Exactly. Whether it’s adventurers or whatever, everyone goes there. If you want to go, you just go, what’s the—”

Arkandric glared at the three chatterboxes with a serious expression.

“Do you really think the places they go to are the true demon realms? Just trampled and passed through lands? Hah, what a joke. Such places are nothing more than well-trodden paths.”

A voice as resonant as a cave echoed, and the sound of people swallowing nervously could be heard around.

“The demon realms you know will soon become mere footholds. It’s safe to say the conquest is nearly complete. But do you know? What our academy produces is not such trivialities…”

Arkandric narrowed his eyes and raised his voice.

“Pioneers who will tread on uncharted lands, Pathfinders!”

The venerable imperial institution, Pathfinder.

There might be those among you who know, but due to the empire’s secrecy, most were unaware.

There was a reason for this.

“Let me show you.”

With a gesture from Arkandric, the professors conjured a massive map in the air with illusion magic.

The largest area was the sea.

Next was a continent painted pitch black, and the smallest was the combined territories of all the countries in the world, barely making up a tenth of the total area.

“The territory of humanity is significantly smaller compared to the demon realm. As we enter an unprecedented era of prosperity, the friction over land will only intensify. The mission of the Pathfinders is to conquer the demon realm for the prosperity of mankind.”

The empire and the few who knew this fact had kept it hushed because revealing ambitions of continental conquest would leave a bad international impression.

“Moreover, the value of stepping into the demon realm is boundless. Artifacts containing the technology of ancient civilizations, hidden grimoires of secrets, elixirs that extend life, herbs that cure all diseases. And beyond that, countless treasures lie hidden in the demon realm.”

And if the information about the immense resources hidden there were to leak, it was obvious that internal competition would become overheated.

In the end, the reason security had been maintained so far was due to unity based on human greed.

The fewer who know, the larger the share one can have.

“Excuse me!”

At that moment, a lady from a well-to-do noble family, true to her upbringing, appeared, already looking to make her exit.

“Where do I begin the withdrawal process?”

Even now, in the midst of Makyung, where deaths are commonplace, venturing deeper is tantamount to suicide.

It was only natural for the majority to react with refusal.

At the audacious woman’s question, Arkandric clenched his fist, seemingly filled with rage.

“…It’s the second time. You dare interrupt the principal’s speech.”

His voice, spoken through gritted teeth, was murderously fierce.

In an instant, the counters lowered their hands and swallowed their words.

“Since it’s your first time, remember I let it pass thinking you’re not accustomed to this.”

After his final warning, they all fell silent, and he relaxed his expression.

“Hmm, it’s time to explain the graduation benefits. Students of Frost Heart will receive generous support from the empire upon graduation, and they’ll also gain access to the maps recorded by the ancestral Pathfinders.”

A few began to shine with anticipation.

Arkandric surveyed their demeanor and smiled faintly.

“Those with keen insight will understand at once that the benefits I just mentioned are invaluable, beyond any monetary worth.”

The benefits meant access to information that could lead to undiscovered treasures.

And the maps recorded by the Pathfinders held hints to that.


Indeed, I pondered whether this was truly a benefit to me, who had almost memorized the map.

One of the donation-based enrollees, with eyes wide open, stepped onto the stage.

Ah, it begins.

“Rimbutton, were you curious why the donation-based enrollee did that just now?”

“Uh, yeah, I was.”

“Watch closely.”

The man approached Arkandric and spoke.

“Hey, senile old man. You dared to throw us into the dungeon without weapons? Are you joking right now? Do you know how much money our family has donated here?”


“If you have a mouth, then speak. Huh? What kind of confidence do you have to treat me like this? Can you even handle the consequences of offending our family?”

Arkandric, who had been listening silently, looked at the man with a serious gaze.

“It seems you still haven’t grasped the situation. You lot are nothing but trash, discarded by your families for a few coins.”

That was the answer he intended to give Rimbutton.

Many of the donation-based enrollees were indeed nuisances their families wanted to discard.

Among them were those like that man, whose conduct was not upright, and there were illegitimate children of nobles, or firstborns disposed of by their stepmothers.

“The principal himself surveys the entire empire to sniff out nuisances like you. And then he sends a notice. Saying that it can be resolved here.”

Of course, the academy also makes money.

“But let me tell you this. You are by no means trash. I shall bestow upon you a reward that splendidly proves it. Let me stroke your hair.”

Arkandric approached the man.

The man stepped back, but was caught by the shoulder with his hand as big as a pot lid.

In the end, his pomade-slicked head was forcibly stroked.

“Argh! What are you doing! Stop it! You old geezer!”

“Ha ha, such a shy child.”

The man, having his hair stroked in front of many, seemed so ashamed that he scrunched up his face and flailed at Arkandric with hands and feet.

But Arkandric didn’t even flinch, as if a fly had landed on him.

“However, despite the warning, interrupting the principal’s words is inexcusable. It seems you need a lesson in love.”

Arkandric grabbed the man’s head with one hand and threw it whole.


His upper body was stuck against the wall.

He must have survived, having passed through donation-based admission, but to others, he looked nothing more than a dead body.


The students, terrified by his brutal violence, fell into chaos.

What good is a reward if one is dead?

Especially when they were nothing but pampered offspring of noble families.

“That crazy old man. I just want to go home.”

“Don’t push me!”

As the students scattered in panic, Arkandric spoke to the faculty.


The professors aimed their wands at the red carpet.

Then, a giant magical sigil emitted light from the auditorium floor and swallowed the students standing on it.

At the same time, a system window popped up in my retina.

[Threat detected. Type: Curse of Control]

[Ability activated.]

[1-second invincibility cooldown: 59 seconds]

The curse they’ve cast is one of control.

Soon, a demonstrator will come forth to show us what kind of curse this is.

I quietly waited for the first victim who would try to escape the auditorium.

From noble mtl dot come

But it was a bit unexpected that Erusel took on that role.

Rockfeller approached him and blocked his path with his body.

“It seems there’s been some misunderstanding. I never intended to pass this place in the first place.”

“Return to your place.”

“Oh, if it’s about the expulsion process, I’ll go through with it, so don’t worry. But I’d be grateful if you could tell me where the office in charge is.”

“I told you to go back.”

Erusel scratched his head furiously and frowned.

Watching the scene, I thought to myself, ‘He really is a fool.’

“Dare you command me, a descendant of the Tenest bloodline? Aren’t you afraid of my father?”

“The warning ends after the second time.”

Rockfeller spoke menacingly and then snapped his fingers with a flick!

At that, Erusel’s eyes widened, and he fell to the ground with a bizarre cry.


He convulsed as if electrocuted, even foaming at the mouth.

This is the curse of control, the Oath of Command.

As the students watching were filled with horror, Akandrik kindly left some advice.

“It would be wise to follow the professor’s instructions. The curse you’re under is a relic left by the great archmage who was the founder of Frost Heart.”

The engraved ritual on the floor was just that.

“The only way to break the curse is to become a magician comparable to the faculty, to graduate, or to die.”

…I wasn’t affected, though.

I was planning to graduate anyway, so it didn’t really matter to me.

But then Rockfeller came over, sneering with a bitter smile, and started picking a fight that made no sense.

“Are you so dissatisfied with what happened to your brother, Hersel van Tenest?”

“Not at all.”

“For someone who’s not, your eyes seem to be full of defiance. Release it immediately.”

These are the eyes I was born with.

No matter how kindly I smile, it looks like the grin of a villain.

What do you expect me to do about it?

“When you see a master, show some respect.”


“This is your second warning. At least try to crack a smile.”

Rockefeller chuckled.

Out of sheer frustration, I spoke honestly, setting aside my animosity towards him.

“…My face is too stiff to do that. What would you have me do?”

“The warnings are over.”

Rockefeller snapped his fingers with a click!

Cursed to be unaffected, I decided to pretend to be hit.

It was, after all, a matter of courtesy.


My back straight as a rod.

My eyes without a flicker of movement.

I feigned pain.

I couldn’t possibly mimic the disgraceful sight of that fool sprawled on the floor.

I did hope it would get under his skin.

* * *

“Hmm, let’s end the greetings here. Everyone should head to their assigned dormitories and rest for the day. Classes start immediately tomorrow.”

As Arkandric finished speaking, Hershel left the auditorium.

Rockefeller watched his retreating figure, feeling a vein throb on his forehead.

‘How does this guy endure even the pain that comes from within?’

I know he survived the breath of the monster.

He was hit by the guardian’s strike through the bead and came out unscathed, I’ve confirmed that much.

But that’s only for external threats.

The pain that seems to tear through the nerves deep within is a different story.

I snapped my fingers gleefully, hoping to see him collapse in an ugly heap.


Such a pitiful response, it would have been better to be pricked by thorns…

Then suddenly, I remembered a similar case I heard from Arkandric and furrowed my brows.

Ah, of course, I had cursed that man too. But you know what’s funny? Despite the excruciating pain it should have caused, that man just said, ‘It tickles,’ and calmly ignored it to the end.

Rockefeller stared blankly at the spot where Hershel had vanished.

“…Is this what they call bloodline?”

At that moment, my heart shrank under Arcandric’s piercing glare.

Rockefeller, feeling ashamed, avoided eye contact and looked at the ground instead.

He had boldly promised to enlist him in the Order of Knights, but with no results yet, it was understandable to be angry.

“Damn, I’m going to get an earful again. This is all because of that damned guy… I’ll make sure he regrets this.”

The method to enlist him in the Order would be anything but gentle.

Rockefeller grinded his teeth, pondering over ways to make Hershel suffer as much as possible.

* * *

As I was leaving the auditorium, a tingling sensation struck the back of my head.

Come to think of it, I’ve been feeling a strange gaze bothering me…

‘Could someone be watching me?’

‘It’s a woman in armor.’

I gestured to Limberton and Ashleigh, who were beside me, to go ahead.

“Go ahead and take a shower or something.”

“Huh? You’re not coming… Oh, I see, I’ll see you later.”

Limberton glanced back and tactfully made his exit.

As Ashleigh followed with a bewildered expression, the woman behind me spoke up.

“What brings you here?”

Turning around, I saw a familiar woman with red hair and brown eyes looking at me impassively, as if she were looking at a passing stone.

Yet, I could sense a calm anger dwelling within her.

I sighed deeply, wishing the ground would swallow me up.

…She has arrived.

The inevitable moment.

“You’re late with your question. You could have asked before the third exam.”

“Well, I thought you’d fail.”

The woman’s eyes slightly distorted.

Regardless, I was desperate to leave this place.

Because this woman was, after all, the most playable character who hated Hershel in the world.

And for me, it was an uncomfortable relationship as well.

-Hersel? I know him well. Because of the family’s position, I was forced into an engagement I didn’t want. I really hated it. “A woman should act like a woman and wear dresses, not armor,” they said.

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