Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.405 Beast fight

CH.405 Beast fight

As I stood before the superior spirit of beasts, I was looking over her form, trying to predict how she would attack. I wasn’t all that good at it, but I’ve learned some things from the practice against my monsters. And it isn’t like I never spar with Einar and Eline, though when I do, it is usually so that I can practice holding back so I don’t accidentally kill someone with one punch. I mean, if I did seriously punch someone that had a low level, they would die. But those practice fights have given me some insight into how cat-folk usually fight. Then again, I have no idea if this spirit fights like that just because she looks like a cat girl.

Seeing that she was ready to go, I decided to take the first move and rushed forward, boosting my speed with Telekinesis. I wasn’t using any magic yet, as I really don’t want to use Spirit Magic in the spirit world, as the lesser and intermediate spirits would want to help me do what I want the magic to do, so it would be a bit too cheaty. And even if I used Time or Space Magic, now that I have the blessings from Iris and Lachros, it is likely that lesser and intermediate time spirits would try to help me with it. And I’d rather not test out my boosted Time and Space Magics while I’m fighting someone.

With my feather sword, I went in for a quick stab. Stabbing with a curved single edged sword might not be the most efficient, but it will work. Well, it would work if the cat girl I was fighting didn’t parry my sword to the left with her hands, leaving me open for her counter attack. And with my shield on the wrong side, it would be difficult for me to block using it.

Instead, I again used Telekinesis and used it to move myself away from my opponent. But just because I was able to avoid her counter doesn’t mean I was clear, as she was now coming at me. She pushed off with her hind legs, before running at me on all fours. And as she did, her body changed from that of a cat girl into a full on tiger.

So she can turn herself into a full beast. I would say interesting, but I really don’t have the time for it, with a tiger pouncing at me.

I moved a bit to my right, while also covering the tiger with my ice shield. She slashed at the shield, leaving some nice claw marks into it, but my shield didn’t shatter, so that is at least good.

I then looked as the tiger turned back into the cat girl. 

“Alright. So now we know how serious we need to be, right?” She asked.

“I suppose so. I have to say, didn’t expect you to turn into a tiger.”

“That isn’t the only surprise in store for you.” The cat girl said with a grin on her face.

She then again lunged at me, while transforming back into a tiger, but this time, I felt like something was off. Sadly I didn’t have time to realize what it was, as I had to avoid her charge. It was then that I noticed that instead of a regular tail, the tiger had a tail that looked like a snake, which went in for a bite after I had avoided the charge.

Trying to fend off the snake with my sword, I slashed at it, but the snake was too fast and came in for a bite. It sunk its fangs into my shoulder, but I didn’t cry out. Instead, I took the time it was stuck to me to again slash at the tail snake and completely cut it off the spirit. I then dropped my shield so that my left arm would be free, before I grabbed the severed snake and tossed it to the side. 

I quickly checked my status, mainly to see if my HP was draining. I wanted to know if that snake had venom in it. But while my HP had taken a small hit, it wasn’t draining down, so likely no poison.

“Not bad.” The tiger snarled. “But my tail will regrow.”

“Yeah, expected as much.” I answered honestly. “But your bite didn’t have poison in it, so I think I got the better of that trade.”

“You think so?” She asked, and I swear I could see the tiger smirking. 

As she did, I felt a weakness run across my body. I quickly realized that the bite didn’t have any venom in it, but it did have some sort of paralyzing poison.

Before I had the time to really think about how I’d deal with it, I was starting to go numb in my limbs. I took a hold of my body with Telekinesis so that I wouldn’t fall over, but this wasn’t a good situation. With my limbs paralyzed, all I can really do is move myself with Telekinesis. And with just it, I won’t be able to keep up with the speed of the superior spirit.

The tiger didn’t give me too much time to get used to my new predicament, as she once again came at me. I was going to use Telekinesis again, until I remembered that I have a new-ish skill that is better for binding enemies than Telekinesis. I produced as many Dark Chains as I could, before I used them to make a wall of Dark Chains between myself and the tiger. The spirit tried to slash all of them, but as the chains are mana constructs, and the spirit world is made of pure mana, they were quite a bit tougher than they would be in the regular world. So while a few of them did break, my chain wall stood. 

I then fired multiple chains from the wall towards the tiger, causing her to have to backpedal so that she wouldn’t be caught in them.

I then realized what the paralyzing poison did to me. It effectively forced me into defense position, right? I mean, I can’t move, but I can defend myself, so defense position does check out. 

So as fast as I could, I got Stop Defense out of my Collection and activated it, forcing myself back into ‘attack position’, clearing away the paralyzing poison at the same time.


I then decided that I should change my battle plan. I mean, I’m fighting a beast, so maybe I should fight like a beast instead of like a human. I tossed my sword to the side and using Draconic Body, I turned myself into the best dragon I currently could, which is basically just a lizard, but whatever.

I let out the most intimidating roar I could manage, while also spewing some flames out of my mouth using Draconic Magic.

I then charged at the tiger, with multiple Dark Chains flying just ahead of me. They struck her first, causing her to go on the back foot, before I came along and tackled the tiger to the ground.

Getting on top of her, I used the chains to bind her up, before I held my clawed hand on top of her face, ready to strike. Well, I wasn’t going to, but I made it look like I could.

“Alright. That’s the match.” I heard someone call from the side. 

I turned to look and saw that the greater beast spirit had called out little spar, so I backed off of the superior spirit and then called back the chains that were holding her down.

“Man, that was fun.” The cat girl said. “But those chains are not fair at all. Next time, don’t use them.”

“Sorry, but I didn’t really have a choice. I didn’t want to use Time or Space magic, because I just got the blessings from Iris and Lachros, so I don’t know how powerful it would be. And using Spirit Magic would just be cheating.”

“Don’t worry. Next time, we’ll have more fun. Just use that beast form from the start.”

“You know I won’t actually be a match for you in it without the chains.” I pointed out.

“But it will be fun. I’ll teach you to grow wings and we can have an aerial battle next time.”

“... you have wings?” 

“Yes? Oh right. I didn’t use them.” She said, before turning back into a tiger and then she grew out a pair of wings.

“That’s cool. … but what kind of a beast are you? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a winged tiger.”

“I’m not actually a tiger. I’m whatever I want to be.” She said, before turning into a pegasus, followed by an elephant, and then a crocodile before returning to her cat girl form. “I just like being a cat. It is nice and agile.”

“... alright. Well, I should get going soon. I need to get together with Lady Janina so she can take us back home.” I told the spirit. “Also, I won’t insist, but I would appreciate a blessing, if that is possible.”

“As long as you call me when you make new contracts or summon new beasts, I don’t mind. I can even help you with the randomness that is the current Summoning Magic.” The spirit offered.

“That would be a huge help. Thanks …” I was about to say the spirit’s name, but I realized I never got it. “... what is your name?”

“Eh? I never introduced myself?” The spirit questioned. “… Well, whatever. You are looking at the superior spirit of beasts, also known as the superior spirit of taming and summoning, Pan.” Pan introduced herself. “And you, Brian, are worthy of my blessing.” She said, as she came and kissed me on the forehead.

I do wonder. Did she have to kiss me? None of the other spirits have, but she is weaker than the others, so maybe she has to make a dedicated physical contact to give out her blessing.

Or she just wanted to. I don’t know.

“Just to warn you. You are the first human to ever hold my blessing, so be careful. We don’t really know what your System will do to you now that you have it.” Pan said.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure we can figure it out.”

“Also, did you just mention Lady Janina?” Pan asked. “As in, the supreme dragon Lady Ami Janina?”

“Yes, that’s her.” I confirmed, recalling that all the spirits call Lady Janina the supreme dragon.

“... would you introduce me?” Pan asked, while trying to act cute.

“... sure, why not?”

Pan left most of her herd behind, because she didn’t want to bring too many beasts into another superior’s domain. 

Pan spent a lot of the walk talking with Himeśaila and she even got the dragon to turn back into her humanoid form, which I found surprising, as Himeśaila never did it before. Maybe it is a ‘the secret is out’ kind of situation.

When we got back to where the others were, I introduced Pan to everyone, which led to Pan begging Lady Janina for a sparring match. … which ended in a few seconds when Lady Janina punched Pan a bit too hard, sending her crashing through multiple trees, which Hegemone didn’t like and called off the match before the two broke more of her domain.

“Don’t worry. I’ll ask Brian to summon you into his Factory. We can go all out there.” Lady Janina said to Pan, who was sulking a bit after having her playtime cut short.

“He’d better.” She said, instantly getting her vigor back. “If you don’t, I’ll take back my blessing.”

“Pan. A threat like that only works if you can actually do it.” Anemoi pointed out.

“... I can still do a bad job at being the spirit that blessed him.”

“Don’t worry Pan. I’ll call for you.” I reassured her.

After a bit more chit chat, the five of us returned to the real world. When there, Cailie and I checked out statuses, as the two of us did get new blessings.


I of course had the three new blessings and the evolved Time and Space magics. Dark Chain and Draconic Body also got a level, likely because I used them in the match against Pan. Interestingly, neither my Taming nor Advanced Summoning Magic reacted to Pan’s Blessing.

But I did get a new skill, Beast Union. With it, I can ‘fuse’ with a tamed or a summoned beast, taking full or partial control of its body, while also adding all of my stats to the stats of that monster. It does sound interesting and I’ll definitely experiment with it at some point. And as it is an extra skill, Unika might be able to learn it.


Cailie on the other hand had the more expected results. She got the Summon Spirit skill, as well as Spiritual Nature Magic. That will be a great help when she is taking care of the CropFields.

But now, all of the superior spirits are awake and our spirit world adventure has truly come to an end. I have to say, it was fun. I just wish it didn’t have to start with a minor heart attack. 

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