Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.404 Superior Spirit of Beasts

CH.404 Superior Spirit of Beasts

“I’ve never met this superior spirit of beasts.” Lady Janina commented. “When was she born?”

“It wasn’t all that long ago.” Anemoi answered. “Around 140 years or so and she only became a superior about 30 years ago.”

“She went from a just born to a superior that quickly?”

“Yes she did. She capitalized on something the humanoids did and was able to grow very quickly.”

“... that does match pretty well with the coming of summoning magic.” I commented. “From what I remember, the first practitioner was active around 150 years ago. From there, it would have slowly spread. Sure it still isn’t common, but people do use it.”

“Yes. Your strange new magic that is similar to spirit summoning.” Anemoi said. “The energy used for it is what breeds new spiritual energy that she can use to grow.”

“I think it is more similar to having a spirit contract. Not that I really know spirit contracts all that well.” I corrected. “Though I guess since you at first summon something random, then make a contract with it, it is kind of like having someone with a spirit’s blessing calling lesser and intermediate spirits, then trying to convince said spirit to form a contract.”

“But that doesn’t really matter at this moment. Where is the domain of this beast spirit?” I asked.

“She doesn’t have one. She runs all around the spirit world with her pack of spirits.” Anemoi answered.

“Even while sleeping?”

“Yes. Her family carries her sleeping form with them. You’ll need to track them down.”

“... of course it couldn’t be easy. You know, I kind of preferred the six of you who were simple. Just go to a place and perform a song. No subspaces or locating herds.”

“What can I say? We have lived for much longer than she has, so we have settled down.” Anemoi responded. “I mean, I was as wild as the wind for hundreds of years before I picked a domain. And even now, I only spend time there when I rest.”

“Good to know I guess. … so, any tips on tracking down the beast spirits?”

“Why don’t you rely on the magic they like? You can use it, can’t you? And since they want the energy that emanates from the summoning, they may even come to you.”

“... Yeah. I’ll try that. Thanks.”

“Himeśaila. I need your help.” I called out as I used my Advanced Summoning Magic skill.

Expecting for the ice dragon to just show up like she always has, I was quite surprised when a little girl appeared instead of her.

“Master! Are you in need of my amazing help again?” The girl asked. Her voice sounded familiar, but noticeably higher than what I was used to. 

She looked like she was eight or nine years old, with long hair that looked like it was made of ice. On her back was a pair of wings with the wing membrane being made of ice. She also had a pair of horns that looked to be ice. And lastly, you could just barely see her tail poking out of her dress.

… Yeah. I guess I should mention that as well. She was dressed in a full princess dress. Not like those 20$ dresses for halloween, but in something that looked to be really high quality. She even had a tiara made of ice crystals on her head.

I guess Himeśaila is really living up to the Hime part of her name. [Hime means Princess in Japanese.]

“Hello Himeśaila. Yes. I do need your help. … but are you sure you want to stay looking like that? I thought you didn’t like your humanoid form?” 

“...” The dragon girl didn’t answer, instead opting to take a look at her body, realizing that she was in fact in her humanoid form. She then seemingly began to panic, as if she was trying to change into her dragon form, but constantly failed.

“... why can’t I change?” She asked, before some tears began to form in her eyes. “... I can’t … look like this … in front of my Master.”

“Why not?” I asked. “I think you look quite cute like that. I think you’d get along with Fantasia well if you appeared before her in that form.”

“... Be-Because I look weak.” She admitted.

“And? Do you think I’d see you as anything less than the great ice dragon?”

“...” The dragon loli didn’t answer me.

“Even if your human form is small and weak looking, I know how powerful you are. And besides, do I look all that strong? What about Alice? Lua? Even Lady Janina could be called ‘weak looking’ in her humanoid form. It just is the nature of things. Humanoids will never look as strong as dragons, and none of us look super strong even when it comes to human standards. We aren’t tall with huge muscles, but that doesn’t make us weak. That goes for you as well. Even if your human form is weak looking, you are still the mighty ice dragon.” 

After some more reassuring the dragon loli, as well as a quick lesson by Lady Janina on how to use draconic magic in the spirit world, Himeśaila turned back into her dragon form and the two of us took off into the skies. 

I wasn’t sure if the spirits were really coming towards us, so I just decided to pick a direction that would lead me away from Hegemone’s domain. I didn’t want to bait another superior spirit there in case they didn’t get along or something.

After a bit of worrying that maybe the spirits weren’t coming to us, I finally saw some movement in the horizon.

It was a medium sized herd of beast spirits, made of many kinds of … well beasts. Though they did have something in common. All of them seemed to be some sort of quadrupedal beasts, lions, tigers, wolves, horses. Even the flying beasts were monsters with four legs like hippogriffs and griffons. Not a single dragon though.

At the middle back of the herd was something interesting. A large wagon pulled by four winged horses, aka pegasus, carrying what looked like a massive egg. So that must be the superior spirit.

“Himeśaila. Take us down there.” I ordered my dragon.

We landed a bit ahead of the herd and watched as they came to a stop. Some of them seemingly got scared by our appearance, while others formed a line to defend their herd. 

… maybe I should have made a less threatening entrance?

“I’m not here to fight!” I called out to the spirits. At least I think they are spirits. Kind of difficult to tell when they look like beasts.

Oh god. Can they understand humanoid speech? I don’t have Language Comprehension (beast), only humanoid and draconic.

Luckily my worries seemed to be for none, as the beasts calmed down a bit. They then opened a path down the middle, and a strange looking centaur walked down it towards me.

I say he looks strange because he was like a mix of different mythological creatures. He was clearly a centaur, with a horse’s lower body and an upper body that of a human, but the strange part was everything else. His horse body had a pair of wings, like those on a pegasus, and from his head, a rainbow like horn was poking out, which looked like it belonged onto a unicorn.

So some sort of pegasus-unicorn- centaur. Also, I called him a he as his body structure looks like a male, but is he actually a male? I mean, most superior and greater spirits I’ve met have been female. Only lesser and intermediate spirits are really male. Not that spirits really have genders, but still. Superior and greater spirits generally look more feminine.

So unless this guy is somehow an intermediate spirit and not a greater one like I’m currently assuming, it is interesting that he is a male.

“Who are you, dragon rider?” The pegasus-centaur asked. His voice was also quite masculine, so I suppose I was correct in that assumption.

“Considering that you were coming towards me, I think you know. But to be polite, my name is Brian Wood and I’m the one that has been going around with a few others waking up the superior spirits.”

“... Yes. You are the one. You also seem to be a summoner, so you might be capable.” 

“Thank you. I do also have the Taming skill, for what it is worth.” 

“It doesn’t hurt your chances. I am the greater beast spirit of mutations and the one in charge while our lady rests, and I shall allow you to attempt to wake her up.”

“Thank you. Just one question. Do you have a recommendation for songs that you like?”

“Beast bow to power.” Is the only response I got.

Alright. So something that shows off my power, I think. Yeah. I think I can think of a song.

I helped the herd set up camp. Mutant, as I began calling the greater spirit, said that their lady would prefer to wake up next to a camp rather than when they were on the move.

I then prepared to sing my song. It wasn’t exactly a campfire song, but hopefully it will still work.

I then sang a slightly customized version of Hail To The King by Avenged Sevenfold.


Watch your tongue or have it cut from your head

Save your life by keeping whispers unsaid

Beasts roam the wilds now orphans of war

Bodies left in the wilds to rot

Royal flames will carve a path in chaos, bringing daylight to the night

Death is riding into town with power, they've come to take all your rights

Hail to the King

Hail to the One

Kneel to the might

Stand in the sun

Hail to the King

Hail, Hail, Hail the King

Blood is spilt while holding keys to the throne.

Born again but it's too late to atone.

No mercy -- from the edge of the claw

Dare escape and learn the price to be paid

Let the water flow with shades of red now, Wings black out all the light

Death is riding into town with might, they've come to grant you your rights

Hail to the King

Hail to the One

Kneel to the might

Stand in the sun

Hail to the King

Hail, Hail, Hail the King

There's a taste of fear

When the beastman call

Beast’s claws to tame the land

Beast’s claws to claim it all

Hail to the King

Hail to the One

Kneel to the might

Stand in the sun

Hail to the King

Hail, Hail, Hail the King

With my song coming to an end, I looked towards the egg holding the superior spirit, hoping my song was good enough to wake her.

The egg began to slowly crack and from it emerged something I most definitely didn’t expect.

“Aah. That was a lovely nap.” Said the small cat-girl as she stretched. She honestly looked not much older than Himeśaila’s humanoid form. “Are you the one that woke me up?”

“... yes, I did.” I confirmed. “I am Brian Wood. The dragon is Himeśaila.” I introduced us. “May I have your name, superior spirit of beasts?”

“In a bit.” She said, as she let out her claws. “First, maybe we can have a quick sparring match?”

“... well, I don’t have my sword with me, but I suppose we can still fight.”

“A sword? We can prepare you one.” 

She then called out to one of the griffins, who then pulled out one of its feathers. The cat girl then took the feather and using magic of some kind, turned it into a sword.

It still looked like a wing, but it was clearly a sword. Sadly it was single edged, while I’m more used to a double edged sword, but I think I can work with this.

“Thank you.” I thanked the spirit as I received the sword. “Himeśaila. Can you make me an ice shield?” I quickly requested.

{As you wish, Master.} Himeśaila then breathed out, making a shield out of her freezing breath.

I grabbed a hold of it with telekinesis and brought it to me.

It was a bit cold to hold, but I can manage.

“Alright. I’m ready when you are.” I said to the cat girl.

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