Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.402 Spirit Mermaid

CH.402 Spirit Mermaid

The next morning, the first thing I did was naturally check up on Cailie. Well, the first after I took care of my own needs.

Cailie was doing well and the readings from her evolution tank showed signs that her evolution would be finished today. I originally planned to go to the spirit world today, so I could wake up the Time and Space spirits, but with Cailie about to wake up, I think we can wait one more day. I mean, we are already way ahead of the schedule Rain and Vine thought up because of Lady Janina, so I think we can spare a day or two. And most of the superior spirits are already awake, so I’m sure they can manage.

As to why I want Cailie to wake up, well, I want her help with the nature spirit. Getting the nature spirits blessing onto Cailie would be a huge help considering that she is essentially our farmer.

After checking up on Cailie, and having breakfast and all of that stuff, I also went to the CropFields so that I could do the checks there. Cailie wasn’t exactly awake to do them after all, and while my Aromage monsters could take care of it, walking amongst the crops is enjoyable, so why not walk around with them.

Other than that, my day was spent getting used to my higher stats, and also the new spirits I could summon. I was naturally doing the training with Lua and Alice, since they also got both their evolved magics and the new spirits they wanted to get used to.

In terms of the spirits, Gaia was the easiest for me to handle. I think it is because she is very much rhythmic and orderly. She doesn’t do things for no reason. … most of the time. She is definitely the most mature of the superior spirits I can summon.

Ninatia is very … passionate. If she wants to do something, she just does it. I suppose in that way she is very similar to me. It can just be a bit difficult to keep up with her, so sometimes the two of us didn’t agree on how we wanted to use Fire Magic and it ended up with me getting burned a bit.

Nyx was competitive, especially against Eosther. I mean, she even asked if I could reorder my blessings in my status so that her blessing was above Eosther’s. I did apologize to her and told her that when I got my perfect System Support and Laura could reorder my skills, I’d ask her to do that. … actually, I think it is only in my false status where Laura can reorder my skills, so I might not be able to reorder the blessings. Other than that, Nyx wanted to use large-scale spells that would leave an impact on anyone watching, so in that way, she was easy to handle.

Eosther was a lot the same, except that she had a superiority complex. She thought she was better than her sisters and she let everyone know it. In terms of using Light Magic with her, it had to be shiny and showy. As she herself said: “I shine brighter than anyone and everyone should know it.”

As for the one blessing I didn’t have, Thalassa … well, she was … she is something. She is honestly low-key insane. One second, she is perfectly willing to heal someone and the next she is ready to drown them. Her personality is more chaotic than a raging sea. I do hope Lua can tame her at least a bit, or HomeBase will end up with one more ocean floor.

Oh, and one last thing. I learned that when I synchro with a spirit, especially with a superior spirit, being a Spiritual Being is a huge help. So while I first assumed it was just a copy of Spiritual Human with a bigger weakness to miasma, it really isn’t. But only really when I synchro with a spirit. If I just want to use Spirit Magic, Spiritual Human is slightly better.

It was the afternoon when Cailie woke up. 

Her evolution had changed her appearance quite a bit. She was still clearly a merfolk, as she did still have her tail, and she was still clearly Cailie, as her face was exactly the same as it was previously, but about everything else had changed. 

Let’s start with her tail. It used to be this matted dark green color, but now it was a nice vibrant green, and the scales looked almost like polished gems. It was honestly really beautiful and it was already pretty to begin with.

Her hair, which used to be black with hints of dark green, was now a similar vibrant green as her new tail, with a few bright brown streaks running amongst the green. It honestly made her hair look a lot like a forest, with the brown parts being the tree trunks and the green being the leaves. Though in her case, the green should come from the wind spirits, while the brown parts are from Gaia’s blessing. Probably.

And of course, like with any evolution, all of the scars that had been left on her body by the hand of her sister and the rest of her clan had disappeared from Cailie’s body. It was honestly a relief that the scars had disappeared. I know they tell a story about Cailie’s past, but at the same time, I really don’t want to think about it every time I see her.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“... Good. But … It's strange. After what felt like months in the spirit world, coming back here… I feel so … weak. Like I don’t have enough mana in my body.” Cailie answered.

“There might be a multitude of answers for that problem, but could you open your status so we can confirm that your mana is full.” I requested.

“Sure… Status Open.”


“... Holy.” I muttered out as I saw Cailie’s stats. Her magical stats really exploded. I mean, I know she is a half-spirit and all, but still.

She also has a custom version of Advanced Mana Control, Spiritual Mana Control. It seems to be similar to mine, with maybe some differences, but we’ll hopefully find those out at some point.

Spiritual Wind Magic is of course given, no wonder she got that. But I am interested where she pulled Instant Cast from. Maybe she learned that in the spirit world?

Of course she has her Summon Spirit skills, but what about Create Wind Spirit? Can she really just create spirits? I mean, her title does call her a Greater Spirit, so I suppose she can.

Spirit Magic is of course given. Marvelous Swimming seems to be related to her being a mermaid now and Aerial Swimming is a version of Mana Flight which is exclusive to aquatic races. I mean, her title ‘One that Swims through the Air’ pretty much explains what Aerial Swimming does.

As for the titles I didn’t yet mention. Daughter of Anemoi is … well, it is what Cailie is now. It doesn’t really do anything more than Anemoi’s Blessing from what I can tell, and if it does, we’ll find out eventually. Greater Spirit of West Wind is of course what gives her access to the create spirit skill. At least I think so. Gaia’s Blessing is Gaia’s Blessing. Nothing more to it. Half Spirit might be what gives her access to Spiritual Mana Control. Spirit Singer has an effect of calling spirits to her when she sings, so that should help with her Spirit Magic.

“Okay. The strange feeling isn’t from a lack of mana. So it might be because of the Spiritual Mana Control. Maybe the spirit world's mana is different enough from the mana here that it is messing with the skill. The spirit world does have basically no miasma after all, so maybe you are only controlling the mana in the air, and the miasma is messing with your senses.” I theorized.

“... Is … Is that bad?” Cailie asked, sounding a bit scared.

“It shouldn’t be. The System should protect you from the adverse effects of the miasma like it always has. Actually, now that I think of it. That might explain why System skills and System Supports are unavailable in the spirit world. There is no miasma, and likely no creation energy. Maybe the System uses miasma or creation energy as a sort of fuel to function.”

“... can you theorize later?” Cailie asked.

“Sorry.” I quickly apologized. “I just find it interesting. But honestly, this might be good for you. If your Mana Control only focuses on the pure mana, you might be able to learn how to control miasma as well. That would be huge.”

“... I’ll do my best.”

“You don’t have to, if you don’t want to. I just think it is interesting, as I said.” I reassured her. “But this is about you, not me. Other than the mana problem, any other problems?”

“... I don’t think so?”

“Good. But you should still wait to get up. I called Lua already, she is coming to check you out. I can also have Albus do it, if you want.”

“... just Lua is fine.” Cailie said. “If she finds something wrong, then you can call Albus as well.”

“... her entire body is strange.” Lua said. “I think it is because she is a half-spirit. It isn’t quite like Alice after the fusion, but it does remind me of her.”

“Is it a problem?” I asked.

“... I don’t think so, but this isn’t something anyone would really know about. At least it wouldn’t be common knowledge. But from all that my scan spells show, she is perfectly healthy.”

“... I wonder if the Sage’s tower would have info on this. Maybe Cailie isn’t the first half-spirit?”

“If you do ask it, you’ll have to reveal what happened to Cailie.” Lua pointed out.

“... I don’t mind. The Sage’s tower is a nice place.” Cailie said.

“True. But I do need to make sure the info wouldn’t spread. And they’d likely ask how and why you became a half-spirit, so I’m not sure I want to ask. We can just ask the spirits for tips when we go to the spirit world.”

“Lady Janina might also know something.” Lua said. “She does seem to know a lot about spirits, so maybe she has seen another half-spirit being.”

“True. She also didn’t really react when we found out that Cailie was a half-spirit. I’ll ask her about it later.”

“As for you, Cailie.” Lua turned to face the mermaid. “Just take it easy for today. No need to fly around, or I suppose swim around, just because you can. Your stats have also massively increased, so make sure you don’t accidentally hurt anyone.”

“I’ll … I’ll do my best.”

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