You Cultivate, I Farm

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

Be it the exquisite Clear Spirit Tea leaves or the Dark Marrow Fungus, although their ranks aren't high, they're both rare and precious spiritual plants, widely sought after among cultivators for their diverse uses.

"Junior brother, I have a second-grade flying sword infused with lightning spiritual energy. How about exchanging it for two Clear Spirit Tea leaves?"

"Junior brother, I possess a second-grade agility technique. Would you consider exchanging it for some tea leaves?"

"I have a third-grade Cleansing Talisman here. Would junior brother consider it?"

Soon, several cultivators inquired of Lu Xuan.

A hint of apology crossed Lu Xuan's face. "Dear senior brothers and sisters, I prioritize using these for exchanging spiritual seeds or methods of condensing them. Other exchanges will have to wait."

Upon hearing this, many cultivators fell silent. Among them, only a few had experience cultivating spiritual plants, and even fewer had the specific ones Lu Xuan sought.

After a while, a gentle-looking female cultivator stepped forward and spoke, "Junior brother, I have four second-grade Ice Chi Fruit seeds. I just acquired them and intended to grow them myself. Could I exchange them for your Clear Spirit Tea leaves?"

"Ice Chi Fruit seeds?" Lu Xuan, who had been diligently studying various spiritual plants lately, had some impression of it. A second-grade spiritual plant, its mature fruits possessed a freezing effect and were exceptionally delicious.

"That's acceptable," he nodded.

"However, sister, you must be aware that while both Clear Spirit Tea leaves and Ice Chi Fruit seeds are of second-grade, one is a mature spiritual medicine, while the other requires significant time for cultivation. Their values aren't easily comparable."

"Four Ice Chi Fruit seeds for two Clear Spirit Tea leaves?"

"That's possible, but I'd need one of the highest-quality Clear Spirit Tea leaves," the gentle cultivator said, knowing that the effects of the highest-quality tea were notably better than those of good quality ones.

"Agreed." Lu Xuan readily accepted the deal, knowing he had gained quite a bit. He handed over two tea leaves of different qualities, and in return, the cultivator produced four fingertip-sized seeds.

As Lu Xuan received the Ice Chi Fruit seeds, he sensed a mild chill from these ice-like seeds held in his hand.

"Thank you, sister," Lu Xuan said with a smile to the gentle cultivator.

"I should be thanking you, junior brother. Top-quality Clear Spirit Tea isn't something easily acquired," the woman replied warmly.

After acquiring the Ice Chi Fruit seeds, Lu Xuan waited for a while. Seeing no one stepping forward with seeds or methods of condensation, he left the stage.

Soon, all cultivators had exchanged their treasures, entering the free exchange session.

During exchanges, there were often instances where one party was interested while the other was not. At such times, they'd involve a third or even fourth party to fulfill each other's needs.

As Lu Xuan was approached by several cultivators, despite lacking suitable seeds, they were still keen on his Clear Spirit Tea and Dark Marrow Fungus. Even if it came to worst, they aimed to establish a connection with Lu Xuan, knowing his exceptional talent in cultivating rare second-grade spiritual plants.

"Junior brother, I have a second-grade alchemy furnace. Would you consider exchanging it for Clear Spirit Tea leaves?" asked a Qi-refining ninth-level young cultivator.

"A second-grade alchemy furnace?" Lu Xuan's interest piqued. Among the rewards from the sphere, there were artifacts, talismans, elixirs, techniques, and alchemy formulas, but an alchemy furnace hadn't appeared yet.

"How do you propose the exchange?" Lu Xuan inquired.

Hearing this, the young cultivator sensed an opportunity and hesitated before saying, "How about exchanging it for two top-quality Clear Spirit Tea leaves?"

"Agreed," Lu Xuan nodded. Exchanging two tea leaves for a second-grade alchemy furnace was quite profitable.

As he received the furnace, shaped like a round pot with three legs, Lu Xuan stored it in his storage bag.

"Junior brother, wait a moment," just as he was about to leave, a soft voice sounded by his ear. Turning, Lu Xuan saw the disciple introduced earlier by Bai Li Jianqing, the elder of the Sect, looking at him.

"Junior brother, I have a rather unique spiritual tree in my possession. It's still vibrant and should be no less than third-grade."

"However, its appearance is quite odd. Would junior brother be interested?"

"An odd-looking spiritual tree? May I have a look first?" Lu Xuan inquired curiously.

"Please follow me." The soft-spoken disciple led Lu Xuan to a corner of the courtyard and took out a peculiar small tree from his storage bag.

The tree, about half a foot tall, had dry branches resembling aged skin. What was more astonishing was the dozens of eyeballs crowding its trunksome shut tight while others half-open, creating an extremely eerie sight.

"This is how it looks," the disciple swiftly stored the peculiar spiritual plant back into his bag as Lu Xuan examined it closely.

"While this tree looks peculiar, I assure you it isn't malevolent. You can trust me on this, junior brother," the disciple promised.

"Even though it's a spiritual plant, I have no clue about its cultivation method. Improper cultivation might render all efforts in vain. Moreover, those eyeballs give off an unsettling feeling, potentially posing a threat to spiritual plant cultivators."

Lu Xuan hesitated, his expression uncertain.

"Here's the deal, junior brother. I'll exchange this small tree for the Dark Marrow Fungus you have and add three Clear Spirit Tea leaves. How does that sound?"

"Even if it's a normal third-grade spiritual plant, the price would still be far off," Lu Xuan nodded lightly. The spiritual plant might be of a standard third-grade quality, but due to its unknown and eerie nature, it was a significant find.

"Alright, then let's make a beneficial connection, junior brother," Lu Xuan pretended to hesitate before finally agreeing.


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