World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 135: I still have use

Chapter 135: I still have use

"...Barry, Mahamadu has taken a liking to Lorang Swan's wife and has decided to start a war to take her back as the wife of the King of the East Sea. What do you think of this reason?"

"Not very good. Lorang Swan has many women, and Mahamadu wouldn't start a war for such a foolish reason."

"Then, Safra found a female ocean horn, while Lorang's ocean horn is male. When the male and female ocean horns meet, they will merge into a new ocean horn. Blowing it can summon the dead sea god for battle. What do you think of this?"

"Even worse. It sounds ridiculous. Paul, where did you hear these nonsense stories from some bard?"

"We already have enough trouble now. Why don't you stop coming up with these wild ideas? If you have the time, why don't you find a prostitute to release your vigorous energy?"


Du Ge teased Old Barry all the way, enjoying his happy attributes, and returned to the Flying Giant Bird.

When passing by the Du Fei family's merchant ship, Du Ge stopped talking. He wasn't sure if there were any candidates on the merchant ship. It wouldn't be good if his identity was exposed. His current strength was still weak and not suitable for confrontation.

Arriving at the Flying Giant Bird, the painter was sitting in the pocket, changing the name of the ship.

Seeing this scene, Barry's heart skipped a beat again, and he began to consider whether he should retire early.

Du Ge and Barry were about to board the ship.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy suddenly rushed over from the side and stood in front of them. He looked at Du Ge and said, "Sir, your eyes are full of wisdom, as sharp as an eagle in the sky; your body is full of strength, like a rock on the shore, able to withstand any wind and rain; your smile is full of confidence... You must be the captain of this ship, right?"

"Correct." Du Ge was flattered by his praise and looked at the boy, nodding with a smile.

"I wonder if insignificant me is qualified to join your team?" The boy humbly bowed to Du Ge and then raised his head, looking at him pleasingly. "If I can work on your ship, it will be the greatest fortune of my life."

"Of course, no problem." Du Ge smiled and nodded. "My ship is currently short of people! We need more fresh blood..."

"Paul, he's just a kid, and he doesn't seem to have any sailing experience." Barry couldn't help but frown. "At this time, bringing him on board will only be a burden to us."

"Sir, I can feel the kindness in your sturdy figure. I can tell that you have a significant position on this ship. Sir, both my parents have died, and I can no longer survive in this small town." The boy looked at Barry, fidgeting with his clothes. "Give me a chance, okay? I am strong, I can do anything, I want to go to sea, I want to become a pirate..."

"Barry, don't make things difficult for a child." Du Ge frowned and looked at Barry, reproaching him.

"I didn't mean to make things difficult for him. I also think he's pretty good." Barry smiled and even reached out to touch the boy's head. "Kid, what's your name?"

"Vito, Vito Hoover." The boy blushed and shyly said, "My name may not be as good as yours, but it's the best name my parents could think of."

"Alright, Vito. From now on, you are a member of my team." Du Ge laughed heartily and readily agreed to the boy's request. "But before you come on board, you need to add a nickname after your name, the nickname of the Sea Fish. It's our tradition."

"Captain, of course, no problem." Vito smiled and didn't doubt him. "I can be called Vito Hoover Silverfish."

"Okay, Vito Hoover Silverfish." Du Ge warmly shook his hand and said with a smile, "I declare that from now on, you are a member of the Smiling Angel."

At the moment he shook the boy's hand, his consciousness seemed to return in an instant.

He immediately realized that what he had just done was abnormal. He had agreed to board a ship with a stranger without knowing anything, and everything happened as if it were natural.

Damn it!

He had fallen for a skill!

Thank you, Captain. It is my honor to work on your ship. Your generosity is admirable, no wonder you have become a ship captain at such a young age." Vito smiled and continued to maintain his shy and humble demeanor. "If one day I can become a captain like you and have my own ship, that would be great."

"It will happen, as long as you work hard on my ship." Du Ge smiled and calmly let go of the boy's hand. After this little fish became his possession, his skill no longer affected him.

But this also made Du Ge feel a sense of dread. If he hadn't awakened the skill of fishing, he would have probably fallen into the hands of this kid without even realizing it.

Advanced skills are too terrifying!

They are unstoppable!

Judging from the effect of his skill, it should be something like flattery and bootlicking!

When we reach the open sea, I'll get rid of him!

This bewitching skill is too powerful. Although he is not affected by it, the crew members lose their judgment and may do some inappropriate things, which could ruin his grand plan.

His crew members should only follow his orders.


In the afternoon, the crew members gradually returned.

Eighteen-year-old Vito became the most popular person on the ship with his silver tongue.

Everyone liked him, including the parrot Wendy. Throughout the afternoon, while the crew members were busy loading and unloading cargo and organizing supplies, Vito didn't do anything, and no one had any complaints.

Moreover, Vito learned a lot of information from everyone, including the fact that their captain had made a deal with a sea nymph. He even specifically came to Du Ge to confirm the truth of the matter.

Of course.

Mostly, he was trying to find out Du Ge's true identity.After all, if a person's words and actions are too contradictory, they might be a candidate in the Simulation Field.

No longer affected by his skills, Du Ge's responses were watertight.

Vito probed back and forth several times, finally confirming that Paul was indeed a native of this world.

Moreover, a lucky native.

Thus, his expression became increasingly joyful.

Du Ge coldly observed his performance, further solidifying his resolve to get rid of him. If he let him continue his antics, the ship would no longer be his.

On this ship, only he was allowed to slack off.

At dusk.

The soaring giant bird, no, the Smiling Angel, left Madoc Port.

Generally, pirate ships do not stay in the port overnight.

After all.

That's the navy's territory, who knows what dangers might arise at night!

For their own safety, most of the time, they prefer to drift at sea.

"Captain, you have eyes that see through everything and wisdom that penetrates the fog. The Trident of Poseidon will surely be yours. Next, we're going to Herd Island, right?" In the captain's cabin, Vito flattered Du Ge and then proposed his suggestion.

"Vito, among all the people on the ship, only you can see that I possess unparalleled wisdom." Du Ge laughed, "That's right, we are indeed going to Herd Island next. Go and convey my orders!"

"Captain, all your decisions are the wisest." Vito smiled and turned to leave the captain's cabin.

Just as he turned around.

Half of a curved blade suddenly protruded from his chest.

Vito took a big step forward, trying to shake off the blade piercing him. At the same time, his mouth moved quickly: "Captain, your heart is as broad as the sea, your wisdom shines like the stars..."

"What's your Keyword?" Du Ge interrupted him, pressing a dagger against his throat.

"Flattery, bro, I'm not dangerous, my Keyword has to attach to someone else, let me live, we can cooperate." In the Simulation Field, every candidate on the brink of death would burst with a strong will to survive. He quickly said, "Bro, I know your plan, I just awakened my second advanced skill, it will definitely be useful to you, I'm ranked 480, killing me won't give you much experience..."

(End of Chapter)

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