World’s End: My Keyword is One More Than Others

Chapter 132: Du Ge is a slave owner

Chapter 132: Du Ge is a slave owner

Compared to hanging a pink flag, adding a suffix to the name is a trivial matter.

Which pirate doesn't have their own nickname!

And, the nickname "sea fish" is acceptable.

"No problem." Barry readily agreed, "From now on, my name will be Barry Sullivan Flying Fish."

"I'm Wayne Pusis Swordfish." Wayne followed.

"I'm Piero Krim Turtle." Helmsman Piero said.

"No, it can't be Turtle, we should all use Sea Fish." Du Ge corrected seriously, "Piero, in the future, we will be the famous Sea Fish Legion."

"Alright, I'm Piero Krim Octopus." Piero thought for a moment and changed his name again.

"I'm Sangis Bauman Eel." Assault soldier Sangis said.

"I'm William Tolancy Flounder...


Everyone on the ship had a suffix of their own fish in their name.

Whenever someone changed their name, Du Ge would walk over kindly, shake their hand, and give them the most sincere congratulations: "Congratulations, you have your own new name and have become a pioneer of the Sea Fish Legion."

On the ship, every person did not escape Du Ge's grasp.

When everyone had finished changing their names, Du Ge smiled and continued, "Barry Sullivan Flying Fish, find a tailor to change our flag to pink after we go ashore!"

"Paul, didn't you say that as long as we agreed to change our names, you wouldn't change the flag?" Barry looked at Du Ge with undisguised disgust, "Paul, I'm telling you clearly, I hate pink flags. But this time, I will obey your command, after all, this is your ship."

It really worked!

Unlike those brainless fish in the sea, intelligent fish would indeed obey his command.

Du Ge felt delighted and looked at the others, "What do you think?"

"Anyway, this is your ship." Wayne's tone was also full of disgust, but he no longer voiced any objections.

"Barry, go and cut Wayne." Du Ge looked at Barry, thought for a moment, and gave a new order.

He had to test the limits of private property.

"Do I have to?" Barry drew his saber, looked at Du Ge, and hesitated to ask.

"Captain, what did I do wrong?" Wayne nervously took a step back, "You can't treat me like this."

Piero and the others looked at their captain in confusion.

"It's necessary." Du Ge ordered again.

This time.

Barry decisively swung his sword.

Wayne dodged and counterattacked.

Du Ge ordered again, "Wayne, don't resist."

"You stupid bastard, why should I listen to you when you want my life?" Wayne became furious and continued to fight Barry with his sword.

Seeing the two of them fighting fiercely, Du Ge waved his hand and stopped them, "Alright, stop it!"

The two of them stopped, panting heavily, but still glared at each other, occasionally casting resentful glances at Du Ge.

"Don't look at me like that, I was just joking with you. Barry, I mean, your temper is too hot-tempered. Can't I just want to change the flag to pink? Do you have to take your anger out on Wayne because of a joke?" Du Ge showed the gentlest smile, relieving the anger between the two, "After we go ashore, I'll treat everyone."

The smile infected everyone, and when they heard that the captain was treating them, Barry and Wayne put down their hatred for each other.

And Piero and the others didn't think there was anything wrong with hanging a pink flag on the pirate ship.


Through these two incidents, Du Ge verified the limits of private property.

If the command does not threaten their own lives, they will obey, but once it threatens their lives, they will also fight back, even resenting the one who issued the command.

To be precise, private property is more like a slave.

Most of the time, slaves will obey the commands of their masters.

But if the master mistreats the slaves too much, it is likely to provoke their resistance or rebellion, and they will resist the master, just like the chicken you raise, although it is your private property, when you want to kill it for meat, it will struggle and run away...

The right to life is greater than the power of command.

Private property is obviously not as loyal as in the simulation field.

After all.

Those who were loyal to him, although they maintained their own thoughts, when he was in danger, they would come forward to protect him and meticulously execute any command he issued.

It is the loyalty of "the monarch wants the minister to die, the minister has no choice but to die"...However, this was already quite good.

At least these people wouldn't leave his ship for the time being, nor would they disobey his harmless little orders.

With ready-made people, who would want to recruit a bunch of novices!

Just like cows need to be fed enough fodder to produce milk, treating his own slaves with a bit of respect and freedom, they should follow him wholeheartedly.

That was enough.


This was a port called Madoc. Behind the port was a small town with a population of about 50,000. There were about 120 soldiers stationed at the port, responsible for its security.

The Flying Giant Bird docked.

Leaving two crew members to guard the ship, Du Ge and Barry entered the port.

Two merchant ships were docked at the shore. Porters in linen clothes were carrying barrels filled with beer or rum onto the ships, and others were unloading goods such as cotton, spices, and ivory from the ships.

The sailors on the merchant ships were also equipped with swords. They were all robust, looking not much different from pirates.

As Du Ge and others passed by, the sailors cast warning glances at them. Some even spat on the ground and cursed their mothers, showing their contempt.

"That's the Duff family's cargo ship. They're in cahoots with Navy Admiral Camilo," Barry explained in a low voice, obviously not wanting to provoke the sailors. "Apart from the four Sea Kings, no one dares to touch their merchant ships. Sometimes, they even fly the pirate flag and rob other merchant ships..."

What a chaotic world!

Du Ge responded indifferently, his eyes sweeping over the merchant ship. When he saw the ship's steward, he even gave him a friendly smile, saying, "Don't worry, Barry. The moment we become the Pirate King, all the merchant ships will obediently pay tribute to us."

Along the way, Barry's mood had improved a lot, but the image of the pink smiling skull was still lingering in his mind, filling him with despair for the future. Hearing this, he snorted, "I'm waiting for that day to come."

At this moment.

There were still over six hundred contestants in the Simulation Field. Du Ge had been observing the merchant ship, trying to spot any contestants, but everyone on the ship looked similar, making it difficult to identify the contestants at a glance.

Perhaps, this was what a normal Simulation Field should be like!

Everyone was trying hard to play their role, increasing their own strength. No one was flipping the table. Only when the Simulation Field announced the top ten names a month later, would the real fight begin.

Speaking of which, Du Ge had never seen what it was like when the top ten of the Simulation Field were announced.

The previous two Simulation Fields had collapsed too quickly.

Of course.

He had also never seen a derivative item.

Nan Youlong had said that derivative items had only appeared once in the Simulation Field, a weapon called the Spear of Slaughter, a derivative item of the keyword "slaughter".

It was said that the examinee who held that keyword had used the spear to slaughter a city, personally killing eighty thousand adult men, which made the spear evolve into a derivative item.

The spear gained intelligence and became indestructible, automatically pursuing and killing enemies relentlessly.

However, after the examinee who created the "Spear of Slaughter" slaughtered eighty thousand people, the Simulation Field ended, and no one had ever witnessed the power of the Spear of Slaughter.

Over time.

No one cared about the derivative items in the Simulation Field anymore.

However, Nan Youlong did tell Du Ge that his "Gluttonous Sword" from the first Simulation Field, if he persistently stabbed others in the buttocks, there was a high chance it could evolve into a derivative item.

(End of Chapter)

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