Who Let Him Cultivate?!

Chapter 108 - 107: The Weapons Used by the

Chapter 108: Chapter 107: The Weapons Used by the

Confucian Cultivator_i

Translator: 549690339

Finally, it was Lu Yang who stepped up, explaining the situation in just a few sentences.

If it hadn’t been for Lu Yang’s quick explanation, Dai Bufan would have driven you two out, as you are harmful to our Seek Dao Sect!

Look at what you’ve done to this honest Man Gu! He even admits being a member of the demonic sect.

“So, you have joined the Eternity Sect and even reached the position of the Rudder Master?” Dai Bufan reevaluated the three of them. A Rudder Master is a mid-level member of the demonic sect, privy to many secrets; even the specific process of reviving the Immortal Eternity is clear to them.

The Four Great Devil Sects always keep their secret work well. Dai Bufan has always wanted to know how Immortal Eternity was revived.

Lu Yang thought to himself that not only was the process clear, but Fairy Eternity was also currently sleeping soundly in his spiritual world.

Speaking of which, since Fairy Eternity incarnates within me, why should I be a Rudder Master? They should appoint me as the sect master.

“Good, you have done a great job!” Dai Bufan slapped his thigh. It’s tough to trace the whereabouts of the demonic sect, and they are prepared everywhere for the Righteous Path. He always struggled to get firsthand information and wanted to plant moles within the demonic sect but always failed.

It was beyond his expectation that the trio of Lu Yang brought him surprising news.

“That Tang Yunsheng expects you to infiltrate our sect as undercover agents from the Eternity Sect, right? Then follow his instruction. In half a month, the Seek Dao Sect will recruit a group of new service personnel to expand our internal entertainment industry. I will include your three names in the selected list,” Dai Bufan decided promptly.

“As for Yanjiang Rudder… Do you have a list of members from Yanjiang Rudder?”

“Yes.” Lu Yang took out the prepared list and handed it to Dai Bufan.

Dai Bufan looked at Lu Yang with deep meaning. Although this kid is shrewd, he is clever enough to realize what Dai Bufan plans to do, hence prepared in advance.

“When you contact Tang Yunsheng again, disguise yourselves well and try to get as much information about the Eternity Sect as possible.”

“Being undercover agents in the Eternity Sect is your mission. Unlike others, you don’t need to complete three tasks every year.”

“As for your contribution points, the highest reward for a Foundation Establishment Stage task is 1,000 points. You eliminated two Tiger demons and four members of the demonic sect, including a late-stage Golden Core, and successfully prevented the Reverse Life Array’s activation, which is a huge contribution.”

“Two Foundation Establishment Stage Tiger demons and three Foundation Establishment Stage members of the demonic sect, that’s 750 points.”

“Killing Master Chu and preventing the Reverse Life Array, that’s 1,000 points.”

“Infiltrating the demonic sect to become the Rudder Master is 1,000 points.”

“Meng Jingzhou, Man Gu, you both earn 2,750 points.”

“Lu Yang, you performed exceptionally well in this process. On the base of 2,750 points, I will grant an additional 250, bringing it to 3,000 points.”

The trio were overwhelmed with joy, stunned by the number of points they received. With so many points, they could afford many items on the exchange list and this will be enough to splurge for a while.

“If you get any more intelligence about the Eternity Sect, you will also be rewarded with points.”

After giving some reminders about confidentiality, Dai Bufan allowed the trio to leave.

After leaving, Lu Yang ran into a familiar face in the Task Hall, Elder Brother Li Dan who had once recommended weapons to Lu Yang. Standing next to the fierce-looking Brother Li Dan was a petite Senior Sister.

“Brother Li Dan.” Lu Yang and Man Gu said in unison.

Lu Yang and Man Gu looked at each other in surprise, not expecting that they both knew Brother Li Dan.

Man Gu introduced: “This is Brother Li Dan who bought the barbecue recipe for a hundred contribution points.”

Lu Yang and Meng Jingzhou finally understood. They remembered that Man Gu had mentioned that a senior brother bought his barbecue recipe and even won the heart of a senior sister with it.

“Hello,” Brother Li Dan greeted with a smile, looking even more ferocious.

Dai Bufan used his Spiritual Sense to call over the chatty Li Dan: “Junior Brother Li Dan, Junior Sister Dingxiang, come here for a moment. There’s a task that suits you.”

“Elder Brother Dai has asked the two of us to go ahead.” Li Dan and Dingxiang hurriedly left.

Dai Bufan handed over a list of Yanjiang Rudder members to the two: “This is a list of demonic sect members I got through special channels. It only contains names, no specific addresses. I want you two to go to Yanjiang County, find everyone on this list and eliminate them all at once. Let no one slip through the net.”

“Yes!” The two were thrilled, they had been worrying about which task to take on when Elder Brother Dai assigned them this one.

“Pack up and get going.”


“Wait, one more thing.” Before leaving, the two were stopped by Dai Bufan, “Don’t open a barbecue shop while you’re covertly operating in Yanjiang County.”

“Alt? Oh.”

“What are you looking to buy?” Lu Yang asked Man Gu.

“I want a weapon suitable for a Confucian Cultivator, can’t keep using Brother Meng as a weapon every time.”

Meng Jingzhou felt somewhat offended.

“What about this fan? The phrases of poems on the surface, slightly waving it can generate a wind blade, and concealed in between the folds are soul-breaking needles. They could be discreetly shot out along with the wind blade. ” Lu Yang saw an interesting weapon.

“Seems too refined, do they have anything more powerful?”

“What about this Black Sand Iron Hammer? It’s made of black sand iron. It weighs a ton, has an embedded array method to make it heavier when swung down and lighter when lifted, making it easy to swing. It can shatter a hill if struck hard enough, no Foundation Establishment Stage Cultivator dares to directly withstand a hit from this. Seven hundred and eighty contribution points.”

Man Gu was slightly tempted, he thought it fit his fighting style, but he still refused.

“That’s still not what I’m looking for. I need a weapon for a Confucian Cultivator.”

Lu Yang didn’t give up. He scrolled to the bottom of the list, where he found something good.

“Sleep Talisman, composed of recitations from the ‘Words of the Saint’, effectively promotes sleep. One contribution point.”

“If we stick this talisman on the hammer, the ‘Words of the Saint’ will play automatically during battle. Wouldn’t this hammer then be a weapon for a Confucian Cultivator?”

Man Gu’s eyes lit up, agreeing that Brother Lu had a flexible mind. Why hadn’t he thought of this perfect solution before?

“I’ll take it!”

With seven hundred and eighty-one contribution points, Man Gu obtained his beloved weapon.

Man Gu swirled his big hammer around. With the ‘Words of the Saint’ attached to the hammer handle, it was obvious at a glance that he was a Confucian Cultivator.

Meng Jingzhou was not in need of any particular weapons. He bought several carts of high-quality grass feed to reward his old horse.

Lu Yang purchased some items that might come in handy during a fight: White Bone Regenerate Pill. If a chunk of flesh was cut off during a fight, the consumption of this pill could regenerate it instantly, rejuvenating energy.

Gold Light Curse, in a fighting situation, it could form a protective layer of golden light that could block multiple attacks, offering full-body protection. It is more effective than the sesame seed cake served in the cafeteria.

Lu Yang thought the Gold Light Curse was a good item, and bought ten of it all at once.

Clothes that auto-clean themselves. No need to cast the Cleaning Clothes Spell for these clothes to remain clean as new, making them the perfect outfit to wear while eating Sichuan Hot Pot.

Moreover, these clothes had undergone a refining process and did not need to worry about being carried away by the enemy with a Storage Ring.

Lu Yang planned ahead, fearing that the enemy might be just as imaginative as himself.

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