Villain of my own novel

Chapter 334 333. Nature's Cry.

Isha gazed at the zombies, who had rotten skin falling off of their bones, revealing them instead, as low, resentment-filled growls began to fill her ears. Though the sight in front of her was horrifying to say the least, not even a bit of concern or care flashed on her cold and indifferent face.

'I should try to summon zombies like these, but stronger ones. I should also start showing off my powers so that Eshwar can rest assured as he fights his enemies.' Isha thought inwardly. She could easily kill off every one of Eshwar's enemies, she didn't because Eshwar wanted to deal with them personally, which was the most unfortunate yet fortunate thing that could happen to his enemies.

Unfortunately, because Eshwar shows no mercy to those he deems to be his enemies, and fortunate because he gets bored almost instantly in front of "weaker" enemies, since he has regained his previous strength, not many could be considered strong in his eyes.

"Ha!" Eshwar's loud, commanding voice sounded behind her, which prompted her to lean back and enjoy his protective grip around her.

Every place they had been was in ruins; the buildings were broken in half either by becoming weak or by ageing a lot in a short amount of time, like a post-apocalyptic world setting, with the only exception of the overgrown greenery.

The nearer they got to the empire, the louder nature's cry got to the point that it was clenching her heart, because unlike Eshwar, she had her emotions intact—though her thoughts seemed cold, it was an undeniable fact—that had also gotten stronger due to emotionless Eshwar's display of emotions.

"It is getting annoying." Isha mumbled to Eshwar, who glanced at her, noticing how her brows were wrinkling due to sadness.

"Let it flow through you. You and Pyre are the only ways nature can show its pain." Eshwar said, and understanding his words Isha activated her "physic" reluctantly.

Her hair glimmered under the moonlight as it turned white, similar to Eshwar's hair from back when they were still on Earth. Her eyes glimmered bright, no, brightest green, only to dim after they morphed completely, displaying the pain through Isha's bright green eyes.

"AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Isha screamed as tears began to stream out of her eyes without any sign of stopping anytime soon. Her heart hurt excruciatingly, and her very being itself seemed to cry due to the sadness; it wasn't even strange because Isha's head literally became nature itself, which was expressing its fraction of sadness through Isha.

"Shhhhhuuuu. It's alright." Eshwar's concerned, love-filled, and saddened voice sounded behind her as he hugged her tightly from behind and kissed her forehead caringly.

"Aaaaaaaa!!!! Aaa, aaaaaaaa!!!!" Isha's pained screams only got louder amid her big gasps of air. Though the care, concern, and sadness in Eshwar's voice continued to increase as he tried to sooth her sufferings, he did nothing to stop her from weeping for her loved ones.

"I'll.... I'm here; think of me as your delegate. I'll make sure none of your kids suffer anymore. I swear to you on my authority as the creator." Eshwar's authoritative and promising voice resounded throughout the entire world at a certain frequency, a frequency that all of nature's creations except humans were able to hear.

And it was only then that beasts in areas labelled "Blank" calmed down without entering the state of berserk. Unfortunately for those alive, the beasts all around the mapped world in the blank regions began to stomp their way into the civilization, adding another threat along with the zombies.

The desire of the neutral was the annihilation of the whole of civilization, so it abided by their dying desire, and "everything" moved in full force to grant the neutral's dying wish.


It wasn't long before we arrived at the heart of the empire, where the capital which was in ruins could be seen.

I left Isha, who had cried a river, on Erebus's back together with the others as I floated up into the air, before I crouched down mid-air and lunged myself towards the imperial palace, where 30 undead dragons floated.


A strong ring of wind pressure exploded back as I shot forward, because I couldn't bear to hear Isha's pained cries anymore. Though she had calmed down subtly, it wasn't like she stopped entirely; her expression, her tears-stained face, red eyes, and nose—everything about her current state pained me, and that feeling was increased due to Pyre's overwhelming emotions, which also had calmed to a certain extent.

And soon I arrived near the palace and noticed emotionless soldiers defending the palace and its surroundings as they fought against the zombies without much effort, but everybody began to slowly understand why the undead were called the "undead."

'What are those? They don't seem human.....' I muttered inwardly, but since they seemed to be protecting the palace, I didn't bother with their work much, as they'll be useful after we, the Veil, have completed our purpose.

"Should I help them out a bit?" I mumbled under my breath and raised my right hand behind my back as black aether seeped out of my palm, which in turn covered the entire wooden broadsword that had materialised into my palm, creating a sword aura as thin threads of aether began to swirl around the sword, hissing in overwhelming imperial power.

"Authority of the Black Ink." As soon as those words left my mouth, pitch-black hands like ink monsters materialised in my palm that held the wooden broadsword that was already covered in black-coloured aether, but the ink which was darker than black climbed up the sword, seemingly devouring its way up, and it wasn't long before the whole sword was devoured by pitch-black, light-devouring ink.


I landed on the ground, amid the zombies and "Chapter 2. Horizontal Slash." I mumbled under my breath and slashed without a moment of hesitation. And a perfect, pitch-black arc shot out from my sword and reached a whole ten metres in front of me, slicing through hundreds of zombies in the way.


And I didn't stop there and continued to slash in different directions as loud booms resounded throughout the area before I kicked off the ground and shot up towards the dragons. From there, I used my title Marionette, pause-play, and dark devourer skills to end the lives of the dragons.

[The user has devoured the soul of a Dragon!]

[The user has devoured the soul of a Dragon!]

[The user has devoured the soul of a Dragon!]

[The user has devoured the soul of a Dragon!]

[The user has devoured the soul of a Dragon!]



[The user has devoured the soul of a Dragon King!]

[Unbelievable achievements acquired!]

[Rewards are being calculated!]

[Experience points acquired!]

[Calculating acquired experience points....]



[Experience points are being divided into different factors!]

[All stats increased by 1]

[All stats increased by 1]

[All stats increased by 1]

[All stats increased by 1]



[Stats maxed out]

[Experience points are being absorbed by a different source....]

["System" is willing to become the user's sponsor.] [Y/N]

"You too?" I mumbled and clicked yes before focusing on the notifications in front of me.

[Papa!] And it was then that I heard a cheerful, slightly robotic voice in my head, which made me smile lightly.

[Eunomia] I called out my cheerful daughter telepathically.

[Papa! I have much to talk about, but first, thank you for the experience points! Thanks to you, I healed completely from the damages I contained due to sister Frostine's actions, and now I can focus on upgrades and updates of the system.] Eunomia spoke in a cheerful manner.

[That's fortunate.] I said. I hadn't been using my own "head admin" authority because I was afraid that my actions would hurt her, but after hearing Frostine's story, I was thankful that I hadn't used it.

[Papa! What rewards do you want? I already gave you the highest quality set in the player shop; you have an absurd amount of achievement points, which I know you won't use; I don't know what I should give you anymore.] Eunomia complained, to which I could only smile lightly. I again thought that I did a good job not using the head admin authority because I couldn't have borne to hear her hurt voice calling me "papa" in a cheerful, lovable manner and learn that I was the reason she was hurt.

[I want nothing but to hold you in my arms and spoil you like crazy.] I said and chuckled at my own words; that sounded too much like that of a father who loves his daughter too much.

[Talk to your mother, if possible, Eunomia. She'll need you right now, and close your eyes and ears when we meet a certain someone, because things are going to get ugly pretty quickly.] I said, though Eunomia might have already seen things like those that are going to take place now many times, I still didn't want her to see this one situation that both of us, I and Isha, will have to pass soon enough.

[Alright!] Thankfully, Eunomia agreed in a heartbeat, without arguing.

'I really don't deserve these lives in my life.' I mumbled inwardly, thinking of my soon-to-be wife, daughter, and friend, who had become my daughter's sister without my knowledge. Though I thought that I didn't deserve them, I wouldn't ever let go of them, no matter what.

"Huuuu..." Exhaling grimly, I descended down to meet the mid-boss, whose trait was his smart mind, unlike my smart yet brutish mind.

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