Universal Power System

Chapter 90 Friend Or Foe

"I found you at last! Hiding away in a hole does suit you. It was really hard to find you even though I knew your general location." Leon said while smirking as he casually approached Mako.

Mako didn't understand what Leon meant by that statement but nonetheless, he dropped his guard and allowed Leon to approach him.

Mako was so relieved to see Leon. He thought that Leon would be his saving grace as he could help him find the anti-venom quicker with his speed and they will be able to save Bill.

However, what he didn't expect was a knee right in the stomach with full force by Leon as soon as he got close to him. Mako groaned in pain as it was a strong blow and it made him fall to his knees.


"Did you really believe that I would accept you as a friend after what you did to me?!" Leon shouted at him as he circled around him.

"You tried to burn me alive!"


"You humiliated me in front of so many people!"


"You hurt my best friend and nearly ruined his life!"


He gave Mako several kicks to the stomach while stating all the reasons for his rage. Mako didn't even have time to do anything as before he could recover from the previous blow, he would get hit again.

"I have come here to settle the score. You didn't honestly believe that just because you got on my gullible father's good side that you would be safe?!" Leon said as he gave Mako one final kick to the face.

[-25 HP]

[User has broken their nose]

Mako was bleeding from several places and had been hurt badly. He tried to crawl to try and get away from Leon but he just casually walked in front of him and squatted right by his face. He had a look of disappointment on his face as he watched Mako struggle.

"This is pathetic! I don't want to destroy you when you can't fight back! I want this to be a fair fight with everyone watching. I want you to feel the same humiliation that I did. I..." Leon suddenly stopped before finishing his sentence.

"AHHH!!!" Leon screamed.

He looked down and could see a blade stabbed into his calf. The wound was deep and instead of blood spilling everywhere, Ice was starting to form around it.

Suddenly, Leon felt a lot weaker, so much so that he stumbled backward and fell to the ground in front of Mako. Mako removed the blade from Leon's leg which lead him to scream out loud even more.

Mako was also still laying on the ground. He hadn't been severely hurt so much so that the system activated emergency healing, which sapped away a lot of his energy nor could he use Recover as it could only be activated after 30 minutes of not taking damage.

Mako quickly took out a High tier healing pill and popped it in his mouth so that he could start recovering. It was still a couple of minutes until Mako was able to lift himself off the ground and stand on his own two feet.

Leon was also groaning in pain, unable to move as his mobility was compromised due to the massive chunk of ice that was around his wound sapping his strength away.

Mako looked down toward Leon without saying a word and started stumbling away toward Bill who was sleeping while leaning against a boulder.

Watching him walk away was making Leon's blood boil. He started shouting insults at him, calling him a coward who was running away from a fight.

"Hey! Come back here and face me! You don't get to just walk away! Either finish me off now or else you better wish you never come face to face against me again!" Leon shouted.

Mako kept ignoring everything he was saying as he simply reached Bill, put on his backpack, secured Bill on his back again with the tarp, and started making his way toward the exit.

Leon finally stopped shouting for a minute as he finally noticed Bill. From the angle that he had entered, Bill wasn't visible as he was behind the rock but now he could clearly see him and he noticed that something was wrong with him.

His skin looked extremely pale and it looked like he had lost weight too. He was sweating profusely and couldn't even open his eyes.

Leon became silent after that as Mako slowly walked by him while carrying Bill on his back. He stopped just as he had passed by him and let out a small sigh.

"It's such a shame that you were one of those spoiled brats who never understood how the world works," Mako said.

Leon's eyes widened as he heard Mako's remark. He turned around to face Mako with a face full of shock and anger and asked," What did you just say?"

"You heard me," Mako replied.

"When we first met during the battle royal tournament, I only had the fire ability. I knew basic moves and wasn't that strong. You had the upper hand as you had some training and a better ability; however, you still lost. Do you wanna know why?" Mako asked Leon before he could say anything.

Leon didn't have an answer to Mako's question as he remained silent and continued to stare at Mako with eyes full of hatred.

"It is because you were overconfident. Your moves were sloppy and it was obvious that you were showing off. Instead of learning your lesson and accepting your defeat like a man, you pushed Enzo into your mess and made him face me."

"When he lost to me and Bill, not only his reputation was lost but you were also humiliated. That all could have been avoided if you had manned up and accepted your defeat. You could have tried to improve yourself and battled me again with honor; However, you choose to track me down and assault me when I let down my guard against you."

"and make no mistake, I could have easily countered you with one of my abilities but I was too close to Bill and given the condition he is in, I didn't want to risk one of my skills accidentally harming him. Unlike you, I care about other people and will happily sacrifice my body if it means that they remain safe."

"So no. I won't give you the fight that you so desire because I have my priorities straight. Even though I could probably fight you on equal grounds right now, I have more important matters to deal with than you." Mako finished his little speech before continuing to walk toward his exit.

However, before walking away, Mako reached into his pocket and took out another healing pill. He tossed the pill toward Leon who grabbed it with his hands.

"It won't get rid of the ice so you will still have to wait, but it will start healing your wound in the meantime so that you can walk again," Mako advised and resumed his walking.

Leon was left speechless after what Mako had just said and done. He didn't want to admit it but deep down, he knew what Mako had said was completely right.

It was his fault that Mako defeated him, he was the one who paired Rhino against him, and judging by the fact that Mako had defeated multiple guards at once, it was quite suspicious how he didn't try to fight back but instead kept crawling away.

But he couldn't just let this be. Mako was walking away right in front of his eyes. The person he had tried to find since the moment he landed on the island was now walking away and he couldn't do anything.

"Wait!" Leon shouted out of desperation.

Mako paused his footsteps and slowly turned around to hear what Leon had to say.

"Where are you going? Why are you carrying him?" Leon asked pointing toward Bill.

"He was poisoned by a high-tier beast and will soon die if I don't find him an anti-venom," Mako replied.

"You know, he and I didn't start off on the best of terms as well but eventually, we grew past that and became friends. He has had my back ever since and I don't want to lose him. I still have time and I will try till the very end to save him." Mako added.

Leon had a bewildered look on his face as he realized something. While he was running across the island, trying to find Mako, he attacked anyone who came onto his path. Of course, those people were carrying items such as food on them, and he would grab all of them so that he won't have to waste time searching for food.

While looting one of the backpacks of the cadet he had brutally beaten, he came across a vile that he didn't think much of as he just tossed it into his backpack. Thinking about it now, he quickly took off his backpack and started searching for the vial.

Mako turned back around and started walking again but this time he didn't even take a couple of steps when Leon's words made him completely freeze on the spot.

"You mean this?" Leon said holding up a vial in his hands full of green liquid inside.

Mako quickly turned around and noticed the vial in his hands. He couldn't believe his eyes but to confirm, he used Analyze on it and the words that were displayed in front of his eyes were exactly as pretty as a world-class painting.


[High-Grade Anti Venom] ⓘ

[A general anti-venom that nullifies the effects of any poison which is equivalent to High tier. This anti-venom doesn't reverse the damage that has already been caused by the poison but will eliminate the poison itself, making it so that other regeneration medicines can now be consumed to recover health]

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