Unexpected Encounter: A Second Chance at Love

Chapter 227 Flashback(Owen And Juliana)-V

Javier chuckled. "Why are you sending him away?"

"Owen leave—" she yelled again. She knew what was going to happen next and she didn't want her little son to witness his own mother's death.

"No no, he needs to stay," Javier remarked. "The sooner he gets used to it the better."

Elizabeth helplessly looked at her son and sobbed. "Go from here—"

"Mom—" Before Owen could take a step forward, Javier pulled the trigger.

"Mom—" Owen yelled and rushed towards her.

When knelt on the ground and pushed Javier away. "What did you do?" He yelled at him before holding his mother.

Javier chuckled and stepped away. He stood in a corner, staring at the mother and son.

"This—" When he saw blood on the floor, he widened his eyes in shock. He quickly placed his hand on the wound to stop the bleeding. "Mom, stay with me. I'll call the ambulance—"

Enduring the sharp wrenching pain, Elizabeth forced herself to smile. "No, it's too late for that."

"Don't say that—" he sobbed. He knew his mother was dying and the fact that he couldn't do anything about it made him feel useless. He didn't want to lose her, he couldn't lose her.

What was he supposed to do without her?

Left with no other choice, Owen helplessly looked at his father. "Call the ambulance, please." He begged him, but the man did not budge. He stood rooted in his place with a smile on his face. It was as if he was enjoying the death and misery of his own wife.

"Elsa—" Owen yelled.

"No, don't call her." Elizabeth cupped Owen's cheeks. "Listen to me son, I want you to always take care of yourself and your sister. Don't ever leave her alone. You have to stand by her side and protect her no matter what happens. I want you two to always stay safe."

"Mom, please—" he sobbed. "Please don't go. I need you, Elsa needs you. What will we do without you?"

"You…are.. a brave…kid. You are…my brave son—" She gave him a weak smile as tears streamed down from the corner of her eyes. "I know you will find a way."

"I can't, I am not brave." He vigorously shook his head.

"Yes you are," Elizabeth remarked. "Owen, no matter what they say. You are my son, you are nothing like them. You have to always remember that, okay?"

He nodded his head and rested his forehead against hers. "Please don't go," he begged.

"Mommy loves you alot," Elizabeth said in a very faint voice. "I want you to tell Elsa that I love her. I will always love you both."

"I love you too, mom. I love you alot."

After a few seconds when Elizabeth stopped responding, Owen pulled away. "Mom—" He shook her shoulder.

When she did not respond, he panicked. "Mom, mom—wake up." He shook her shoulders vigorously.

"Mom—" Elsa entered the room. "Owen what happened to her?"

But before she could go anywhere near them, Javier grabbed her hand. "Come here dear, don't go there."

"Leave me—" Elsa struggled to free herself from the man's grasp. "I want to go to mom."

"No sweetie, you stay with me here." Javier tightened his grip around her wrist. "Let your brother spend time with your mom."

Owen hugged his mother's body and sobbed as rage slowly filled his heart. The initial resentment he had for his father had turned into pure hate.

The man had tortured his mother all her life and had ruthlessly murdered her in front of his eyes. He would never forget it.

'You have to protect Elsa..'

As his mother's last words echoed in his ears, Owen wiped his tears away and looked at his little sister who was shouting and crying, while she tried to free herself from the man's grasp.

"Let her go—" He yelled as he dashed towards them.

He then pushed Javier with all his might. When he staggered back, Owen grabbed Elsa and pulled her towards him.

Frightened and terrified, little Elsa hid behind her brother.

"Don't come near her," Owen glared at the man who was now smirking at them.

"You have your mothers temper, don't you?" Javier chuckled. He then took a step towards him and squatted in front of them.

"I know talking sweetly with you is not gonna help so I am going to threaten you, okay?" He ruffled Owen's hair. "Come with me quietly otherwise I will make sure your little beloved sister joins your mother."

Owen tightened his grip around Elsa and pursed his lips.

"So if you want your sister to live, come with me to Russia and do what you asked, okay?" He added.

When Owen did not show any signs of rebellion, Javier smiled in satisfaction. "Good now go and pack your stuff. We will have a nice funeral for your mother before leaving, okay? I will make all the arrangements."

Without saying anything, Owen grabbed Elsa's hand and dragged her out of the room.


[Elsa and Owen's room]

"Owen, is mom dead?" Elsa tightened her grip in his hands and sobbed.

Owen pulled her in his embrace. "Don't cry, I am here with you."

"Did dad kill mom?" When he did not say anything, she started sobbing harder. "I don't wanna go with him. I want mommy back."

"Elsa—" He pulled away and gently wiped her tears away. "We have to go with him, okay? We don't have a choice. But I promise I will not let him harm you. I will always be there for you."

"But I am scared—"

"I know but you don't have to be scared. I will always protect you no matter what happens."

"You will not leave me, right?" She looked at him with teary eyes.

"Never." He kissed her forehead.



Owen chuckled and flicked Juliana's forehead. "Why are you staring at me?"

"You were thirteen." She tightened her grip on his hand. She could only imagine the trauma he had been through at such a young age.


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