Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 124

So, what he did was to get over and over again products to compensate her sweet mouth. Originally, he wanted to solve the source of desire. Unexpectedly, it was only that the more and more burning it was. Finally, Xing liehan got off the bed from her in a bit of a mess, and the door pulled away with unstable breath.

Tang Siyu, who was left on the bed, was also short of breath. She clenched her fists and felt as if she had been crawling by ants. A current of crispy hemp flowed gently all over her body, making her hard to calm down.

She knew it was a physiological reaction.

After being kissed by this man, she even has a physiological reaction. It's really a shame. She has no tendency to be abused. How can she feel like this?

Tang Siyu is very upset. Now, she doesn't know when she can sleep.

Xing liehan went straight back to his room and took a cold shower. Suddenly, he found that he asked to stay with him for a month, which was wrong at all. It was a self inflicted sin.

This woman sleeps nearby, he does not touch is impossible! But touch is only limited to kiss, so if he wants to vent, he can only get the consent of this woman.

After Xing liehan took a cold shower, he didn't plan to go to sleep because he was afraid that he would touch her again.

So that night he could only sleep in his bed, and still stayed up until 1:00 in the morning. early morning.

Tang Siyu is awakened by her son's turning over. She opens her eyes, and her son is looking at her with a smile on his face.

"Mommy, you wake up!"

"What time is it?"

"It's half past seven!"

But Tang Siyu is still sleepy because she slept late last night.

"Eh! Where's daddy? Didn't he sleep with us? " The little guy asked curiously.

"He went back to his room last night. There may be work to do! After that, you sleep with me every day! Mommy is holding you to sleep, and the quality of sleep is better! " Don Siyu coaxes the little guy.

"Really? Well, I'll sleep with mommy every day! " Of course, the little guy would like to Hold Mommy's neck, and the little face is misfiring her face.

Tang Siyu has a smile on her lips. With her son, she has a talisman.

Wash it out with the little guy. The little guy is going to see daddy. Tang Siyu asks him not to disturb him. She sends him to school.

Take the little guy to school. Tang Siyu is relieved and walks all the way home. When she gets to the parking lot downstairs, when she turns around, she sees Murphy's car parked by the side. He steps down from the car.

Tang Siyu is shocked immediately. Why is he here?

"You didn't go to work?" She asked quietly.

"I don't think I've seen you for a few days. I know you will send Xiaoxi to school at this time, so I'll come here and wait for you." Mufei's eyes don't cover her beautiful face.

Although it's just a very casual shirt, with a cow skirt, long hair is also casually spread, but the girl is still beautiful to his heart.

"Last night I got a call from my uncle. I heard that you and Yi had another fight, and you called her." Murphy looked at her worried.

Tang Siyu is slightly shocked. Does her father think that she quarreled with Tang Yiyi because of mufei?

Tang Siyu turned his face away. "This is the grudge between Tang Yiyi and me. Don't worry about it."

"Why did you hit her? Is it because of me? She's pissing you off again? " Murphy was really worried because he didn't want to cause her any trouble.

It must be that her position in the Tang family is not as good as that of Tang Yiyi's mother and daughter, for fear that she will be wronged.

"It has nothing to do with you." Tang Siyu shakes his head.

"I haven't had breakfast yet. Let's go to the neighborhood for breakfast!"

"No, I'll cook it at home."

"Why bother! As you said, we can't be lovers. We can also be friends! You won't even give me the chance to be a friend! "

Tang Siyu was about to refuse again, when suddenly a sharp female voice came from behind, "OK! Tang Siyu, you really have the ability to seduce mufei behind my back. "

Tang Siyu was shocked. From behind mufei, Tang Yiyi stepped down from a car. She was surrounded by two of her good sisters. At first sight, they were not good at coming.

Tang Siyu twisted his eyebrows. She hit everything.

"Yiyi, don't say anything. Siyu and I are getting along as friends now." Murphy is a little angry. Tang Yiyi's tone.

Tang Yiyi's eyes couldn't hide his admiration and looked at mufei. "Mufei, don't explain for her. I know that she has been carrying me to contact you, and I know that she has been using means to seduce you! I've seen a lot of women like her

"Don Yiyi, didn't you learn that slap last night?" Tang Siyu snorted coldly.

Tang Yiyi's face turned white immediately and said to mufei, "mufei, you see how savage she is. She slapped me last night. You still like her, such a vicious woman?""Siyu is definitely not a vicious woman, Yiyi, you have no reason to make trouble, and you are not allowed to look for Siyu's trouble again. Go back!" Murphy was really worried that Tang Yiyi would bully Tang Siyu.

"Mufei, you are still protecting her! Where is she better than me, so that you only have her in your eyes, but not me? " Tang Yiyi was originally here to ask Tang Siyu for trouble, because last night she complained to her father, who didn't pay much attention.

So she decided to bring her sister to Tang Siyu's house to ask for trouble and the price of the slap last night.

But she didn't expect to see Tang Siyu and mufei talking as soon as she arrived here.

She didn't know that Murphy lived here. She thought Murphy came to see her on purpose. The jealousy and anger in her heart became more and more intense.

"Don Yiyi, you can't get the feeling by means. Murphy didn't like you from the beginning. Can you see clearly now?" Tang Siyu snorted coldly.

"Don't be complacent, Tang Siyu. Even if I don't get mufei, I won't let you get him." Tang Yiyi said arrogantly.

Murphy's face sank. He didn't like it very much. If Tang Siyu could accept him now, he would be with her immediately.

"Yiyi, shut up, you have no right to manage my affairs." Murphy scolded coldly with a handsome face.

Tang Siyu really didn't want to waste time arguing with Tang Yiyi. She said to mufei, "go to work! I'm home. "

"I'll take you back." Murphy didn't trust her.

Tang Siyu turns to look at Tang Yiyi. She thinks she can still beat people? In that case, she called the police.

"No, I'm not afraid of her." Tang Siyu finished, she turned to the door of the community, directly locked the door.

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