Unassailable CEO Daddy

Chapter 105

"Then I'll go first, Mr. Wen. See you later. " Susie was too embarrassed to stay.

Then, she suddenly thought of something, turned her head and said, "Mr. Wen, do you need to leave my phone number? Is it convenient to contact me? "

The man sipped his coffee gracefully, "no need."

Susie only feels that the root of the ear is hot. This man should not misunderstand her intentionally asking for his contact information! She said, "Oh! well! Then I'll go first. Goodbye. "

With that, Susie fled the man's home. For her, it was full of oppression and she didn't want to stay here.

Suzy drove to her agent's company and told her about finding the gem. Her agent was relieved. Suzy's troubles were solved.

The consequence of the trouble was that she owed the man a meal, and she began to think, when does he have time?

Maybe he doesn't care to eat with her at all! Maybe he forgot the meal in a flash.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Tang Siyu opened her eyes in a daze. When she realized that this was Xing liehan's bed, she quickly lowered her head and carefully examined it and touched the position of the neckline.

Fortunately, the clothes have not been taken off.

She didn't avoid the eyes of the man sitting on the sofa nearby. Xing liehan snorted, "what are you doing?"

Tang Siyu coughed a little awkwardly, "nothing!"

"Not at ease with me, is it?"

"Girls don't trust a man. It's a sense of self-protection." When Tang Siyu finished, she got out of bed and left the door with her quilt in her arms.

After she finished washing, she called Suxi and asked about her gemstone. Suxi told her that the gemstone had been found and explained with the merchant. The merchant saved everything and sent her a diamond ring worth 500000 yuan.

Because of her red carpet appearance, her famous brand gemstone was used to do a hot event in the entertainment circle. It is a more valuable thing to promote the brand.

Tang Siyu also breathed a sigh of relief, so to speak, everything is done.

Tang Siyu is on the phone when the door behind him is pushed open. Xing liehan has a black silk shirt on his upper body and slim pants on his lower body. He says to her, "go out for breakfast with me."

Tang Siyu is also hungry. Without a son at home, she is also lazy. She nods and says, "OK!"

Carrying her backpack, she went out with Xing liehan. When she got downstairs, Xing liehan took a look at his black sports car. She felt disgusted and reached for her. "Give me your car key."

"Take my car?" Tang Siyu asked as he took the car key from his bag.

Sitting in the car, Tang Siyu watched his long hand control her car, inexplicably surging to the bottom of his heart, a taste, said not clear road unknown.

As if all her things had become his unconsciously.

The car drove to a superior restaurant nearby.

In the dining room.

Tang Siyu finished ordering the list, and she gave it to Xing liehan on the opposite side. Xing liehan specially ordered a superb blood bird's nest. Tang Siyu's eyes were slightly narrowed. He even paid so much attention to health preservation! What do big men drink bird's nest?

Breakfast was brought up very quickly. When the bowl of superb blood swallow was brought to the table, the waiter didn't know who to put it on. Xing Lihan looked up at Tang Siyu, who was opposite. "Give it to her."

Tang Siyu is stunned. Did he order it for her?

"It's too expensive. Why do you order this?" Tang Siyu complained, in fact, to cover up her surprise.

"Even if I invite you to drink a bowl every morning in my life, I will not be poor."

The waitress who sent the bird's nest was moved by the man's words. She took a look at the beautiful Tang Siyu and thought to herself, how happy she is!

And Tang Siyu's pretty face is also slightly red. Does this man want to invite her to drink bird's nest all his life?

The taste was excellent, and Tang Siyu could not waste it, so he drank it all.

After breakfast, don Siyu knew that sushi was going to start work today, and she didn't know what to do.

"I'll go home. Where are you going?" Don Siyu looks up to the man beside him and asks.


"Then I'll take a taxi home, and you can drive my car to the company!" Tang Siyu thought to himself that he should drive two cars.

"I'll take you back." Xing liehan said, and walked to her car.

Tang Siyu was sent back to the downstairs of the apartment. Tang Siyu thought that this man was going to change his own car. Unexpectedly, he drove her car to work in such a violent way.

Tang Siyu is slightly shocked. This man can't drive such a good car. Why must he drive her!

Because Murphy has been in his car, does he dislike it? The man's mind is strange.

Tang Siyu went to a supermarket and bought all the ingredients for brunch. Today, he plans to stay at home for a day. He hasn't practiced piano for several days. Ye you's new song still needs her accompaniment. She can't be lazy any more.At about 5 p.m., Han Yang, Xing liehan's assistant, knocked on the door and came in. "President Xing, are you sure you want to push off the dinner with the president of faith group in the evening?"

"Push." Xing liehan answered with certainty, only to see that he had packed up the information on the table, and seemed to have another important appointment to go.

Han Yang looks at the figure he left. He follows him out and locks the password of the door.

Xing liehan goes straight down to the garage. A few meters away, he turns on the red Porsche SUV and gets into the car. He picks up his cell phone and dials up Tang Siyu's number.

Tang Siyu is also picking vegetables on the balcony, preparing her dinner. When she hears the phone, she picks up her mobile phone and looks at it. Xing liehan calls.

"Hello!" She picked it up curiously.

"I'll go home for dinner and do my part." Xing liehan orders directly and hangs up.

Tang Siyu doesn't like his command tone, can't he speak well?

She is not his servant. If she is upset, she will return the card to him and refuse him to eat and drink.

However, when Tang Siyu was still in the rice, he prepared an extra one for him, and then took out the vegetables from the refrigerator to make three dishes.

When Xing liehan came in from the door on the wall, he heard the sound of cooking in the kitchen, and the air was filled with the smell of rice.

All of a sudden, his whole body was agitated and washed by a wonderful emotion. Everyone's heart would yearn for a good thing.

Xing liehan is also in a relaxed and pleasant mood. It seems that at present, except for his family, only this woman can give him.

Xing liehan steps to the door of the kitchen. Tang Siyu, who is cooking, doesn't notice his arrival at all. Today, at home, she changed into a light blue long T-shirt with waist closed. Now, she is wearing an apron to show her slim waist.

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