Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 108: Rias's Wish, Onwards To Demonic Continent

Chapter 108: Rias's Wish, Onwards To Demonic Continent

"Demonic Continent?!" Roxen exclaimed. "Why do you want to go there?"

Rias was taken aback, but she just smiled and nodded, "You must have a purpose, Ale. I want to accompany you."

"What about the Azure Moon Shard secret realm?" Roxen frowned. "Will you be back after four days?"

"Well, I am going to take a look at the continent and demons," Aleron smiled. "As for returning, yeah. I am going to set up a teleport ring here that will connect to a teleport ring I will create in my secret realm. Returning would take a second, haha."

"Ah, yeah. That's easy for you," Roxen weakly smiled as she remembered the Portal House in the necropolis and how easy it was for Aleron to create portals.

"Mhmm, so where do I create it?" Aleron rubbed his chin as he looked up. "I also want to clean this area like Nailzim city. People are suffering and getting ignored by the powerful here as well. I'm sure I'll see red and black marks after activating my Monitor Dome."

"That..." Roxen gulped.

"But there's one problem now," Aleron sighed and added, "I won't be able to punish people or attack someone directly. Moreover, there should be powerhouses here, so I can only do this once Yueha, Dax, and others are ready. I can use Xorgs, but..."

Rias stood up and said, "Then do you want to do it after we return from the Demonic continent?"

"Yeah, I'll do that," Aleron nodded. "For now, let me quickly make a teleport ring in your courtyard."

"Mhmm, that will be best. Nobody will enter there without my permission," Rias smiled.

Aleron removed the transparent barrier around them used to prevent people or Elysia's eye from listening to them and left.

After creating a teleport ring in Rias's courtyard, inside a packed room so as to not let others discover it, the trio got on the carriage as it flew in the Northeast direction.

"According to the map, the Demonic continent is in a far northeast direction, with a huge mountain range and a raging vast river connecting to the southern ocean separating both continents," Rias said as she took out a map from her storage pouch and showed it to Aleron. "I'll increase the speed of the carriage," Aleron said as he snapped his finger and empowered the wings attached to the carriage.

Roxen, who was controlling the carriage's direction, was startled at the sudden increase of speed but got used to it pretty fast and resumed the fun as she tore through the clouds and moved towards the demonic continent.

Inside the carriage, Aleron thought of something and said, "Rias, I am going inside for a few minutes. Will be back after a bit."

"Alright," Rias nodded with a grin. "Come back soon~"

Aleron went inside Eldertide Archipelago and called back five thousand slaves from various Arcane Veins.

To speed up their movement, he told some Death Lords patrolling around the mines for workers' safe to bring them to the Colosseum as fast as possible.

After five minutes, everyone had arrived.

The slaves who gathered were only confused at first, but not after some speculations flew around among them on their way here.

"Don't tell me it's our turn now?"

"Fuck...no, no. I don't want to turn into those monsters."

Aleron didn't waste his breath and waved his hand, injecting each slave with the Xorg Serum that Gachapi had created.

Gachapi was creating serums on their way to the academy, and also when Aleron was absorbing the knowledge, so there was enough to turn 5000 slaves into Xorgs.

Aleron didn't plan to see their transformation after he injected them with the serum.

"Hey, look after them, and inform me if something weird happens," Aleron said to a Death Lord while he sent other Death Lords back to patrolling.

Afterward, he left and returned to the carriage.

"Rias, let's sit outside," Aleron grinned. "So I can see the world and also resume the work in a relaxed way."

Rias's eyebrows furrowed, "Work? Do you want to do the same thing you did when we came here? You were so tired and looked exhausted, can't you take a bit of rest?"

Aleron chuckled and felt happy to see her concerned for him, "It's fine. I've rested enough since then. I also didn't use it in Academy City and nearby general area of this region because I wanted to prioritize protecting small villages and towns."

'I will do that once Yueha and others are ready,' Aleron internally nodded. 'Better to be prepared fully if I want to make a move in this most powerful area of this continent.'

Rias was surprised and helplessly shook her head as she got up and sat beside him before smiling and grabbing his hand, "I want to help you share the burden a bit, so find a way. As a magic genius, I'm sure you can think of something, right?"

"Eh..." Aleron scratched his head and fell into thought, "Hmmm, I got an idea."

In the next second, both of them vanished and appeared on the roof of the fast-moving carriage. Aleron created a barrier to prevent wind and atmosphere from hitting them, while also creating a big beanbag below them.

"Woah, this is comfortable," Rias exclaimed as she squirmed on the comfortable beanbag. "Haha, yeah. I also made it semi-liquidy and slightly cold for more comfort," Aleron grinned. Rias moved around and suddenly fell towards Aleron, burying his face in her breasts when she was adjusting, "Aah.."

"S-Sorry," Rias blushed as she quickly stood up. '\u.u/ I screwed up.'

"Sweat not, haha. It's fine," Aleron said with a laugh while having a slight nosebleed.

Rias wore a casual black-indigo blue embroidered dress and it wasn't very revealing, with only a bit of her cleavage visible, but since her breasts were big and she didn't like them tight, her garment was thin and flexible enhanced with magic, which meant they were pressed

significantly on Aleron's face.

"Your nose," Rias was startled.

"Oh...that's just a minor reaction," Aleron said before adding with a grin. "I would say it felt good rather than hurt, haha. Don't worry."

Aleron then used Monitor Dome and activated it in a 2000-kilometer radius area. 'Mhmm, this is good. I don't feel constant strain even if I expand it this much.'

Meanwhile, Rias was blushing and wanted to make a move upon hearing what Aleron said.

Both of them had their arms touching while they comfortably sat on the beanbag beside each other, so Rias leaned towards Aleron more, causing his arm to slightly squeeze into her breasts, "so what method did you find to share the work with me, Ale?"

Aleron glanced to the side to see his right arm squeezed into her bosom, 'Hers must be as big

as Yueha's...'

Rias noticed his gaze and giddily smiled as she whispered in his ears, "Do you want to feel them? I don't mind if it's you, young master Ale~"

Aleron's face flushed, 'Are you serious?'

"But I have a condition," Rias said as her expression turned serious.

"What?" Aleron curiously asked.

"Only if you allow me to help you so you don't strain yourself too much like before," Rias smiled and said with concern laced in her voice, "You don't know, but you looked in bad shape

last time you did this."

Aleron felt warm and grinned, "I've already planned it."

In the next second, Rias saw a big map with an abundance of white and yellow marks mixed with some red and black marks as Aleron projected the map in her mind using soul force.

"This....wow, you covered such a big area," Rias was shocked. "I can still see the academy area's outskirts even though we are moving so fast."

"We have no time to waste, so I'll quickly finish setting up Map Teleport Channel. This is something I thought of just now, so all you have to do is tap on a village or town to send an Xorg Guardian there. Send more than one depending on the size."

Aleron quickly explained to Rias how many Xorgs she needed to send according to area size

before the duo soon began working.

The new Xorgs started disappearing from the Colosseum one by one as they appeared in

various villages and towns.

'Aleron, if you are working hard for others' happiness, then I will work hard for your happiness,' Rias thought. 'I hope you will allow me to love you. When I say this to your face,

will you kiss me lovingly?'

Rias was feeling butterflies in her stomach while working and sending Xorgs. 'I should focus

on this first, haha.'

Meanwhile, Aleron continued to maintain the Monitor Dome and scan the area to produce

those marks according to people while the carriage moved.

With him stationing Xorgs Guardians at every possible populated place and protecting them,

he was bound to get people's support for his Warlord title.

As this plan aligned with his wish to end suffering and see people happy, it was perfect.


Unknown secret realm, Goddess Palace...

"Going to the Demonic Continent, eh?" Elysia snickered. "Well then, get ready to see the hell

they've created there, brat."

"Goddess, are you perhaps enjoying his endeavors?" Yuzu asked and nodded before adding, "I am curious about what he will do regarding the Demonic Continent." "My seal is removed, so the one who was aiming to get the demons there will make a move soon," Elysia said with a smile. "If Aleron thinks he is a hero, then he is going to meet a true

villain soon."

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