Tree of Aeons

Aeon's Creche

Aeon's Creche

Year 229

The Kingdom, or more appropriately, the Queendom of the heroine wasnt exceptional, and Roon discovered the hero took the form of a part-scorpion part-woman that resembled an Arachna. She referred to herself as Khefri, and her kingdom Khefria.

She won concessions from the sandpeople, to claim the lands located not far from the heart of the Great Pyramids, and it had been said that she possessed a harem of servant men. Not entirely unusual, as many heroines went down similar paths, just like their male counterparts.

She built a great palace of painted sand and stone, with a great oasis with flowers and decorative plants, and she traded her hero-items to fund her lavish life. Food and goods seemed plentiful, though it was soon clear that this Queen had no way of sustaining her country beyond her hero-items. It is her hero items, sold and traded to the rest of the nations of sand, that allows a semblance of a nation to exist.

All the industries that existed in her city only to support her palace. Supply of food, goods, and all the items needed for her harem. Slaves and servants came in droves, enticed by the pay she offered.

If there was a Queendom designed to collapse immediately after her death, this was exactly it, and it was soon clear that her hired administrators had other masters.

We had seen this in effect to some degree, but never quite so obvious.

Roon approached the palace carefully, and deftly avoided the presence of certain magical traps meant to deter assassins. Yet, as he got closer, he began to feel a magical presence that seemed to loom over the entire palace. It came from the hero.

Im not sure whether I should approach. Roon asked through our familiar link. It felt like shes coating the inner palace with her presence. We should retreat.

I agreed. Roon checked the perimeter, and felt the heros presence pushing and wobbling-

Then she appeared in the same room.

So youre the one poking at my detection field?

She appeared almost undetected, and Roon turned to face her. Crap.

A human assassin? No. You dont look human. The heroines eyes glowed purple and she immediately pierced through the illusion. An elf? There are no elves in this world.

Roon smirked and he felt an [inspect] bounce off his domain.

And I cant see your status.

The heroine seemed more careful, and took out her weapons. She was frankly majestic, a half-scorpion creature with a dark-silver carapace. Her body came with a natural chitin armor, though there was clearly some mark of demonic injury scattered over her dark-silver body.

Who are you? The heroine asked.

Roon bowed and decided to engage politely. Roon, an elven ranger from another world. Pleased to meet you. Can we talk, Queen Khefri?

The words from another world immediately made the hero cautious. She looked around, and then nodded. With me, this way.

They snaked through the palace, and now her detection field was strong, but it swirled around Roon, as Roons own domain disrupted the magical field. He was led to her throne room, but now, late at night, there was no one there.

The room was adorned with her magical equipment, and Roon felt vulnerable. If a conflict happened, Khefri had a significant advantage.

It is not polite to approach a woman at night. The scorpion-lady said, as she sat. Her throne was more of a large, plush bed than a chair. One thinks you either intend to kill me, or take me to bed.

Roon had to admit that was rather funny. Are there other options? I am here merely to speak to you. Without the presence of your fellow sand people present.

The lady sat, not amused. Well, you have my ears for the next ten minutes. Speak wisely.

The Ranger found Khefris aura to be quite different from the other heroes, and wondered whether the heroes of this world were different. We didnt see any large variance between the heroes of Mountainworld and our own, so this gap with Kherfri was curious. Was it a product of her training?


I am Room, a ranger from another world called Treehome, and Ive been sent here, by our patron, to speak to you. If you are amenable we would like to consider the possibility for a heroic alliance. We are in contact with heroes of our world-

You have heroes on the other worlds? Are they- human?

Yes. Roon answered.

Cursed gods. Khefri spat. Her face resembled a chitin helmet. Humans.

At that moment, she glowed, and she transformed into a human-like person. Yet she wasnt. Her hair was dark purple and seemed to be more like a scorpions take, and her skin was pale gray with the same glowing purple eyes.

They look better than this, I hope?

Roon shook his head. They are humans.

Then do you find this form beautiful, elf?

The ranger was stunned, but he had enough experience to answer her. It is a unique appearance, Queen Khefri.

Bah. Answer it cleanly. Yes or no.

Yes. Roon smirked.

Good. You answered correctly. So, what sort of alliance do you speak of? Some kind of interstellar league of heroes?

Roon laughed. Thats exactly what the heroes have in mind.

Can I meet them?

Yes, if you let our patron plant his tree here.

Eh. Just a tree, sure, what could go wrong. Khefri answered too casually, but then she stopped. Wait. Why a tree?

Our patron is a tree, Queen Khefri. His tree allows us to travel worlds, and with it, he can send you through to the other worlds.

And I thought I got fucked to be reincarnated as a scorpionoid. Khefri laughed. Your patron is a tree of worlds, then? How did you get here without your patron?

We have access to portals, but those portals are incompatible with the heroes star mana.

Khefri nodded. I see you are familiar with star mana. That at least supports your statement. How many heroes signed up for your arrangement?


SIX?! Six in one world? They summon just ONE! Three of us in total, scattered one each to the one segment of the world, and they restrict us! And theres six on the other worlds?

There were more.

Khefri fumed, and she became pensive. What do you need to make it happen?

Do you have permanent rights to your land, and are you able to surrender a segment to our patron unconditionally?

Yes I could. Well, sort of. Khefri asked, but Roon could sense she was unsure. But why? The scorpion Queen adjusted her position, and the way she rested on her plush throne was rather seductive.

It is better to come invited, than to appear out of nowhere. Roon answered. Our patrons presence can be overwhelming to the less prepared. Our patron is an undying, immortal presence, and he would prefer to own its territory through proper means, than fight the natives for it.

You speak as if the natives will lose.

They will. Roon said. Unless they deploy heroes like yourself.

Queen Khefri laughed. You look down on the natives too much. The Great Pyramid has the power to suppress even a hero like me, the Great Vanishing Kingdom of the Centaurs could imprison a hero in the immaterium, and the Crystal King has slain stray heroes with its hero-slaying formation. Why would I just remain here, if not for those relics? What gives you that confidence that you can stand against the three great powers of this world?

We defeated a demon king on its home world. Roon said, but we now had a better idea of what the relics of the world could do. But what you just said is fascinating.

Khefri frowned, and her glowing eyes glowed brightly. Youre not a hero, but now I realize your powers are not insignificant either. What are you?

Not unlike the Crystal King.

You do not like to give straight answers, do you?

Im not a diplomat, but unfortunately, those suited to deal with heroes are few and far between.

Are you the strongest then?

Hah. No!

Is there a way for me to meet your patron? I must admit that I am intrigued, but I must know which devil I am making deals with.

Roon nodded. Are you able to leave your kingdom?

No. The Great Pyramid sealed this entire country, such that I am bound to this land. It is why my land is so close to it.

And you are not able to fight it?

I could if I try, but I will be vulnerable and then killed. Do you not feel the presence of those designed to kill me? The three powers hoard weapons meant to destroy us heroes, if only to blackmail us to do their bidding.

No. Roon admitted. He had honestly missed them, or probably, they were well hidden. But I could get my patron to visit you, indirectly.

Then bring him. I was somewhat annoyed with her tone, but I wonder how much of it was an outcome of her circumstances.

Lumoof and Edna both arrived with Roon about a few weeks later. There were some scheduling conflicts that made visiting her difficult. Meeting a scorpion queen is not something I have on my checklist. Lumoof quipped. But I suppose there are weirder things out there.

She wants to meet Aeon.

I know. Im just the vessel. Lumoof laughed, as they snuck into her Queendom at night. Roon had visited her earlier to inform her of the timing, and she had naturally cleared her palace.

She rested on her throne as usual, in her scorpion form when the trio arrived, and we felt her energies met with our own.

I see you were not lying, Roon.

I wouldnt bother lying, Queen Khefri. May I introduce my compatriots, Patreearch Lumoof and Knight Commander Edna. Patreearch Lumoof is the avatar of our patron, Aeon.

Well, lets cut to it. Who am I really dealing with?

Lumoof stepped forth, and my avatar descended. As my presence flooded the palace and the world beyond, it instantly triggered some of the hero items defensive abilities. Queen Khefri panicked. -wait I forgot to turn that off! Thats not supposed to activate!

It triggered arrows and magical blasts that smashed into Ednas protective shields, and a small barrage later, Khefri looked apologetic.

My apologies, I had not expected them to trigger. The conditions are usually much more.

I felt my reach expand from the palace, and then to the region beyond. I felt the ripples of my energy radiate outward, and then, met an energy from within the relic that resisted my own.

It was weaker.

[Domain has blocked scrying]

[Domain has blocked attempted inspect]

I see your grand pyramid has started to spy on us. I spoke through Lumoof, he floated in the air with his eyes glowing. Greetings, Khefri, I am Aeon, a magical tree from Treehome.

If the Grand Pyramid could sense my presence, it was time we met it, and find out what it stood for.

Khefri laughed, as my own presence washed over her. I felt from a quick sense of my energies brushing against hers, that she was around level 120 as a hero, but the way her power radiated was different, due to her nature and race. Are my eyes deceiving me? You really are a tree?

Why lie? I answered. I can break you out of your palace, if you want to, though I would prefer to come to an arrangement with the pyramid.

The Grand Pyramid will consider you an enemy if you do. This prison is meant to keep me in.

I would prefer not to make enemies when our real foe are the demons. I answered, But why does the Grand Pyramid lock you here?

Why else? So I could do no harm to the rest of its realm. Is it not obvious that we are just troublesome to them?

What is the Grand Pyramid? I asked.

It is an ancient pharaoh-scorpion, rumored to be the first hero. The ancient stories say he didnt want to die, and the god agreed so long as he served to protect the world, and so turned the pyramid into his body.

Then let us meet this pharaoh-scorpion, perhaps a deal can be struck. Would you come with us?

There was a moment of silence as Khefri stared at me.

She stared, waiting for me to continue.

Youre not joking. Queen Khefri stared at us like it was the most ridiculous idea.

Why would we? Do we need more domain holders present to sell the idea? I responded, and I felt more of that detection ability fail. Let us meet the pharaoh-scorpion. He already knows we are here.

We walked out of the palace, and headed towards the Grand Pyramid. Queen Khefri looked at the three of us, a little suspicious. The Grand Pyramid has just as many anti-hero items in its pyramid. I wont be able to protect you.

I think its clear we do not need protecting. Lumoof smiled. We can just disappear if we are attacked. With my shields and Ednas abilities, we had enough time for me to activate my teleportation.

The Grand Pyramid was quiet at night, the area around the pyramid an incredible silence. We felt it again, a formation quite like the Centaurs, that engulfed the city around the Grand Pyramid.

When Khefri approached, the guards bowed politely. Greetings Queen Khefri, a late night meeting with the Grand Pyramid?

Yes. Khefri answered. I have guests that the Great one would find interesting.

The Grand Pyramids magisteel plates shifted like a magical puzzle and reshuffled itself to reveal a door.

Khefri led the way, and eventually we went into the inner chambers. It was dark and dim, and Lumoof felt the presence of a domain all around us, but my own bubble pushed back. This was when I realized it was weaker than me, in terms of absolute levels.

It had centuries if not millennia to stockpile equipment, but it was not stronger. Maybe this was because it didnt have to fight much. Maybe it didnt have fragments that supercharged my leveling.

Further in, the path kept reshuffling, and eventually, a straight path emerged that led us directly into the deepest catacombs of the Pyramid.

Where the pharaoh-scorpion, in all of his golden glory, waited for us.

Greetings. It is unusual for Khefri to come at this time, but the circumstances explain themselves. I am Zhaanpu, the Master of the Grand Pyramid.

Lumoof stood first. I am Lumoof, a priest and an avatar of our patron, Aeon. These are my compatriots-at-arms, Edna and Roon. We greet Zhaanpu, the Master of the Grand Pyramid. May we get directly to the matter?


We wish to form an alliance of heroes across the many worlds invaded by the demons, and also, an alliance of powerful entities like yourself, to assist us in the great battle with the demons.

You intend for Khefri to go with you to the other worlds?

Yes. Join forces, and fight the demon kings.

Zhaanpu was a golden-scorpion, though its face was more of a dried skeleton than a steel-helmet. Its eyes had a golden glow, and Zhaanpu looked at Khefri, and then back at Lumoof.

It pulsed briefly, and then, it opened its arms. If she goes with you, and returns when it is time, I agree.


Yes. I shall aid you in the battle against our old ancient foes, and Khefri shall do so as well. It is her task, as the gods commanded her. I am tasked in the same manner, though I also have the task to ensure the safety and prosperity of my fellow people, the children of the sands. You have the power to send people through the stars, do you not?


Then there must be worlds filled with more sand than my people can imagine. These are my two conditions. One. Khefri and any subsequent hero must return when the demon king is here. Second, I want a world of sand for my people. I am tired of this tripartite stalemate.

Lumoof paused. We are not invaders. We do not invade other living worlds. But if there are such demon worlds that we reclaim, we shall deliver them to you.

Zhaanpu considered the statement. Fair. That is acceptable. Are you able to move something of my size?

Queen Khefri had not expected the question, and honestly, neither did we. Unlike before, we had done some research, but the Grand Pyramid remains an elusive, unknown thing. It acted to protect its people, but there was nothing substantive about its beliefs and personality.

This was ultimately a risk of dealing with fellow immortals. No one truly knows what is an act of duty, and what it really believes in.

Lumoof considered it. Possible, but it would need some workarounds. It would likely not happen so quickly. We would also like to negotiate on the placement of our patron, Aeon.

There are uninhabited deserts in our realm. You may select any you deem fit. Zhaanpu retrieved a golden plaque from a magical pocketspace, and threw it at Lumoof. This sign shall signify my approval of your claim.

The golden-pharaoh stared at Khefri.

I shall organize an army of 1,000 sandwarriors, to be deployed in your service. Use them well.

Khefri did not expect that, and lashed out. This conversation did not go how she imagined it to go. Why?! Why do you treat them so differently?! You didnt give me an army when we fought the demons.

Why not? They are not immature children chosen by faraway gods. I see and feel the weight of their actions, and the experience on their souls have substance. They are immortals like me, it is accordingly expected that our conduct would be different.

Im a child?! Khefris mana and aura radiated outwards. It was unstable, and hostile.

Yes. You still are, young Khefri. I believe some time on the other worlds would help you mature.

You didnt let me visit the other nations, and even travel out of my land!

The Pact of the Three binds the three forces of the land. But now you will.

This is stupid. The heroines arm-claws glowed, but just as abruptly, the glow vanished. We felt the grand pyramid somehow drain away at her power.

The Pact of the Three binds you too, young Khefri.

ARGHHHHHH! She stomped and protested with her six scorpion legs, and turned to walk out. This is so damned stupid! This shit is all a scam!

As she ran out, Zhaanpu just sighed. Forgive the young child. Her life is still too short to realize the weight of her actions. I had hoped keeping her in her palace would give her time to think once she grew tired of her harem, but I thought wrong.

Lumoof just rubbed his forehead. It seems we have signed up to be nannies.

We are all caretakers of children, once. Zhaanpu chuckled. Please, take this child off my hands.


The amazingly prolific author, Avitue, has a new fic now on SH. Please check it /series/632985/and-none-shall-remain-a-litrpg-lovecraftian-dark-fantasy/


Two Lives, Two Souls, Both forced down into their roles,

One in the Light, One in the Dark, As the Fates portend,

One to uphold, one to turn over the Mores,

Would they Save the World, or Bring it to its End?

A story where things might not be what they seem like.

Several high school students found their lives suddenly turned upside down when they were summoned to another world as [Heroes]. One found themselves before an entity that only recalled memories of eldritch gods, and found themselves changed into something else altogether. Circumstances forced the former friends into opposing sides, each finding out more from their own side of the story.

In the end, who told the truth? Who fed them with lies? What was best for the world they had been brought to? All were answers they have to find for themselves.

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