Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 310: Worldwide Frenzy! Tenth Official Review! (3)

Chapter 310: Worldwide Frenzy! Tenth Official Review! (3)

Chapter 310 – Worldwide Frenzy! Tenth Official Review! (3)

Contrary to everyone’s expectations, after the mysterious object fully emerged from the wormhole, it actually stopped descending and simply stayed suspended in the sky.

The object was 500 meters long and 100 meters wide. The spheres on the left and right sides were connected to each other by a cylinder. At first glance, the object looked like a gigantic dumbbell.

To be precise, it looked more like the kegel ball women used during their postpartum recovery...

After a while, the space-time wormhole disappeared, and the sky returned to its original state. However, the winds still howled loudly in the area.

Evidently, this mysterious product was the cause of the surrounding turbulence.

After observing the hovering product for some time and seeing that it didn’t pose any imminent danger to him, Chen Yu released Little Peach’s hand and circled around the bottom of the “dumbbell.” He then said thoughtfully, “Judging based on appearances, it should be a kind of building. However, seeing as it can remain floating in the air, I speculate that it is more likely to be an aircraft.”

[This thing has such a messed up shape, and you’re telling me it’s an aircraft?]

[Have you guys been experiencing such crazy livestreams all this time? I really missed out on a lot of things.]

[I’ve only been paying attention to the female assistant throughout the entire journey. ( ?°???°)]

[Nature is simply amazing. You can actually create so many different shapes using two balls and one stick.]

[Language is even more amazing. You can use the same words to describe so many different things.]

[All roads have veteran drivers.]

[Hahaha! It’s livestream time! First!]

“King, how do we go up?” Little Peach asked in a daze.

“Our only choice is to fly up.”

Raising his wrist, Chen Yu glanced at the bullet comments flooding his watch’s screen and said, “Friends before the screen, as this product is too high up from the surface, I will need to retrieve the protective suit first. Please wait for a moment.”

After saying so, Chen Yu left the camera in place and teleported to the floating castle.

“Shortly afterward, a group of armed men suddenly ran over from a distance. While looking at the flying object in the sky, they quickly surrounded Little Peach.

“?????? (Who are you?)” The bearded man leading the group pointed the muzzle of his rifle at Little Peach’s forehead. He then pointed at the object in the sky and shouted, “???????????(What is that thing?)”

“??????(I don’t know.)” Little Peach shrugged.

The bearded man’s eyes widened in surprise. After briefly exchanging glances with his surrounding companions and seeing that Little Peach didn’t pose any threats to their group, he circled around to her back and stuck his gun to the back of her head. He then grunted threateningly, seemingly signaling for Little Peach to crouch down and hold her head.

When the livestream’s audience saw this scene, they immediately panicked.

The livestream’s new viewers grew worried for this young lady.

The livestream’s veteran viewers, however, grew worried for the armed men...

Both sides were living people. It wouldn’t be good for casualties to occur during the livestream.

“????????????!” The bearded man reached out for Little Peach’s shoulder with his left hand. He then applied pressure to his hand in an attempt to press Little Peach to the ground. However, no matter how much strength he used, he failed to move Little Peach in the slightest.

“What are you doing?” Little Peach asked in Chinese.

The bearded man’s complexion changed abruptly. Hurriedly, he took several steps back and aimed his rifle at the sky before pulling the trigger.


The crisp gunshot echoed throughout the sky above the sandy dunes.

Immediately, the surrounding armed men aimed their rifles at Little Peach, ready to fire at any time.

At this point, no matter how dull Little Peach’s reactions were, even she understood that these men were trying to attack her. Hurriedly, she pulled out the High-frequency Lightsaber and pressed down on the activation button.


A 20-meter-long beam appeared instantly, startling the armed men into a retreat.

Outside the Middle East, the various countries’ governments utilized their own connections to contact the person in charge of this armed force to prevent a conflict. They wanted to avoid letting Transdimensional’s UP’s assistant be hurt as much as possible.

From a global security perspective, Chen Yu had already become the most unstable factor for mankind. His mood could easily affect the entire world.

Hence, in the various governments’ point of view, anything that could possibly incite Chen Yu must be stopped at all costs.

Meanwhile, after taking another look at the giant flying object in the sky and the lightsaber in Little Peach’s hand, the bearded man started breaking out in cold sweat as anxiety assaulted him.

At this time, he could tell that the situation before him was strange even if he thought with his foot.

“Are you picking a fight?”

Little Peach raised the lightsaber, which further scared the armed men into a retreat.

Gritting his teeth, the bearded man gradually contracted the trembling finger he placed before the trigger.


However, at this time, a white, metal palm grabbed the muzzle of his gun and squeezed lightly.


The sturdy gun barrel deformed like mud.


A look of horror immediately appeared on the bearded man’s face. He then snapped his head around, only to find an Iron Man standing behind him...

“You’re conducting patrols so early in the morning? How diligent,” Chen Yu said as he dragged the rifle out of the bearded man’s hands. Playing around with the weapon nonchalantly, he continued, “Is this an AK47? What a magical weapon. The 22nd century is almost upon us, yet this thing is still being used.”

“W-Who are you?” the bearded man asked in English.

“Oh? You know how to speak English?” Chen Yu removed the gun magazine and tossed it aside. Then, under the horrified gazes of the surrounding armed personnel and his livestream’s 160 million viewers, he twisted, folded, and compressed the gun into a ball...

Upon seeing this sight, the armed forces that had subsequently been attracted by the flying object in the sky promptly halted their steps and silently retreated, pretending as if they had never appeared in this place. However, there were still a few bold ones that came walking over with their guns raised.


Tossing the metal ball aside, Chen Yu scanned the crowd and said softly, “Scram.”


[Isn’t the host a little too cool?]


[Scared. +1]

[He’s only putting on an act for us. None of the locals can even understand him, lol.]


[Why must you expose the host so cruelly?]

[This is crazy! He actually turned a gun into an iron ball! What kind of power is this?]

[The UP isn’t a normal human, okay?]

[He definitely used a strengthening potion! He must’ve unlocked the potential of his genes!]

[I’m a leech. Please elaborate.]

Seeing that none of the people around him understood Chinese, Chen Yu hooked his finger at Little Peach and said, “Give me the blade.”

“It’s a lightsaber.”

“...Give me the blade.”

Little Peach powered down the lightsaber and passed it to Chen Yu. She then said hesitantly, “I-It really is a lightsaber...”

After receiving the metal hilt, Chen Yu activated the lightsaber and extended the blade length to 40 meters. He then disappeared and reappeared a dozen yards away like a phantom and swung the lightsaber.


A trail of light appeared briefly in everyone’s eyes. The next moment, a red boulder some distance away from Chen Yu split in half, revealing two smooth, mirror-like cross-sections.

Upon seeing Chen Yu’s abnormal speed and his weapon’s destructive power, the armed personnel present promptly broke out in cold sweat. Without even needing Chen Yu to drive them away, they automatically retreated and fearfully observed the situation 200 yards away.

Turning around, Chen Yu looked at the bearded man and asked, “Are you still not leaving?”

Although the bearded man didn’t understand Chinese, he clearly knew what Chen Yu was trying to convey. With bated breaths, he closed his eyes and prayed to Allah before turning around and running away.

Putting away the High-frequency Lightsaber, Chen Yu faced the camera and said calmly, “Sorry for the small interlude that just happened. No need to worry too much about it. Let’s continue with today’s product review.”

After saying so, Chen Yu pressurized the plasma engine and flew into the sky. He then circled around the massive “dumbbell” twice before saying, “The sky is already bright, and the lighting is good, so everyone should be able to see this product’s smooth surface. Meanwhile, the closer I get to this object, the faster the surrounding wind speed becomes. According to the data displayed inside my helmet, the position I am currently in is already experiencing four times the atmospheric pressure. However, based on the distance between this object and the ground, this increased pressure shouldn’t result from thrust reversal. Instead, the phenomenon we see right now should be caused by some kind of antigravity device that we do not understand.

“This thing may also be the reason why the space-time wormhole behaved strangely just now.

“Now, I am 90% sure this thing is an aircraft!

“To be precise, it is a spacecraft capable of navigating through space...”

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