There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 208: Bloodletting Therapy

Chapter 208: Bloodletting Therapy

Lu Xun had long wanted to meet this legendary mature beauty, the charming widow. As the little fox vividly described, her beauty and physique were were comparable to that of the big demoness. Crucially, her personality was of a refined and gentle type. Due to various reasons and to avoid misunderstandings with the little fox, he had never brought this up. Naturally, he wouldn't miss it this time.

"Very well. Considering your recent conduct, I must admit you've been remarkably obedient, staying at home without causing trouble. I'll go talk to your Master and take you out for a stroll." Lu Xun declared with a hint of seriousness in his tone, "When we're outside, you have to behave."

The little fox pouted and responded indignantly, "Can you stop treating me like a child, you big villain? I'm old enough to be your ancestor. It annoys me. So what if I'm a bit short and a bit flat? I'm ignoring you!"

She stomped her foot in place, walked off angrily, but after a few steps, quietly stopped and glanced back at the big villain standing there. Seeing that he didn't make any effort to stop her, she became even more upset. Then, like lightning, she ran back and pushed him to the ground.

In a frenzy of wild kisses, Lu Xun's face was covered in her saliva, and faint fragrance lingered, prompting a silent sigh of relief in his heart. He couldn't help but think how fortunate it was that she didn't have the alluring figure of the two demonesses, or it might have been a different story.


The mischievous little fox suddenly exclaimed, her adorable face blushing deeply, breaths coming in rapid pants. Her watery eyes were full of confusion as she stared at him, coquettishly saying, "D-don't grab my tail. It could spark a fire in my heart, and y-you'll be responsible for it."

Lu Xun smiled and was unfazed by her playful banter. He gently stroked the three furry fox tails and softly asked, "Where are your sister and master?"

"In the house…" The little fox bit her lips tightly, but she couldn't stop the waves of sensations coming from her tail. She suddenly bit Lu Xun's shoulder, almost biting off his flesh. In an instant, his shoulder was bleeding, staining his shirt red.

After a while, the little fox couldn't bite anymore, as if all her strength had been used up. Her face was flushed with a hint of emotion. When she looked at the bleeding spot she had bitten, she felt a little ashamed. She was about to speak when she sensed someone coming and her whole body froze.

"Oh no!"

The little fox hurriedly slipped away, leaving Lu Xun lying on the ground, looking confused.

"You big bad villain! Big villain!"

The little fox hurriedly ran through the hall, blushing and complaining angrily. However, this was more like a way to express her emotions. As she ran, she bumped into the little demoness Xuan Yin head-on.

"What are you in such a hurry for?" Xuan Yin looked at the flushed little fox curiously and asked, "What's wrong? Why is your face so red?"


"I'm going to change my clothes."

The little fox ran back to her room and slammed the door shut.

Xuan Yin became even more puzzled, but she didn't pay much attention to it. She walked quickly towards the hall and soon saw her husband. Similar to the little fox earlier, she pounced on him suddenly, pushing Lu Xun, who had just stood up, back to the ground.

Her red lips rained kisses on his face like drops of rain, and she then sealed his mouth with a deep and passionate kiss. In her heightened state of excitement, she didn't notice the lingering scent of the little fox on Lu Xun's face, which had been partly masked by the kumquat fragrance.

"Why do you smell like kumquats all over again?" Xuan Yin lifted her head, gazing at him curiously.

"I love eating kumquats, you know that." Lu Xun explained with a smile, "I just saw the little fox. She said you're going to the Western Regions tomorrow."


Xuan Yin pursed her lips and replied nonchalantly, "I'm going to ask Sister Wei Xue for some spider silk on your behalf."

Lu Xun touched her silky hair, and as he was about to speak, the little demoness noticed the blood seeping from his shoulder and asked urgently, "What's going on with your shoulder?"

"It's nothing, really. It's a new kind of therapy called… bloodletting therapy. It helps to relieve excessive vitality," Lu Xun made up an excuse on the spot.

"Excessive vitality?"

Xuan Yin squinted her eyes and said meaningfully, "Haven't heard those words from your mouth in a long time, my husband. Remember when we first got together, you used to boast about being invincible in the world, but after the first day of the Yin surge, you sealed all those big words."

"How about now? A day and a night apart, and your confidence is back?" The little demoness asked softly.

"No, no," Lu Xun shook his head. He was about to explain when Xuan Yin gently covered his mouth with her hand.

She gazed at him with infatuation and said affectionately, "You don't need to explain so much. I'll be waiting for you at the hot spring at the foot of the mountain, my husband. Don't keep me waiting too long."

With that, Xuan Yin stood up from him and walked away, heading towards the courtyard gate. When she reached the gate, she couldn't help but turn back to look at her man.


"Come quickly."

After saying that, she vanished from Lu Xun's view.

"Ah," Lu Xun sighed deeply. "I can't catch a break even for a moment." He slowly got up from the ground. He had taken only a few steps when the big demoness, dressed in an elegant dress, appeared before him, gazing at him with affection in her eyes.

Lu Xun obediently opened his arms, and the big demoness pounced on him, her arms tightly wrapping around his waist, and her enticing lips sealed his mouth.

"Little thief, I've missed you."

The big demoness managed say in between kisses, "Tomorrow…. Xuan Yin is going to the Western Region… and when she's gone, I want you to spend a few nights with me…. I'll send the little fox away."

Oh no! I forgot about this, Lu Xun hesitated for a moment, then held the big demoness' cheeks in his hands and awkwardly replied, "I just promised the little fox that I'll accompany her outside for a few days. The thing is, I gave her my word."

Originally, the big demoness had an expression of seduction and longing, wishing to drag him to the bed right away. However, now that expression turned into an angry, glaring one, as if she wished to tear him to pieces right there and then.


"Let's compromise. You send her away first, I'll spend two days and two nights with you, and then I'll go find her. What do you think?" Lu Xun relented and cautiously asked.

Miao Fengxian wanted to strangle him, but this guy had already promised the little fox. She couldn't outright reject it and could only take a middle-of-the-road approach; otherwise, things would get worse. Once the little fox's temper flared up, it wouldn't be easy to pacify her.

"Next time, you'll have to make it up to me!"

Miao Fengxian was furious, but calculated in her demands. "If I lose one day, you'll have to make it up with two days. If I lose two days, you'll have compensate with four days."

"Yes, yes, yes."

Lu Xun nodded repeatedly and smiled wryly. "Sister, don't worry; I will make it up to you."

Even though she got the promise, the big demoness was still somewhat dissatisfied. She had prepared a lot for this day, and now her perfect plan had an unexpected, fatal hiccup.

Miao Fengxian bit her lip and was about to complain further when she noticed the bloodstain on his shoulder and asked softly, "What happened?"

"Xuan Yin bit me."

"Because I was gone for a day and a night." Lu Xun cleverly shifted the blame, confident that the big demoness wouldn't go to find the little demoness. He held her waist tightly with one hand and gently moved his other hand towards her hip. He mumbled, "Why don't you ask about Zhao Yueyan?"

"I don't feel like asking."

"If there were an urgent situation, you'd definitely tell me without hesitation," Miao Fengxian's cheeks flushed with a rosy color, and her mesmerizing eyes glistened with a hint of moisture. She inquired, "Is Xuan Yin waiting for you at the foot of the mountain?"

"Yes," Lu Xun responded.

"Then you better hurry; the little girl has been waiting for you for a day and a night. It hurts to see her like that." Miao Fengxian gently pushed him away and said tenderly.

However, Lu Xun didn't leave in a hurry. He silently took out two boxes of high-quality rouge and handed them to her, "I bought these especially for you."

Miao Fengxian held the two boxes of rouge, looking at his departing figure with a loving gaze and suddenly said, "Little thief."

"Huh?" Lu Xun turned back to look at the big demoness behind him.

"I love you." Miao Fengxian whispered softly.

In the face of her tender allure, Lu Xun found it a bit difficult to extricate himself for a moment.

The seductive Miao Fengxian, the graceful Fairy Su, and the passionate little demoness….All three of them were the finest in this world, making it impossible to determine who was better.

"I love you too, Sister," Lu Xun responded affectionately.

Miao Fengxian smiled faintly and waved at him to signal that he should leave quickly.

“I long for you like the full moon…"

"But your brightness fades every night…"


Listening to her best friend recounting the process of falling in love with Lu Xun, Mu Qingshuang was filled with jealousy and envy. Those affectionate verses were like clever hands slowly prying open the concealed depths of her heart.

"Jingyi, it's not your fault that you fall so easily for his charms. This man is just too good at teasing women," Mu Qingshuang said with a face flushed in infatuation. "Those verses are are like… like poison to women."

"That's why I said… I… I can't help it. He's naughty and silver-tongued. He especially knows how to make me happy. I simply can't resist."

Mu Qingshuang bit her lip.

You can't resist?

I can hardly resist either. I really want a man like yours…

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