There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 177: Su Jingyi Under The Moonlight

Chapter 177: Su Jingyi Under The Moonlight

Faced with the message sent by Fairy Su, Lu Xun seemed somewhat unsurprised, but also slightly surprised. He didn't expect her opening words to be anything other than "Are you there?" He raised his hand and left a few words on the mirror's surface.

Fairy Su had already returned to her own residence from Zhao Yueyan's place. She had changed back into her loose and elegant nightgown, and now she lay on her favorite couch, her lazy appearance tinged with a hint of anxiety. Just then, the spiritual mirror on the side lit up. She picked it up and took a look, then immediately let out a sigh of relief.

Lu Xun: I've already calmed down, and I even feel a little regretful for leaving you and my wife behind.

This message made Su Jingyi look at the words he had sent and felt a sense of touch in her heart. She mumbled to herself, "Is he… is he concerned about me? Is he worried that I'll be bullied by his wife?"

Fairy Su lightly bit her plump red lips. Her eyes were filled with a faint haze, and she was even a little confused. She had been used to being alone for so long. Suddenly, there was a man who cared and worried about her. She was confused for a moment, but after tearing through the veil of confusion, she felt a surge of emotions in her heart.

After pondering for a moment, Fairy Su finally asked him the question she had in mind.

Fairy Su: Before your wife arrived, you said something to me, ‘I long for you like the full moon…' what does this mean?

Then, she threw the spiritual mirror aside and looked straight up, her cheeks slightly flushed. At this moment, she resembled a young woman courting, feeling a bit anxious, nervous, and embarrassed.

What am I doing? Why do I have this sense of urgency? I really want to get an inexplicable answer from him.

Fairy Su didn't know what to do with her current situation. She knew that this was wrong, but she couldn't help herself. His every word and action seemed to be pulling at her heartstrings. Even his indifference seemed to have a profound meaning to her.

What's wrong with me? What's happening to me?

Su Jingyi, he's the man of that demoness. Why are you entangling yourself with him? Have you forgotten those words you once said? Have you forgotten the promises you made to yourself? You should cut ties with him completely; you can't continue like this!

Su Jingyi bit her lip tightly, constantly reminding herself in her mind. But at the same time, his image appeared before her eyes – that strong and well-defined figure, the handsome and mischievous face. The heart that had already been determined began to loosen.

“Forget it.”

"Since things have come to this point, let it be." Su Jingyi gave up, and she decided to stop worrying about these annoying things.

In an instant, the spiritual mirror lit up with a burst of light, snapping Su Jingyi back to reality. She urgently reached for the mirror and eagerly read the words that appeared on it.

Lu Xun: I long you like the full moon, but your brightness fades every night. Fairy Su, if one day, you must embark on a journey with your sword, do not forget that in this world, there is someone who will always care for you. Just like the full moon in the sky, its radiance diminishes night after night.

In an instant, Su Jingyi’s heart quickened its beat, accompanied by rapid breathing, causing her chest to rise and fall, and both sides of her cheeks burned like fire, emitting a scorching heat wave. Especially her eyes, full of misty fog.

What… What is he trying to express to me?

Fairy Su was quite sure of Lu Xun's intentions, but at the same time, she was a bit bewildered. She looked at the words on the mirror. Although they didn't carry explicit emotions, every word seemed to be filled with love. Doesn't the diminishing radiance express unwillingness to be further apart? She gently raised her hand in the air, hesitating for a while, not knowing what to say to him.

At that moment, the mirror lit up again. The previous words disappeared, replaced by a completely new message.

Lu Xun: If possible, I hope you won't embark on a journey with your sword because I have many cultivation problems that I need you to help me solve, and only you can help me. Of course, my words may not influence your thoughts, but I will try.

"If you don't want me to go, then I won't." Su Jingyi looked at the words on the mirror and mumbled to herself.

However, her response conveyed a different meaning.

Su Jingyi: I never let the outside world influence my thoughts. Once I decide something, it is never changed. Any attempt by you is futile.

After writing this message, Su Jingyi read it repeatedly, carefully studying the wording. She felt that she had been a bit too forceful, so she silently changed a few words, such as replacing ‘never ‘ with ‘rarely' to give him a glimpse of hope while leaving him in despair.

Lu Xun, soaking in the warm pool, looked at Fairy Su's response and couldn't help but smile, revealing a shallow curve at the corner of his mouth. At the same time, a classic line came to mind: Are you playing hard to get?

Lu Xun thought for a moment and then wrote another message. He got out of the pool, picked up his wet clothes from the side, and casually put them on and walked slowly towards the halfway up the mountain.

On the other side, Su Jingyi, who was reading his message, felt both angry and helpless.

"If you want to be with her, then go ahead. Why bother telling me? You clearly know that she and I don't get along." Su Jingyi's face darkened, and her eyes were filled with displeasure. She put away the spiritual mirror with frustration, slowly stood up from her couch, and leaped gracefully to the rooftop.

Sitting alone on the roof, she took out a small jar of fine wine from her sleeve and sipped it slowly. She gazed at the bright moon overhead, her emotions gradually overflowing. Thinking carefully, he sure has a sweet tongue. I suppose that's how he captivated Miao Fengxian?

"This young man…"

Su Jingyi lifted the wine jar and took a small sip, gazing dreamily at the bright moon.

"What are you thinking about?" Miao Fengxian was lying on top of her lover, raising her head to look at the pensive young man. She softly inquired, "Are you thinking about your Su Jingyi?"


"No, no," Lu Xun hastily shook his head, hugging the big demoness nestled in his embrace. He replied tenderly, "I'm thinking about something else. I wonder if there's a type of fabric in this world that's lightweight, breathable, and extremely durable, so much so that it won't tear even when pulled with force."

Lightweight, breathable, and extremely durable?

Miao Fengxian gently pursed her lips and thought for a moment before instantly identifying what he was referring to. She said with a teasing tone, "There is indeed such a thing, but it's not fabric; it's a kind of silk produced by a certain type of demonic spider. Its silk can be used to make clothing, and just a thin layer of it can resist ordinary blades."


So it does exist?

Then my silk stockings plan might have hope!

Lu Xun excitedly asked, "Sister, do you have this kind of silk produced by the demonic spider?"

Miao Fengxian replied nonchalantly, "These demonic spiders are usually found in the Western Region. However, I have a good relationship with the leader of the Western Region's Demonic Sect, almost like sisters. When the time comes, I can ask her for some. But why do you need this? What do you plan to do with it?"

What for? Of course, to make silk stockings and have you seduce me! Lu Xun smiled shyly and earnestly said, "During my two and a half years of wandering the martial world, I've encountered many strange and wonderful things. Among them, there's a type of footwear that's truly magical. These footwear are specifically designed for women. I want to make a few pairs of these for you and Xuan Yin, and maybe even make a pair for the little fox."


What's so magical about them?

Miao Fengxian couldn't quite understand her little thief, but she didn't bother to inquire further. She casually replied before burrowing and wiggling in his embrace, finding the most comfortable position. Gradually, she began to feel a sense of melancholy.

"Xuan Yin's about to come out of seclusion." Miao Fengxian sighed in distress, her slender legs rubbing against his body. She lamented, "I'll have to distance myself from you again."

As she spoke, the big demoness pursed her lips and mumbled softly to herself, "Well, it's time to return you to Xuan Yin."

"After Xuan Yin exits seclusion, will she have stepped into the Mid-Innate realm?" Lu Xun swallowed nervously and cautiously asked, "Can my current cultivation withstand her?"

"Scared?" Miao Fengxian playfully rolled her eyes at him, speaking softly, "You can barely manage."

"Oh," Lu Xun shrugged and stroked his chin with a serious expression. If his wife, who was just in the early-Innate realm, was already so formidable, wouldn't crossing into the mid-Innate realm lead to being eaten alive?

Oh my goodness, what a tough life!

Days of going back and forth between these two demanding women, enduring aches and pains, not to mention a little fox eagerly waiting for attention. And there's also Fairy Su lined up outside.

While Lu Xun was lost in his thoughts, a fiery flame ignited deep within the heart of the big demoness. She started gazing at her beloved with an infatuated look, her breath quickening.

"Let's make the most of our time," she whispered. "Don't waste it on meaningless matters."

Lu Xun snapped out of it and looked at the passionate demoness in his arms. He resolutely took a corner of the blanket and covered them both.

The next day, in a certain cave, a fair and beautiful woman slowly emerged. She exuded an icy aura but possessed unparalleled beauty. Although her blue robe concealed her figure, it couldn't hide her graceful silhouette.

As she reached the entrance of the cave, she deeply inhaled the fresh air, revealing an unhidden longing on her normally aloof face. Her eyes were filled with excitement and desire.

"My husband, during this time, you must have felt quite lonely, haven't you?" she mumbled, her gaze filled with anticipation.

"Husband, I've come to find you!"

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