There’s Something Wrong With These Demonic Women!

Chapter 175: Should I Go Find Him?

Chapter 175: Should I Go Find Him?

Miao Fengxian returned to the courtyard halfway up the mountain. She first went to Lu Xun's residence and found that he wasn't inside the house. She then quietly made her way to the back mountain on foot, not choosing to use her flying sword. She walked alone on the small path in the mountains, her face showing signs of anxiety and distress.

It was the first time she had felt such anger from her little thief. This situation seemed to be serious. Even though her cultivation far surpassed his, and she could easily defeat him without much effort, there were some things that couldn't be resolved through violence alone. Matters of love and romance couldn't be resolved through brute force, and it would only make things worse.

"It's all her fault," Miao Fengxian furrowed her brow, her face full of annoyance. "She keeps trying to snatch away my man. Now, she has caused such a troublesome situation, and in the end, I'll have to deal with it. Su Jingyi, this woman is becoming more and more detestable."

As she spoke, the big demoness sighed in distress and muttered to herself, "It's a pity that I can't do anything to her for now. If conditions permit, I would have surely taken her life. She keeps flaunting herself in front of me and even attempts to steal my little thief. It's infuriating!"

The more she mumbled, the angrier she became. Miao Fengxian was so frustrated that she wanted to go back and fight Fairy Su again. However, she had already approached the back mountain, and noticed the small wooden house in the distance. Her anger gradually subsided, and a sense of worry crept into her heart.

In the darkness of the night, the small wooden house had a faintly lit window. Miao Fengxian reached the door, stood there for a long time without pushing it open, hesitated every time she raised her hand to do so, and finally mustered the courage to gently push the door open.

As the door was pushed open, the candlelight inside dimmed. Miao Fengxian looked inside and saw her little thief sitting at the table, carefully reading a book. She didn't know what he was reading, but the earnest and serious expression on his face was truly captivating.

Especially from this angle, the candlelight cast an orange halo on half of his handsome face, while the other half remained in shadow. His well-defined features were even more visually striking. In the eyes of the big demoness, it was driving her crazy, an indescribable impulse that was beginning to surge, sweeping over her entire body.

Miao Fengxian bit her red lips lightly, a flood of words at the tip of her tongue, but she didn't know what to say. She quietly closed the door, approached him with graceful steps, and bent down elegantly, outlining the round shape of a certain part.

The air was filled with a faint sandalwood scent, and an irresistible ambiguity began to permeate the atmosphere. Although neither of them spoke, it was a moment where their quietness allowed them to hear each other's breathing. Sometimes, such an enclosed environment was needed to highlight the impending excitement and joy, as well as the emotions that were about to engulf each other.

Miao Fengxian glanced at the book in his hand, which seemed to be a fundamental Taoist practice. Most likely, it was the one Fairy Su had given him. In the past, she would have torn it up without hesitation and then given her little thief a sound beating. But now, she couldn't bring herself to do it. Her mind was elsewhere.

She lightly bit her lips, her beautiful eyes stealing glances at him. She had grown accustomed to his handsome face, but for some reason, at this moment, she found herself even more drawn to him. Upon closer reflection, if he hadn't met her, he might have become a legendary writer and swordsman.

However, upon further thought, a man like him couldn't hide his brilliance forever. Sooner or later, he would have been discovered by her. Therefore, he belonged to her, as well as to Xuan Yin.

Wait, there was also a possibility that Su Jingyi might encounter him first. If she had encountered him first, then the two of them would have had no chance. Luckily, Su Jingyi didn't encounter her little thief first.


"Can you let me get closer to you?" Miao Fengxian, a thousand-year-old demoness, spoke like a child who had made a mistake. She was extremely cautious and fearful, her eyes carrying a hint of subtle grievance, as she softly asked Lu Xun.

However, Lu Xun paid no attention to her and continued flipping through the book in his hand.

Seeing that he didn't respond, the big demoness suddenly felt a sense of loss as if she had lost the most important thing in her life. She felt panicked and helpless.

"Do you really crave her?" Miao Fengxian clenched her lips tightly, her face showing signs of emotional turmoil. She muttered, "Even with me and Xuan Yin, do you still want to crave her?"

Lu Xun still didn't speak, continuing to peruse the foundational Taoist practice. His expressionless demeanor was even more ruthless and cold-blooded than the snake demoness. Faced with the questioning demoness, he acted as if she didn't exist.

Seeing his indifferent attitude towards her, Miao Fengxian felt like she was losing him. A sense of fear and helplessness overwhelmed her, filling her entire body and consuming her thoughts.

"Go find her. Don't come to see me again, and don't come to see Xuan Yin either."

Miao Fengxian bit her lip hard, almost drawing blood. She silently stood up, walked towards the door in a daze.

But at that moment, her slender hand was suddenly grabbed, and she stopped in her tracks. Her heart was now beating rapidly, a feeling of joy she had regained sweeping over her. The previously dimmed impulse became even more fervent.

That damned little thief! Despicable little thief! How dare he lie to me! He made a fool out of me!

She eagerly pounced into his arms, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. Her plump, rosy lips directly covered his, and compared to the past, the big demoness had never been so excited before. She wished she could swallow her little thief whole.

Unknowingly, they stumbled to the edge of the bed, falling onto it together without a word, everything happening in perfect harmony.

Lu Xun grabbed a corner of the blanket, and with a swish, it covered both of them.

An hour later, the demoness lay quietly on top of Lu Xun. Her cheeks on either side were tinged with a faint blush, and her expression was filled with affection and tenderness. From outside the covers, one could see her long, slender leg resting on his hips, gently rubbing against him. At the same time, her lively fingers traced various intricate patterns on his sturdy chest.

"In fact…"

"You're not really angry, are you?" Miao Fengxian's cheek was pressed against his chest as she playfully inquired, "You deliberately deceived me to make me believe I was about to lose you, is that it?"

Lu Xun smiled innocently and picked up a strand of her hair, bringing it to his nose to inhale. He tenderly replied, "When the wind beckons, the flowers respond; year after year, we never let each other down. As the sun sets and the evening breeze blows, morning and night, we are always together."

Miao Fengxian raised her head, her mesmerized eyes staring straight at him. The love she felt for him was almost overflowing.

"Little thief…" The demoness propped herself up, moving forward slightly. Her white teeth bit his lips gently as she said, "Let me find a Revival Pill for you. When the time comes, you can try to make me your demoness. If, unfortunately, you die, I'll use the Revival Pill to bring you back to life. What do you think?"

Ah? What if it doesn't work?

Lu Xun's scalp was almost numb. He asked awkwardly, "Sister, is there a possibility that the Revival Pill might fail? What should I do then?"

"Xuan Yin and I will be widowed for you," The demoness drew circles on his body, answering in a flirtatious manner.

You've left me speechless. Lu Xun pursed his lips and hugged her tightly in his arms. He said with great sincerity, "Sister, rest assured, I will work hard every day to make you my demoness as soon as possible."

Miao Fengxian shrank into his arms and cuddled against him, whispering softly, "But I can't wait any longer. Su Jingyi seems to have her eyes on you. What if you can't resist and end up in bed with her, then I… I…"

How about you join us? Lu Xun licked his lips, and the image he yearned for was already forming in his mind.

Cough, cough!

"Sister, don't doubt like this. Even if the fairy descends to earth, she won't be able to shake your position in my heart." Lu Xun replied seriously.

"As I've said before, these empty words might work on Xuan Yin, but for me… Do you think they're effective?" Miao Fengxian playfully glanced at him and said in a soft voice, "In the future, I'll keep a close eye on you. If I catch even the slightest hint of something, I'll make sure you regret it."

In the following time, Miao Fengxian asked Lu Xun to tell some disgusting love words, especially those meaningful love poems. Under the influence of his words, the big demoness regained her hope. Just as before, she took the initiative and hugged her little thief tightly.

"Do you want me to transform?" The big demoness asked hesitantly, using innuendo.

"Transform?" Lu Xun gasped for breath, asking with a shaky voice.

"Anything you want, I'll listen to you." The big demoness replied coyly.

Let me think about it.

No, no, I'll definitely get beaten to death.

A ridiculous idea surged in Lu Xun's mind but only lasted for a moment before he suppressed it. He had mentioned it to Xuan Yin before, and she unsurprisingly beat him up. The worst part was that he had to comfort her afterward.

While they were rekindling their romance, in a palace somewhere within the imperial palace, Su Jingyi lay on a couch in dismay. She was wearing only a simple sleeping gown, and even the green silk ribbon around her waist was loosely tied, emphasizing her indifference.

"Should I go find him?"

"But what can I say to him?"

Fairy Su took out the spiritual mirror, hesitating as she looked at herself in the mirror, her face filled with melancholy for the first time in her life because of a man.

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