The Untouchable Son-In-Law: The Master Peregrine

Chapter 122 - A Bright and Intelligent Girl

Chapter 122: A Bright and Intelligent Girl

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Who are these three? Why have I never met them?”

“I don’t know. I’ve met everyone from the prominent families of New York, but I’ve never met the three of them.”

“Are they not from New York?”

“Not from New York? That’s possible. Didn’t you see Michael Sinclair going out to welcome them in? Could he be a young master of a prestigious family?”

“If he’s not local and was still personally welcomed by Michael Sinclair, he must have quite a high status.”

Everyone in the Sinclair family’s residence started discussing amongst themselves.

But just then, someone laughed snidely. It was loud and out of place.

“Xavier Wood, what are you laughing at?”

The one laughing was Xavier Wood. His family was just an average family in New York, but Xavier Wood was good at networking and was on good terms with quite a few young masters of the most prominent families. As such, his career and status had risen as well.

“I’m laughing at all of you. How could you mistake a piece of trash for a big shot?”

Everyone was stumped and slightly confused by his words.

“I recognize all three of the people you guys are talking about. If we talk about those two women, they’re probably of the same status as me. As for that man… Hahaha!”

Seeing how he was keeping them on edge, they quickly urged him to continue. “What about that man?”

“He’s the greatest piece of trash in this world.”

But everyone shook their heads in disbelief.?‘Xavier Wood has to be lying. How can someone who was personally welcomed by Michael Sinclair be a piece of trash?’

“You should all know that I didn’t go to college in New York but in San Francisco.”

They all nodded.?‘Most people in this circle know about this, but why is he suddenly talking about that?’

“Those three people are from San Francisco. That pretty one is Yvette Larson, the Landon family’s eldest princess. The slightly uglier one is Clarine Landon, the Landon family’s only daughter. The Landon family and the Larson family are nothing but second-tier families in San Francisco. If they were in New York, they wouldn’t even be a third-tier family.”

Seeing how Xavier Wood was so confident, they couldn’t help but think that he was right.?‘Could it be that he’s telling the truth?’

“Then, tell us who that man is.” Although Yvette Larson and Clarine Landon were both beautiful, everyone had seen clearly that Michael Sinclair had been most respectful to that man. That was why they were all curious about his identity.

“You’ll all get a shock if I do tell you.”

Because of this sentence, everyone became even more nervous.?‘Could he be a big shot in San Francisco? The most prominent family in San Francisco would probably be on par with the Sinclair family.’

“That man is Finn Taylor; he’s Yvette Larson’s husband. To be more accurate, he’s the matrilocal son-in-law of the Larson family. He’s nothing but a piece of trash. In the three years that he’s been married to Yvette Larson, he’s been cooking and cleaning. He’s never shared a bed with his wife, much less touched her. Anyone in the Larson family—even the lowliest branch families—can scold him and order him around.”

“Even when he was chased out of the Larson family, he didn’t dare to rebuke them. When anyone in the Larson family hits him, he’ll even have to ask if they hurt their hand from hitting him.”

The more Xavier Wood said, the more excited he got. The audience also felt as though their morals were being ruined just by listening to him.

By the time he finished, everyone felt as though they had been punched in the face.?‘Is there really such a useless man in this world?’

“Xavier Wood, are you for real? Are you just lying to us?”

“Why would I lie to you? I can swear on my life that I was telling the absolute truth.”

Now that he had gone to this extent, nobody dared to doubt him.

Nobody could imagine that the guest who Michael Sinclair had treated so respectfully would have done such shameless things.

At that moment, Charles Sinclar was still by the door. He had heard everything that Xavier Wood had said, but he remained indifferent.

Everyone couldn’t understand why Charles Sinclair wasn’t chasing that guest away now that he knew the truth.?‘Isn’t it a disgrace for someone like that to be in the Sinclair family’s residence?’

But it was the Sinclair family’s matters, and they were in no place to cut in.

With Michael Sinclair leading the way, Finn Taylor and the two ladies were soon brought to the second floor of the Sinclair family’s residence.

The Old Master—Louis Sinclair—was already 80 years old, yet he was still well-built. When they entered, they were greeted by the sight of Louis Sinclair exercising.

Beside him was a beautiful young girl, who looked to be about 18 only. She looked exceptionally bright and intelligent.

Seeing that someone had entered, the girl looked up.

The moment Finn Taylor saw that pair of eyes, he could feel the innocence in them.

“Grandpa, this is the Mr. Taylor I told you about—Finn Taylor.”

Louis Sinclair acted as though he hadn’t heard anything and simply continued with his exercise. Only when he finished his set did he finally look up. “Little Ava, go get our guests some tea.”

The ‘Little Ava” that Louis Sinclair was speaking of was that bright and intelligent-looking girl.

She nodded and immediately went out to get some tea.

“Happy Birthday, Old Master.” Finn Taylor didn’t hesitate to sit down on the Old Master’s chair. He acted as though he was at home, even inviting Yvette Larson and her best friend to take a seat.

Louis Sinclair was slightly displeased. “I’ve never been led on by anyone in my whole life. Do you think I’ll let you take the lead today?”

Just then, the girl returned. She served three cups of tea to the three guests.

“Thank you. What’s your name?”

“Ava Duncan, but you can call me Little Ava.”

‘Ava Duncan.’?Finn Taylor repeated that name in his heart before picking up his cup of tea and downing it in one shot. “Now that I’ve drunk your cup of tea, I owe you one. I’ll spare you from death.”

Ava Duncan didn’t understand what Finn Taylor was saying, only feeling that this man was strange.

“Why do you have to talk about death? You’re scaring a little girl. Come here, Ava.” With Louis Sinclair’s command, Ava immediately headed over.

“Could you introduce Ava Duncan’s relationship to the Sinclair family?”

“She’s my disciple.”

Clarine Landon had been drinking her cup of tea but nearly spat all of it out the moment she heard Louis Sinclair’s words.

“What are you laughing about?” Yvette Larson asked while helping her best friend wipe away the tea.

“If she’s the Old Master’s disciple, wouldn’t Michael Sinclair have to address her as ‘Auntie?'”

‘Pfft!’?Eventually, even Yvette Larson couldn’t hold in her laughter.

Ava bounced over. “That’s right. I’m Michael Sinclair’s auntie. Come on, Michael. Call me ‘Auntie.'”

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