The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 129: Please Be My Daughter’s Kendo Instructor

Chapter 129: Please Be My Daughter’s Kendo Instructor

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

During lunch break the next day, Kimura Kazuki’s phone lit up as he was heading to the cafeteria. It turned out to be a message from Muraoka Hiroshi.

“Kimura-Kun, have you been thinking about working part-time? The first launching campaign of ‘The Sword Saga’ is already up on NICONICO. It’s a clip of your match against my brother, and the response has been really great. Hence we are planning to travel around Kyoto, Yokohama, Sapporo, Kobe, Osaka, and so forth to promote it. Your cosplay as the Thunder Master was well-received among the fans. So if you are interested, let me know, and we can talk about the pay in person.”

Since his mind had been occupied recently, Kimura Kazuki did not recognize who the message was from until he finished reading the message.

“Sorry, I don’t have the time for it.”

Inviting me on an interstate tour? Is Muraoka Hiroshi seriously thinking of me as a full-time cosplayer? He thought that it was hilarious. But if Muraoka Hiroshi uploaded the clip of his fight against Ono Nakamura, it would be a cue for him to secure his job as a dojo instructor as soon as possible.

This was precisely why Kimura Kazuki had been reluctant to go job-seeking at Kendo dojos. He knew that there would be a massive hike for his market value once Muraoka Hiroshi uploaded the clip of his match.

“Alright. Oh yeah, my father-in-law has been annoying me for your contact number. I couldn’t change his mind and gave it to him to get him off me. My father-in-law is the head of the Ono family and Ono Nakamura’s father. Let me know if he gives you any trouble, I’ll take care of it.”


“Are you sure that you’re not interested in the part-time offer? We also invited the latest rookie voice actor, Yukito Hirata. I’ve personally seen her before... She’s quite pretty, I can introduce her to you.”

Muraoka Hiroshi was obviously not done.

From his perspective, Kimura Kazuki had no idea how wildly popular he was. Kimura Kazuki’s popularity did not originate from ‘The Sword Saga,’ it was derived from his strength in Kendo.

It could be said that clicks were high in the early days of Kimura Kazuki’s career thanks to ‘The Sword Saga,’ but the soaring popularity in the later period were all contributed by the vast amount of Kendo students. In fact, the comment section was filled with astonishment. The majority of viewers were in awe.

This could be seen from the many comments of “Sugoi”. Therefore, Kimura Kazuki might lose most of his value once this wave of recognition subsides if his popularity is not utilized correctly at this moment.

Kimura Kazuki could not help but sigh to himself while he read the message. It seemed like he left a lasting impression that time when he asked about Nishiyama Chiyoko. Speaking of voice actors... Kimura Kazuki thought of something and composed a message carefully.

“No, I really don’t have the time for it, I’m busy preparing for the Kendo competition. But there’s a favor that I would like to ask for, Mr. Muraoka. It’s about voice acting. I have a friend who has been training to be a voice actor since she was young. Her dream is to voice act for animations, but she never had the chance to. I was wondering if there was any chance that she could get an audition at your place?”

Kimura Kazuki was aware that Fuyuno was not without opportunities. With her father’s connections, it should be easy for him to arrange a voice acting job for his daughter. However, Fuyuno planned to get dubbing gigs with her skills and debut as a voice actor of her own accord.

“Sure! Give me your friend’s contact information, and I’ll inform your friend to come for an audition. But the final results will be determined by her competence.”

‘The Sword Saga’ had a confirmed list of voice actors for the main characters and supporting characters. However, they were still looking for voice actors to voice act for the less significant side characters. It was not the case where they could not find anyone to pick up the job. But the gigs were reserved for the other offices to send their personnel in to stuff their resumes with relevant experiences. That was just how society works. If only Seikisha was not a new company, they could definitely pay the other voice actors to take up multiple characters.

Kimura Kazuki was a friend worth keeping from Muraoka Hiroshi’s viewpoint, which was why he did not mind pulling some strings for him.


However, Kimura Kazuki did not pass Fuyuno’s contact with Seikisha because he still needed to wait for her permission. Opportunities come and go. Kimura Kazuki had to seize it and make a deal with Muraoka Hiroshi before anything else

Just as Kimura Kazuki set out for the cafeteria, his phone started vibrating. He noticed that it was an unknown number after he took one glance at it.

Could it be the head of the Ono family? Muraoka Hiroshi’s messages came into mind. Real swordsmen are still around in Japan, Kimura Kazuki supposed as he got a taste of Ono Nakamura’s sword power.

He accepted the call but remained silent.

“Hello, is this Kimura-Kun?” asked the voice on the phone. The person on the phone was Kenichiro Yagyu, who could not believe that Junichi took one whole day to pass him Kimura Kazuki’s contact. He made the call once he got his hands on his contact information.

“It’s me. Who is this?” Kimura Kazuki replied with a faint tone. He planned to hang up if it was the Ono family head looking for trouble after watching clips of the match.

“My name is Kenichiro Yagyu,” Kenichiro paused for a moment before he continued, “I saw your match with Ono Nakamura... I had to ask, could it be that the sword technique you were using the Rainstorm Style of the Yagyu Flying Sword Style, Kimura-Kun?”


“Your family name is Yagyu. So are you a descendant of Isshin Yagyu?” Kimura Kazuki had a good guess on who he was dealing with.

“Yes, I am indeed a descendant of the Yagyu family.” Letting out a sigh, Kenichiro Yagyu continued, “I’ll be frank with you, the Yagyu Flying Sword Style that was invented by Master Isshin is no longer extant. That is why I asked around and called you once I saw you using the Rainstorm Style in the video yesterday. I hope you don’t mind the intrusion.”

“So, are you calling to reclaim the Yagyu Flying Sword Style?” Kimura Kazuki smiled. He was going straight to the point, and he was not planning to be subtle about it.

Kimura’s bluntness took Kenichiro Yagyu by surprise, but he was able to collect himself quickly, “I wouldn’t dare to make such a demand. I have no idea how you inherited the Yagyu Flying Sword Style, Kimura-Kun. But since you obtained it, it can only be your destiny. I made the call to ask a favor, and I’m prepared to offer you a handsome compensation if we have a deal, Kimura-Kun.”

“Let’s hear it.”

Kenichiro had no intention of being subtle. He asked directly, “Before anything else, do you have the complete inheritance of the Yagyu Flying Sword Style, Kimura-Kun?”

“Yes, I have a complete comprehension of the Yagyu Flying Sword Style.”

Kenichiro Yagyu took a deep breath and said seriously, “I would like to appoint you as my daughter’s Kendo instructor and let her train by your side in mastering the Yagyu Flying Sword Style. I will compensate you satisfyingly!”

Kenichiro Yagyu placed a lot of emphasis on the word compensate. It was evident that he had indisputable confidence in the reward that he was offering.

Kimura Kazuki muttered to himself, assuming that the compensation offered by Kenichiro to be monetary. He clearly had the wrong idea. Kenichiro Yagyu was getting fidgety as Kimura Yazuki contemplated his options, until Kimura finally said, “Send me an address, we can talk about it later in the afternoon.”

He had planned to interview for a job at the Kendo dojo in the first place. In his mind, he knew that Kendo dojos were looking to hire Kendo instructors with fixed salaries. On the other hand, being a personal instructor may prove to be more lucrative.

It’s just like a private tutor.

Typically, students would pay a fixed amount of money to study in school. However, teachers at school would not halt their class to wait for students to understand all the materials. On the contrary, private tutors would tutor students according to their own standards.

From Kimura Kazuki’s point of view, even if someone else learned the Yagyu Flying Sword Style, it would be impossible for them to be better than him. What he obtained was the spirit of the sword techniques, and the experiences of the technique founders were within him! In fact, he achieved the state of Kenshin Tsumei, so it would be effortless for him to go beyond old ideas.

In fact, the Yagyu Flying Sword Style that he had been using had already been revised into his own Kendo.

The Art of Sword Summoning, better known as the Art of Sword Power, was the chapter that Kimura Kazuki took a preference to in ‘The Art of Kendo.’

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