The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 3: Chapter 8

Book 3: Chapter 8

A possibility.

Thats right, from here on would be a story that is complete conjecture.

However, it needed to be spoken out.

Its because if it wasnt, then things wouldnt start.

The possibility that the Alva were something created by that person. I, am suspecting that.

Luuty ruminated over Vermudols words, and thought about the meaning of them.

To create the Alvato create Mazoku.

In other words, it meant to create life.

When thinking of the number of Alva, which were a new species of Mazoku, it wouldnt be strange if someone were to have meddled with that flow of life.

When Luuty was about to open her mouth, Vermudol continued his words first.

That isnt all. Iam thinking that Shuklous was also prepared by that person.


As she was about to say now that is impossible, Luuty sank into silence.

What if the masterminds objective, was to kill Gramfia.

However, having reached this far, she didnt understand the meaning of killing Gramfia.

Gramfia was a powerful Demon King, but to bring about fear and chaos to mankinds territory, he was unnecessary to Shuklous.

Howevermanipulating a Demon King isnt something that anyone can do, you know?

True. But, there is one person that can. Someone that can create both the Alva and Shukloussee.

Luuty didnt answer to those words.

Certainly, there was oneSomemon that could create both the Alva and Shuklous.

The God of Life Philia.

If it was Philia, who managed the seeds of life and governs over life, that certainly is possible.

Having lent her power to the summoning of the former Hero Ryuuya, she was also the one that granted them the oracles in order to defeat the Demon King.

Luuty arrived at one possibility, then looked at Vermudols eyes and asked.

Could you tell me just who it is that you are guessing it to be?

Thats obvious.

Vermudol gave an immediate reply.

Its the God of Life Philia. I do not know as far as to why she would do such a thing, but as a possibility, I believe it to be considerably high.

So its not like, youre convinced of it.

If I were convinced of it, I would be making preparations for war right now.

As Vermudol said that and shrugged his shoulders, Rokuna silently peeked over at him.

His words right now werent a lie, but they werent the truth either.

There was no proof of itbut, he was actually convinced about it.

That is why Vermudol was trying to gather hands that he could play to the point that could be said to be excessive.

However, it seemed that Vermudol intended on concealing that from Luuty.

While making a yawn, Rokuna dropped her gaze on to the book in her hand looking uninterested.

Is that, so.

While keeping her gaze fixed on Vermudol, Luuty continued onto her next question.

Well then, lets suppose that the God of Life is the mastermind behind everything. What do you intend to do?

That question is one that thought about asking you. What do you intend on doing? I, intend to fight.


Going I see, Luuty started thinking.

There was no mistake that Vermudol was focused on fighting against the God.

With his remark just now, that face was something she could completely understand.

And then, Luutys answer was also something that was decided.

If, the God is the mastermind, I believe there is a need to inquire about her intent.

For Luuty, the idea that the God of Life is the mastermind left behind some suspicions.

They were able to make hypotheses, but there wasnt a single piece of evidence.

Howevershe also couldnt just agree to it.

The truth that Vermudol thought of certainly is something that mankind wouldnt even imagine.

However, as long as there was no evidence, she couldnt believe in it immediately.

If its about the Gods intent, then you will understand immediately.

As if reading Luutys thoughts, Vermudol muttered.

I have destroyed the scenario that God created. If she plans on being fixated on it, then she will surely be rushing to make corrections right away.



Curving the corners of his mouth, Vermudol expressed a small smile.

The scenario where the Hero defeats the Demon King and brings peace to the world.

But, he had no intention of following that scenario.

Using his function as the Demon King to its maximum degree up until now, he greatly shook up mankinds territory.

The St. Altlis Kingdom.

The Cylas Empire.

The Jiol Forest Kingdom.

The Canal Kingdom.

From these four major nations, the Jiol Forest Kingdom was detached.

This act had several meaning to it.

First, it was meant to be a symbol of friendship to the Mazoku in mankinds territory.

Second, it was meant to be a base for action for the Mazoku in mankinds territory.

Third, it was meant to destroy the troublesome thing known as the justice of all of mankind.

For the sake of mankind and Mazoku from now on, the justice of all of mankind would be in the way.

In actuality, despite having been saved when they had drifted ashore onto the Dark Continent, Borkio betrayed Vermudols kindness for the sake of the justice of all of mankind.

As long as the Mazoku were imprinted as the enemy to mankind, there was logically nothing that could be done about itbut for Vermudol, it was something extremely bothersome.

Therefore, by destroying the relationships of the four major nations, he put pressure on mankinds state of mind, and made them carry suspicions towards the justice of all of mankind.

The fourth and final meaning, was something that he could not tell Luuty at the present point.

It was, meant to prevent the completion of the Holy Sword.

The Holy Sword was said to be completed by going around every part of the world and controlling the power of the Gods.

Vermudol had not seen the real thing, but as long as it seemed to be a sword that kept enough power to defeat the Southern General Raktor, he couldnt allow it to be completed.

For the sake of that, there was a need to first form a friendship with the Jiol Forest Kingdom.

Thats right, all of this was an act to destroy the prepared scenario.

He wouldnt let something like the Holy Sword be completed.

He had no intention of perishing to something like the Hero.

He wouldnt become something like a sacrificed for the sake of mankinds peace.

He absolutely wouldnt allow something like imposing all evil onto the Mazoku.

And if that was something that God established, he would also knock down that God.

For the sake of the peace of the Mazoku, I will exhaust all of my strength. If the peace of the world is needed for that, I will make it happen. That is why, please lend me your strength, Luuty. Your blind acceptance towards Godcast it away.

Luuty quietly replied to Vermudols invitation.

Vermudol. If even you are a creature with life, then you should eventually return to the God of Lifes side. Do you not fear that?

Thats right, this was the reason why mankind, and the Grand Altlis Temple, worships the God of Life.

The God of Life Philia who manages the flow of life looks at all of ones deeds during their lifetimethat is the religious outlook that is instilled onto the people.

Easy to understand words such as after death and the next life easily tied people down.

Those that doubted the God of Lifes existence and the temples dogma, it could be said that it would be better if they were gone.

Not really. More than that, I find being played around with by a God however she likes in my current life to be scarier. Are you different?

Luuty was at a loss for words.

Keeping silent as if to ponderbefore long, she opened her mouth.

I cannot make an immediate reply.


I understand the truth you are speaking of. However, I dont have a way to judge if that really is the truth.


Luuty answering like that, in a certain way, was only natural.

There was a possibility that everything that Vermudol talked about was a magnificent lie.

Most of mankind would doubt the Mazoku more than God.

That is why. Until the time the Gods will that you spoke of is shown. At that time, I will give you my answer. Are you fine with that?

Yeah, its not a problem.

After Luuty nodded, she stood up from her chair.

This was a meaningful time. Good night, Vermudol-dono.

Yeah. Good night, Luuty.

*Katsun, katsu* While making the sound of shoes resound, Luuty left the Grand Library.

After seeing her off, Rokuna poked Vermudols shoulder.

Is it alright? With just that. You had quite a few cards left hidden though.

Its fine. If I were to show all of my hands at once, then she would instead be cautious.

HnWell, for me, I think that it will be either tonight or tomorrow though.

Vermudol went Fumu to Rokunas prediction and nodded.

I see. The Alva will make a huge attack in the Jiol Forest Kingdom while they have the opportunity where the king isnt there. It was the scheme of the MazokuI suppose that would be how it looks.. But, there havent been any reports from the intelligence team about it, right?

There havent. There have only been regular reports stating that there arent any abnormalities in both the royal capital and the national borders.

Then, it wont happen.

When Vermudol said that, Rokuna made a dissatisfied looking face.

That might be true but. For now, Ill have them stay vigilant.

Yeah, please.

Vermudol thought that they most likely wont play such a large-scale hand just yet.

However, something should definitely happen.

Something, for the sake of a happily ever after to God, to mankind.

But first comes tomorrow.

Tomorrow, the treaty of friendship would officially come into effect, and the friendship between the two countries would be relayed far and wide through diplomats.

Everything would start from there.



As Vermudol was about to show a dark smile, a weight was suddenly placed on his shoulder.


Seeing that, Rokuna found that to be charmingor at least she found it to be charming on the surface, however, she made a face that said she found it amusing and couldnt hold it in.

Nn, nnu. *Supii*.

Fainell, whose thread of tension had been cut now that Luuty was gone, was asleep and leaning on Vermudols shoulder. Her figure looked truly happy.

To think that this is Four Cardinal General Fainell who was the eastern championIm sure that anyone other than the Mazoku of the east would find this hard to believe.

The eastern Mazoku know about this?

Going of course they do, Rokuna nodded.

In the Demon Kings eastern territory where it was relatively warm and easy to take care of, the figure of Fainell taking a nap looking really comfortable could be sighted quite often.

She was seen being like that as much as her figure zealously training was seenbut in the end, it seemed that her happy-looking sleeping face left more of an impression on the Mazoku.

Now Im starting to get worried about the eastern area.

Its fine, Im coordinating things in that regard after all.

Well, if you say so, then it must be true but

Feeling that his image of Fainell from when he had just met her was breaking, Vermudol breathed a sigh.

Shes just the embodiment of the idea that peace is wonderful. Its a good thing

Is thatso?

Although he felt a faint amount of discomfort, Vermudol changed his mind thinking that it might be something like that.

Unfair. Nino also wants to sleep with Demon King-sama.

Vermudol was surprised by Nino who popped her face out from underneath the desk, but he immediately changed to a look of amazement.

Nino disregarded that sort of thing, and hugged Vermudol.

Since when were you there?

Nino is always within Demon King-samas heart, you know?

I see. Then I guess it cant be helped.

Yup. Its because Nino is the unforgettable-type of beautiful young lady. It cant be helped.

Thinking it looks like I wont be able to sleep today, Vermudol smiled looking troubled.

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