The Simple Job of Only Perishing to the Hero

Book 3: Chapter 13

Book 3: Chapter 13

With the parade finished, a buffet style dinner party was held in the Jiol Forest Kingdom royal castle.

The participants were nobles, royalty, military personneland even among those groups, they were people that were especially hand-picked.

There was extravagant cuisine, and pleasant music performed by an orchestra.

The venue that was decorated with resplendent ornaments was undoubtedly the finest location in the Jiol Forest Kingdom.

Normally, the dinner party would become a place of fun social activity, but having accepted guests that were Mazoku, it was enveloped with a feeling of tension.

We are being watched.

It cant be helped. Its because in a certain way, we are todays leading actors.

To the displeased looking Nino, Vermudol shrugged his shoulders.

Vermudol had also felt the gazes that were fixed upon them, but since they were not mixed with hostility, he determined that ignoring them would be the best thing to do.

If he had to say, they were gazes mixed with fearor maybe interest and expectation.

And even for that, it was most likely an expectation that they would play a restraining role against the St. Altlis Kingdom on the point of military cooperation.

In fact, as long as the Magic Operated Armor of the Central Army were stationed at the national borders, in the event that the St. Altlis Kingdom came attacking, the first ones to battle would be the Zadark Kingdom Armythat is how it turned out to be.

However, Vermudol found the captain of the Protection Chivalric Order Zekwells quick-wittedness to turn the Zadark Kingdom into a shield with the unprecedented measure of entrusting the national borders to another country to be likable.

From the start, it was the Zadark Kingdoms side that proposed military cooperation, and it was only natural to make effective use of that.


Oya, why if it isnt Sarigan-dono. Thank you for preparing a place like this ahead of time for us.

Seeing King Sarigan come along, Vermudol returned his greeting.

When Sarigan nodded to that, he sent a gaze that said do not approach to the people in the surroundings.

Are you enjoying yourself?

Yes, thanks to you.

Exchanging such formal words, Sarigan made a serious expression.

So, its finally started.


Our treaty of friendship will most likely have a grand effect on the world There is the part where we cannot predict just what kind of reaction the St. Altlis Kingdom will make, but the reactions that the other countries will make are unknown as well. Will it bring about chaos, or will a new flow be bornEither way, the world will surely be shaken in a large way.

The Jiol Forest Kingdom and the Zadark Kingdoms friendship in other words meant the friendship between mankind and the Mazoku.

That would become throwing even more live coals into the fire of the Shutaia Continent which was currently shaken up by the Demi-Human argument.

In this treaty of friendship, the word equality was insisted to the point of being excessive, and was the exact opposite for the Demi-Human argument that advocated Human Supremacy within mankind.

If thought about ethically, justice would surely be on the Jiol Forest Kingdom Zadark Kingdom side.

However, the point that the Zadark Kingdom was a country of Mazoku was an obstacle.

Was it truly alright to place trust in the Mazoku?

That sort of view was only natural, and it would instead be unhealthy of them if they didnt have that sort of view.

As for how the various countries would react to the news they received from the Jiol Forest Kingdom, just as Sarigan said, it was unknown.

However, Vermudol saw that they wouldnt suddenly just go to war, and would first run about gathering information.

To see whether it was the truth or not.

To see what the Zadark Kingdom was, and to see who the new king of the Mazoku was.

Among all kinds of other things, they would surely gather various pieces of information.

And then, a target of that intelligence gathering should naturally befall upon the Zadark Kingdoms diplomat.

Vermudol then sent his gaze with a peek to his own subordinate that he had newly created for the sake of that.


He created a Mazoku whose abilities were fragmented as a Majin, but possessed a talent that towered above the rest as a diplomat.

It wasnt like he didnt have any worries about how things would actually turn out, but if it was him who was pleasantly chatting with the Sylphid, then he would surely answer Vermudols expectations.

YesHowever, I am sure that they will also understand the true meaning of peace that is to come eventually.

We can only pray that that is how it will turn out.

Pray. However, just what should he to.

At the very least, the God that Vermudol should pray to did not exist in this world of Remfilia.

Though, if that black little girl that had sent Vermudol to this world was an unknown God of Remfilia, then he might have to pray to her.



Sarigan-dono, have you met with the Gods?

No, but if its Luuty, then I think she might have

Is that so.

After nodding, Vermudol started to think.

The Jiol Forest Kingdom was a country that held faith in the God of Water Aklia and the God of Wind Wyrm.

If the Hero Ryuuya had to visit here in order to complete the Holy Sword, then the possibility that the means to meet with a God remaining somewhere in this country was high.

The God of Life was most likely an enemy, but that did not necessarily mean that the other Gods would be as well.

There was a need to meet with the Gods as soon as possible.

But, he had yet to obtain Luutys cooperation.

Sarigan-dono. You would not mind if we walk about this country, would you?

Of course I wouldnt mind. We are friendly relations, arent we?

I thank you for your kindness.

Things would be simpler if they could borrow Luutys strength, but it couldnt be helped right now.

While thinking that, Vermudol looked at Luuty who was sitting two tables away from him.

Hes looking at me.

It cant be helped. There are several things that would move forward if you just cooperated.

While bringing some salad to her mouth, Fainell replied to Luuty.

What Fainell carried on her plate was a salad of foliage plants that were in season, and all of them were normal vegetables raised basking in the light of the sun and couldnt be raised in the Dark Continent.

They were high class ingredients that contained a faint amount of magical power, but when compared to the goods of the Dark Continent, their concentration of magical power was low.

However, the part on how they didnt run, shout, or fly like the vegetables of the Dark Continent made them easy to handle.

I didnt say that I wouldnt cooperate.

But you wont do it now, right?

That was the promise after all.

After swallowing down her salad, Fainell nodded her head as if comprehending something.

As usual, youre such a bothersome fellow.

Botherso!? I dont want to be called that by someone as noncommittal as you!

Im not noncommittal, Im just magnanimous.

If youre going to say that, then it should be slovenly!

Wh, what!?

Seeing those two quarrelling, the men that gathered the attention of the female camp of the venueZekwell and Sancreed came walking over.

LuutyJust what are you making a racket over?

You too, Fainell. Keep it in moderation.

They were admonished like that, but Luuty and Fainell didnt listen to them, and glared at the two of them.

Zek, there is something I want to ask you.

Sancreed, answer me honestly.

Seeing the two of them with glazed eyes, both Zekwell and Sancreed unconsciously took a step back.

Luuty and Fainell filled the distance so that they wouldnt escape, and asked them a question with clear voices.

Am Ia bothersome woman?

Am Ia slovenly woman?

Zekwell subtly averted his eyes and answered.

Th, that isnt true at all. Luuty, you are simply a bit more meticulous than others.

On the other hand, Sancreed answered upfront.

Thats great. If youre self-aware of it, then you have to possibility to improve upon it.

Luuty looked triumphant, and Fainell looked vexed.

Naturally, this wasnt a scene where Luuty would act triumphant, but for Fainell, it brought an instant effect.

Fainell grabbed Sancreeds clothes, and started shaking him back and forth.

Whyyoulittle! You should read the atmosphere a little and then answer!

Its meaningless even if I were to lie in this place, right. In that case, detaching myself and taking part in your development is what a genuine friend would do.

As if I care, you idiot! Besides, you, I heard about it you know! It seems that you drew a colored version of me in the piece lottery, didnt you! Someone like mesomeone like me!

In actuality, the one who drew it was Luuty, but for Fainell who didnt know about that went on the verge of tears and continued to shake Sancreed.

Fainell had drawn quite a number of piece lotteries, but she had yet to possess a colored version of herself.

Wa, wait, Fainell. Please calm down.

No, dont stop me Luuty! You wouldnt be able to understand my feelings!

Everyone is looking! So calm down!

Being told that, Fainell went Ha and looked around at the surroundings.

The skit that had suddenly started had completely gathered all of the attention, and far away, the fact that Vermudol was making a tired looking face had entered her eyes.

Fainells face was dyed red very fast, and she hung her head down covering her face with both hands.

What a blunder. Now my image that I built up in this country is

I see.

Whether it be in the Dark Continent or here, your image wont change.

That is what Sancreed muttered in his heart, but he didnt dare say it out loud.

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