The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 132: Bottled Feelings Explode When Poked [R-18]

Chapter 132: Bottled Feelings Explode When Poked [R-18]

If you do not wish to see a romantic scene play out, then i suggest you skip this chapter....

Min Hong entered and locked the door from behind before gently placing Min Qing on his bed.

After tucking her in comfortably and was about to go cultivate on the side, he felt a hand latch onto his arm.

Then he looked back and saw Min Qing whose rosy cheeks had reduced significantly and was still receding, as she looked at him with sleepy eyes and tapped the side of the bed urging him to come join her.

Min Hong then put of his cloak, leaving only his robes on as he sunk underneath the covers and joined her.

Min Qing instantly moved over and placed her head on his chest around his heart area whilst rubbing the other side of his chest with her left arm as she snuggled into his embrace absorbing the warmth radiating from his body whilst also inhaling the mature, manly and strong fragrance he gave off.

Still with slightly sleepy eyes, she smiled in content and so happily like as if she had achieved all her goals in life as her rosy cheeks stopped receding and instead began to increase in hue at a very slow but steady pace.

Min Hong then kissed her forehead and caressed her head in a bid to ease her to sleep, because he knew that she would never sleep satisfactorily unless she had him around to snuggle her to sleep.

Min Qing at this point was in pure bliss as she smiled like a little girl who had just been rewarded for being good with her favourite candy.

Then she began to fiddle, scrub and run her hand over Min Hong's chest.

But after a little while and feeling like the robes were getting in her way, Min Qing's left hand slipped its way into his robes coming into contact with his bare chest, skin to skin as she began to happily caress his chest as he was her hair.

At this point, the butterflies in her tummy fluttered intensely and flew around in joy.

She could ask for nothing more right now and wished that time could only slow down, so she could enjoy this moment for a very long time as she thought;

"This is the moment where Lang Su's time effect would have really come in handy." She thought.

But she shrugged the thoughts out of her mind and chose to savor every moment of this lovey-dovey moment.

"Hong-ge" She called out in a cute, meek and innocent bedroom voice, causing the tone Min Hong used to reply her to follow the same trend;

"Un?" he responded.

"There is something I have to tell you"

Min Qing bit her lower lip as the hand she was using to caress Min Hong's bare chest stopped and clenched tightly as if she was battling with something on her mind.

Min Hong clearly noticed and held her hand causing Min Qing to tremble slightly as he replied; 

"Min Qing, I want you to know that you can freely tell me anything. After all, you are the only human family I have left. If we are even scared of speaking our minds to each other, then who else would we tell an outsider?"

He held her hand with one hand and caressed her hair with the other trying to calm her chaotic emotions and mindset.

Before adding; "Feel free to tell me anything you want to, it would not change anything or my view of you" 

When she heard this, Min Qing whose eyes were already swollen in tears began to sob so quietly that even Min Hong didn't know until her first tear drop touched his robes.

Then he pulled her face to himself and looked straight into her eyes and spoke;

"It's alright, I have told you before that I am going nowhere, and we're in this together till the end. Nothing you can say or do can change that"

He didn't tell her to stop crying because he knew he was the only one who would ever see this side of her.

The weak, tender, innocent Little Qing who shouldn't have been allowed to witness the cruelty of this wicked world.

Feeling the sincerity behind his words filled Min Qing's heart with warmth and she finally felt extremely comfortable and confident enough to tell him what was weighing down on her mind.

"Hong-ge, I am not your blood sister"

She shut her eyes and squeezed them tightly bracing herself for his reaction, but nothing came, not even the hand holding her currently curled-up hands or the one caressing her hair trembled.

Then she added; "We are not related by blood, we never were" she added but still didn't sense any reaction.

But what she heard next almost made her brains explode; "I know. Is that all?" Min Hong said as he kept caressing her hair.

Then she stood up kneeling on the bed and gazed at him with an expression that depicted that she was not worthy of the kindness and affection Min Hong was showing her.

She didn't know why, but ever since she had known Min Hong, he had never made her feel guilty or bad about anything.

He was always supportive and protective of her, and though didn't relate to her much in the early years of his life, she could see how much effort he was putting in to rectify that. 

But, as for her, what has she done for him in return that was significant? The answer is nothing.

Then here he was, still not mad about keeping such a huge secret from him

So she started tearing up once again, if anyone asides from Min Hong, even Min Tian and Min Rou saw the current Min Qing, they would never believe it was possible, even in ten lifetimes.

Though she was very shy and kept to herself, that never meant she was weak, and neither has she ever displayed any form of weakness in their presence, except from when she had the Yin eruption, which by its standard would make anyone curl into a ball in pain.

After she thought about all this, she couldn't hold back any longer as she broke down in tears and cried out loud.

Min Hong simply waved his sleeves and threw out the formation plate Min Qing usually set up for him every time he wanted to cultivate atop the flying Elder Yun. 

It was soundproof, so it did the trick as he allowed Min Qing to pour herself out into his broad chest whilst caressing her hair in consolation.

Min Qing cried for almost ten minutes before she spoke whilst heaving and sniffing with a teary voice;

"Hong-ge, why are you being so good to me?" she asked.


Min Hong sighed deeply and smiled to her face as she froze slightly, she knew that smile all to well, he was already doing what she was just thinking about.

He was about to take away the blame and guilt from her once again.

Then he spoke; "You are the only person I have related with the most asides mom. You were the one who usually had a long, pointless, ramblings of a conversation with me, and after everything was said, done and gone, you were still the only one refused to leave my side..."

"So, tell me If not you, then who?"

He said before adding as he wiped her tears with his hands;

"You are the only thing I care the most about in life. So, I will always treat you as such and nothing less" 

But all his sincerity and consoling words only made Min Qing feel less worthy of it all and thus bawl with more intensity as she covered her face to prevent Min Hong from seeing her in this state.

But Min Hong simply held her hands and removed it from her face as he spoke;

"You don't have to be ashamed of anything you do in my presence nor do you have to be shy"

That seemed to do the trick as she flew into his arms and hugged him tightly as her momentum pushed him back first on the bed with her on top, then she spoke; "I love you Hong-ge" 

Now she had finally said what was on her chest and though knew Min Hong also felt the same way wasn't expecting him to say it, but he did.

Almost immediately; "I love you too Qing'er"

The moment she heard him say it, her hug tightened as her face went tomato-red.

But for Min Hong, he finally admitted his emotions and instantly, they both had a breakthrough in their soul and mental cultivation by one level for Min Qing and two for Min Hong.

She also remembered the verse of the chapter that said;

"Telling the truth to yourself is Integrity; Telling the truth to others is Honesty; Only the heart which cultures these four qualities, shall ascend the steps to Sainthood." 

Thus, since they just did two of these qualities, they were bound to achieve a breakthrough, but the reason why Min Hong climbed up two stairs which in turn means to levels of breakthrough was because he had merged the two techniques.

As a result, since the pain from the purifying process was double, his rewards would most certainly be double also.

Min Qing slept on Min Hong as they remained that way for hours until it became night outside which was equivalent to about 9PM in modern day earth.

Then Min Qing slid over to the side as they both stared at each other in silence and serenity with an urge within both their hearts. But either of them didn't know what to do or how to start.

For Min Hong who had been an assassin all his first life without anyone to love, he obviously couldn't treat her like the prostitutes he slept with then, but he didn't know how to treat a woman right.

For Min Qing she was already fifteen but doesn't have any experience with it either.

The only thing she knew was what Min Jiao; Min Bolin's daughter, her first cousin, usually spoke about with her friends when they are all talking about boys back then.

But even then, she always felt embarrassed and decide to flee the scene which Min Jiao and friends usually found amusing and would occasionally taunt her with it.

So, she was also clueless about what to do. But after what seemed to be about ten minutes of staring into each other's eyes, she finally leaned in and kissed him lightly.

They both froze for a second, after all, this wasn't a kiss in the forehead like Min Hong usually gave her or the runaway pecks she gives.

This was a genuine kiss one born out of new-found true love. But after five minutes of sharing awkward kisses like a little child picking up chopsticks for the first time, they finally got a hang of it.

Then, they began to explore the insides of each other's mouth with their tongues which desperately searched every nook and cranny of their mouths like the DEA searching for pellets of coke in a junkie's house.

Then what followed was the groping, and the hums and moans of innocent pleasure coming from both of them as they both explored every aspect of their upper body parts, leaving no piece of meat untouched.

This included Min Qing's plum twin mountains which made her body heat up intensely as she began to feel a tingly sensation in her lower body part causing her to explode all her inner deep fantasies.

Min Hong also felt her desires as he also erupted with several fetishes that took Min Qing by utter shock.

He caressed her twin peaks as he brought his lips down there and kissed them making Min Qing's oversensitive body nearly spasm from pleasure.

Then he began to twist and turn one of the peaks like ignition keys whilst he sucked and nibbled at the other making Min Qing hold the back of his head and pin it tightly to her chest as erotic moans escaped her lips;

"Hmm Aah~ Um~ Aah"

She was given different soundtracks that a DJ could do a mixtape from it as the tingly sensation she felt in her lower body part increased and her entire body heated up significantly.

Then she picked Min Hong's other hand and led it to her lower body part, though not knowing why, but she had a feeling only his touch down there could calm it.

But when Min Hong noticed where the entire lovemaking which was supposed to be responsible and innocent was going, he stopped her as removed his mouth from her mountain peak with a bridge of saliva attaching to it like a friend trying to hold on to his friend who was about to fall into a bottomless pit

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