The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 131: A Spanking Statement

Chapter 131: A Spanking Statement

Min Hong vanished from the spot and reappeared directly in front of Yue Yao who yelled as she used a sword art with her Flame Dao sword;

"Incinerating Thrust!"

Then she stabbed at Min Hong who simply deflected her attack the back of his hand which was now engulfed in a pitch-black energy (Chaos Qi) like a glove.

The move was so manly, valiant and done with so much impunity that some of the boys in the crowd nodded their head in commendation.

There also some girls who were captivated by the way Min Hong was totally dominating Yue Yao as the thoughts of him dominating them in other areas began to pop up in their heads making their cheeks take a reddish hue.

Then finally, Min Hong began to hear some cheers and compliments here and there.

Apparently, he had begun to attract some fans making him shake his head slightly, he was now understanding why Long Sha hated fame.

If he could make friends and fans this easily, then he knew they could also desert him such as easily.

Thus, he didn't put their cheers and whistles into his mind and in that moment, he made that decision, a mysterious energy surged into his mind and soul, as his soul body finally took another step within the [Buddhist Chant of the Cherubs] test dimension.

Then another verse of the first chapter echoed within his mind;

[Therefore, the governing of the saint is to empty one's mind, substantiate one's virtue, weaken one's worldly ambition and strengthen one's essence.] then his soul and mental cultivation saw another instantaneous increase in one level.

But he was in the middle of imparting a lesson, so he put the situation to the back of his mind as he deflected her sword and slid his hand over her sleeves before capturing her entire arm in his. 

Then he turned her around in one fluid movement that seemed somewhat sexy to some girls watching the ongoing exchange.

Chaos Qi covered Min Hong's other palm like a glove, but just as he was about to use it, the energy gloved changed colour from pitch-black to yellow (indicating the change from Chaos energy to Metal energy) with a thought as he spanked Yue Yao's rear end very hard

"Aah~" Yue Yao let out a sharp cry that sounded like an erotic moan as Min Hong's palm sunk slightly into her rear end before bouncing back like it just pressed an elastic band that was supported by a spring.

Then what followed was the sound of a clap made by Yue Yao's butt cheeks.

Since Min Hong only spanked only one of them, it caused a chain reaction like a domino effect leading to the abrupt clap that sent many boys spectating the exchange into flurries of wild and vulgar imaginations whilst some girls could on cringe at the sight. 

Their butts also tingled slightly at the imaginary feeling of being spanked that hard, especially in public.

Some boys who had just returned from their epiphany of wild and vulgar imaginations nodded their heads in deep veneration as they swallowed hard, some were even throwing a thumbs up at Min Hong for gifting them such pleasurable and wonderful daydreams.

Yue Yao's but tingled intensely and that almost made her pee on the spot as her face took on an intense red hue. 

Min Hong saw this but didn't know if the reddish hue on her face was stemmed from anger, pain or something else, but he had done what he had intended and there is no going back for him, not before, not now and definitely not later.

With every single second Yue Yao spent still standing there, the intensity of the tingling pain and heat she felt from her left butt cheek soared higher and higher, like the god of lechery was purposely turning up the switch.

Unable to hold it back any longer, she quickly jerked her body of Min Hong's grasp and glared at him with a (this is not over until you are dead) gaze.

She wanted to make a comeback by saying something, but her rear end wouldn't just let her, so she could only rush out of the arena in a really flustered manner and return to her apartment so she could tend to her tender butt cheeks that had just been man-handled by a vulgar youth. 

Min Hong didn't even spare her another glance as he dashed over to Min Qing's side who knew that Min Hong had only done what he did to defend her.

Though, it wasn't like she couldn't mop the floor with Yue Yao's pride, but it felt a bit better having a man do such things for you.

So, she felt a series of emotion wash over her, but most notable of them all was the current warmth she was feeling deep within her soul and a deep sense of affection that came with it.

She had confirmed it earlier that Min Hong also loved her in a romantic way, especially when Lang Su peered into his emotions and made the statement;

"Oh ho. I can see we have two little shy lovebirds here" and the "Alright. Out of my respect for your darling little lover right here"

Though she had loved him romantically for a while now and was initially one sided, but the way he treated her since she started having her Yin eruption issue only made the feeling stronger.

Then, there was also the duel they had that he had also directly touched her soft plum butt, which was a scene she had kept in her mind not willing to let go.

Furthermore, the occasional moments when he also got gobsmacked when he got enchanted by her beauty which made her feel good with herself that she was at least pretty enough to capture his attention.

Lastly, were the intimate moments they have been experiencing since the death of their Min Family.

The occasional kisses he planted on her forehead, their snuggling atop Elder Yun as he told her stories about the life of an assassin and now, here he was, defending her like she was some sort of immensely valuable treasure that someone was not meant to lay a hand upon.

She also remembered how stunned he was when she gave him a light kiss before the entrance exam began. 

All these things alone were already enough proof to show how he truly felt about her and the thoughts of it alone gave her the butterflies.

Thus, the moment Min Hong arrived at her side like some ancient guardian god who had descended to protect her from all the evil in the world, her face took an intense reddish hue as she was plunged into her former shy and innocent nature that Min Hong knew so well. 

Min Hong slowly took the ring from Min Qing and the moment his hands touched hers, she trembled slightly because she was so highly sensitive at the moment.

Noticing her tremble, Min Hong asked in a warm and calming tone; "Are you alright, Min Qing?"

When she heard this, she was slightly disappointed by the form of address, after all, she heard how he had addressed her earlier when he was talking to Lang Su, but for some unknown reasons, the moment she heard his voice, it soothed her soul and made it feel like it was getting a spa. 

His voice made her feel like she was being plunged into the embrace of a soft cloud with the cushioning effect of the best sofa after a very exhausting journey.

This was the effect the [Buddhist Chant of the Cherubs] was having on Min Hong, thus she shook her head in response as a sense of fatigue washed over her, as if her body, mind and soul was craving that cushioning spa-like effect again.

So, Min Hong simply held her in his arms allowing her to rest her head on his broad, trustworthy chests.

As soon as the familiar, manly but lovely scent of Min Hong assaulted Min Qing's nose, she sniffed it in with a large breath as she instantly fell asleep on his chest.

Min Hong then kept Yuan Chun's storage ring as he carried Min Qing in a princess pose and descended from the stage as Qing Tan bolted towards him and asked in worry;

"What happened to big sis Is she okay?" Min Hong saw her flustered and worried state and nodded his head before responding;

"She is okay, just too exhausted from the duel I will be taking her to my apartment to rest tonight." 

Hearing that statement, Qing Tan had already begun to heat up as several vulgar thoughts ran through her head, but because Min Hong had already moved past her, he didn't notice it.

But the next statement she heard nearly made her spurt a fountain of nosebleed;

"You can come with us and stay over, if you want." He suggested.

"Unh? N n no no no Hehe he! I am also kind of tired from our walk earlier, so I will be heading over to my apartment to get some rest." 

"Tell big sis that I will come check on her tomorrow." Not wanting Min Hong or any of the rest of the group to see her tomato-red face, she quickly bolted out of the arena as she headed to her apartment at her fastest speed.

When Min Hong reached the stands, three figures landed beside him, surrounding him on all sides in a protective manner like bodyguards.

It was Long Sha and the Mu twins; with Long Sha taking his usual spot behind Min Hong and the Mu twins on either side as they escorted him out of the arena.

Back in the Elder's room, Elder Gong was about to announce the short competition he was ordered to conduct, when Elder Shi stopped him with a raise of her hand.

Then she turned around and spoke;

"Let them be for now. Moreover, I have already picked some potential candidates already, so I might as well wait for the inner court selection exams in six months' time."

"Perhaps they would have improved greatly before then." She said with a wide grin. 

"Elder Shi has indeed scouted a great candidate. She surely has great talents and will surely become a top expert someday."

Elder Jiang spoke seemingly knowing who Elder Shi had chosen, or so he thought.

"Furthermore, according to the list you have given me, two of the top ten candidates have already left, another has also fainted from exhaustion and another four are currently leaving, leaving only three who didn't show up in the first place."

"So, there is no point in announcing any challenge anymore." Elder Peng added.

The moment Elder Peng finished his statement, he left with Elder Shi as the Elder Jiang trio saw them off with a bow.

Then they turned back to themselves and began to discuss something with a very important and secretive expression plastered on their faces.

In less than thirty minutes, they were already back at the male block of District 21.

The new outer court disciples within the top ten rank in the entry selection exams were given apartments on the same row.

Thus, the rest of the boys in the top 10 had already swapped their apartments with other outer court disciples, whilst the Mu twins also did the same a day earlier making Min Hong's apartment stand in the centre of the rest.

The first from the left was Mu Li's apartment, followed by Mu Bai's apartment, and then Min Hong's apartment, followed by Long Sha's apartment to his immediate right and lastly the only member of the top ten that didn't change his apartment; Kun Chao who was the immediate apartment after Long Sha's.

The Mu twins and Long Sha escorted Min Hong to his doorstep, and only after he entered, did they turn back to enter their own apartment.

Min Hong's room, just like every other room in the district, was large and measured about 200 square feet.

It had a bed that can contain two, a bath, and a small area left for cultivation which stands above a hole in the ground which radiates an intense heat which strengthens the physical body and also the soul.

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