The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 110: The Euphoric Feeling of Power

Chapter 110: The Euphoric Feeling of Power

"The 'Kingmaker Codex' can only be cultivated with materials of extreme savageness. So, we'll have to begin with your current Daos, since no energy is as untamed and unbound as them. Which one would you like to begin with?" Little Wu asked. 

"Since the Oblivion Dao is the strongest of them all, I would like to start with it. I'm sure that one way or the other, using the energy from the strongest Dao in existence would yield the strongest foundation"

Min Hong replied. Little Wu smiled at the response as he added; 

"Good. Since you have chosen, we shall begin. it's really simple in theory but extremely hard in practice. All you need to do is to pluck a leaf from the Oblivion Dao flower and place it on your soul futon."

"That way, the futon will act as a link and convert every Qi you absorb into Oblivion Qi." Little Wu explained as Min Hong instantly did as he had instructed. 

The moment the Oblivion leaf touched his futon, just like the earlier flower within the formation, the Oblivion flower dissolved into the futon as all the ancient energies released by the formation was converted into Oblivion Qi.

Then Min Hong's cultivation began to climb 

1-Star Warrior stage

2-Star Warrior stage.

3-Star Warrior stage 4-Star 5-Star and so on

Min Hong's aura kept surging upwards as his body began to release several snapping and popping sounds. 

But something extremely strange happened within Min Hong.

All of a sudden, the [Rain-Dragon Meridian] and the [Jade Primal Dragon Body] techniques abruptly disappeared from the shelf within his Mind Palace where they were currently residing. 

Then they turned into motes of light that dashed into his soul and attach themselves to the Oblivion flower, transforming into one of its leaves.

Min Hong wasn't giving a true cultivation method but rather a path to which someone could cultivate specific and unique energies. 

So, at the end of it all, the [Kingmaker Codex] still used the combination of the [Rain Dragon Meridians] and the [Jade Primal Dragon Body] as the path of cultivation.

This therefore meant that, the [Kingmaker Codex] was a variant technique that could adapt to different energies. 

Thus, it began wit Min Hong's blood.

As the Oblivion Qi entered into his spine and transformed the blood being generated from his bone marrow.

As the new blood entered into his body and replaced the existing blood, they also came in contact with his 'Dawn Sovereign' bloodline, which used the unique situation as a way to further purify and merge itself with Min Hong. 

Gradually, Min Hong's bloodline continued to purify itself as his entire blood began to transform into blood which was extremely infused with Oblivion Qi.

Then, the transformation graduated into his tissues. Every single fibre of his tissue also began to transform.

His tissues underwent extreme transformation as they became sturdier and more tensile that it was before.

They became as strong as steel but also as flexible as rubber and as stretchy as the softest unbreakable elastic material.

Then came his bones which didn't actually grow much bigger but denser.

At the moment his bones were like a stick of an otherworldly ore, which could be as flexible and soft as cooked pasta when needed and also stronger than the strongest metal on earth when called upon. 

Then came his skin. Actually, this part was the most deceptive of all, and this was because, his skin actually went softer and more tender.

Though it was as tender as that of a two weeks old baby, it was the exact opposite when it comes to endurance and strength and that was what exactly misled all the so many people who fell for the deception, only to regret it later. 

But what Min Hong was looking forward to had not appeared yet.

But he continued to cultivate in hope as his bloodline purity also began to climb.

Though it was crawling but it was improving by 0.1 percent every three days. This continued on for a long while until; 


A dragon roar rang out throughout Min Hong's mind.

Then Oblivion Qi began to gather on the surface of Min Hong's bones, then it began to wriggle and squirm around until it transformed into an invincible dragon tattoo that etched itself on Min Hong's skull.

The moment this happened, Min Hong's lips parted into a grin as he clenched on of his fists in delight. 

Then he continued to cultivate...

Ancient Qi continued to pour into his reformed meridians, as they began to transform into Oblivion Qi surging through his meridian, charging through every hole and pores they found within his muscles, tissues and bones, strengthening them. 

Then came the second roar, and the third, then the fourth, fifth and so on, until the ninth one came rumbling through his mind.

Then min Hong stopped and opened his eye then he laughed loudly as Little Wu appeared in front of him with a bright smile and spoke;

"Okay, that's enough smile for today. It's time for us to begin with the [Codex of Myriad Paths] " Little Wu spoke with the aura of a teacher who wants the best out of his student.

"The 'steal' attribute would automatically work with the Dao that is most compatible with the physical body, and in some cases, it will also work with the weakest amongst all the Daos one has comprehended."

"It basically steals the Qi within any Dao it's user or master comes in contact with." Little Wu explained to Min Hong who resumed his cultivation once again. 

This time, it was the 'Yuan Wonder Gate' technique that vanished from the bookshelf within Min Hong's Mind Palace.

Then it transformed into a mote of green light that bolted into the futon and dashed towards the Oblivion flower.

Then it mysteriously changed directions and merged into the oblivion fruit Min Hong had touched when obtaining his divine ability. 

The moment this happened, a blackhole appeared within Min Hong, at the spot where his Dan was supposed to appear.

Then just like a blackhole, it began to absorb the ancient aura within the formation as it converted it into Oblivion Qi and began to deposit an invisible Qi within Min Hong.

Then just like before, a rectangular image began to take shape. 

Then as more Oblivion Qi surged into Min Hong, the rectangular shape began to appear more detailed.

Then the shape of a gate began to form gradually, as Min Hong continued to witness this development.

Everything continued as he had expected until the images of the four symbols of Feng Shui began to appear; The Dragon, Phoenix, Tiger and Turtle.

After about an hour of cultivation, the beasts were fully formed, appearing just like before but with a more reserved and subtle aura.

Then when everything was in place, the gate swung open but instead of erupting with a loud boom, it only sent a subtle ripple that entered into every part of Min Hong's body as his aura continued to rise.

1-Star Qi Creation stage

2-Star Qi Creation stage

3-Star, 4-Star, 5-Star and it continued to climb until it reached the 9-Star Qi Creation stage, then it stabilized as Min Hong began to consolidate and stabilize his new cultivation base. 

Then after an extra thirty minutes, Min Hong finally stabilized his cultivation in the Peak Warrior and Qi Sea stage.

Then he snapped open his eyes and gazed at Little Wu who was still hovering in front of him all through the process.

Then Little Wu asked with a smile;

"How does it feel to be back?" 

"Not surprising and neither do I feel too happy if I have to explain how I feel, I would say I am feeling the strongest anticipation I have ever felt since being born"

Min Hong looked up at Little Wu and responded.

"That was exactly what I was expecting Do you want to challenge the Pagoda of Ascension now?" Little Wu asked.

"Since they are still in the middle of cultivation and don't seem like they will be ending it soon, I might as well go for it." Min Hong gazed at his companion before responding. 

"Alright, let us begin then"

Then little Wu entered Min Hong as they returned to the Realm of Creations where the great elder was currently waiting for them.

The great elder was currently outside his hut as he gazed towards the incoming duo and spoke; 

"That was much earlier than I expected. But I guess it was because your previous cultivation base was way higher than it is currently. Alright. Since you are already here, let us begin."

He placed each of his palm on Min Hong and Little Wu respectively as they returned to a slightly familiar region of the 'Realm of Creation'; just about a mile off the Pagoda of Ascension. 

When they appeared, the great elder pointed towards the Pagoda and spoke;

"You will have to take it from here. You're only a step away from beginning the trial, and every step you take from here onwards will put a pressure on every part of you, including your mind and soul."

"Be very careful, and the faster you complete the test the higher the tier of your rewards."

"The moment you finish your test, a back door will open up for you. this door will lead you to where you will receive your rewards. Then from there you will see a portal that takes you to the next level."

"If you wish to exit the level, just will it and it will send you out. But note, the pagoda will never send you out during battle, unless you admit defeat." He explained. 

"Thank you very much for the guidance Old Pops. I will be leaving now."

Min Hong then took a deep breath. Then after he calmed himself and after adjusting his aura, he took the big step.


A heavy pressure of a 3-Star Qi Creation stage expert weighed down on Min Hong, but having a combined cultivation power of a 5-Star Qi Sea stage expert, excluding his soul and mental power, the pressure might as well be obsolete since Min Hong felt nothing other than the feeling of a ceiling fan blowing down on him from above.

But then the great elder spoke;

"Don't use your cultivation power to resist the pressure, you won't benefit from it at all that way. Instead, open up yourself and allow the pressure into your body, mind and soul."

"Let it pummel them and refine them, just like a blacksmith expelling the impurities from a block of metal by hammering it."

"It would not only strengthen you but will stabilize and strengthen your foundation a lot better. Furthermore, you mind and soul will also become more resilient and sturdier as they adapt to the pressure." He added. 

Min Hong did as he was instructed and immediately, the ancient pressure slammed into him.

His vision blurred momentarily as his blood churned and roiled.

But on the positive note, the rate at which his bloodline converted increased significantly as it dropped by half an hour. 

After standing on that step for about ten breaths, he finally adapted to the pressure and continued onwards.

But with each step he took, it felt like a giant massive foot was stomping through every fibre of his being as his body began to emit cracking and popping sounds once again.

Even his nine dragon tattoos began to endure the pressure as they basked in it. 

The dragon tattoos endured more and more as he approached the Pagoda of Ascension.

After he had walked half a mile, the pressure had increased to that of a 5-Star Qi Creation stage expert.

This was the limits of his ordinary body, then the dragon tattoos began to roar in defiance as they endured and resisted the increasing pressure. 

When he covered 70 percent of the journey, the rate at which Min Hong took his steps had decreased significantly.

Not because it was too unbearable but rather because he had noticed it was so beneficial that there was no point in rushing it.

So, he took his time as he kept observing his dragon tattoos which were getting sturdier, stronger and more detailed. 

Then about ten minutes later, he finally got to the giant gate of the pagoda of Ascension which had the image of the head of an Asura etched on them. Min Hong then attempted to open the gate.

But the moment his hands touched them, a pressure of a 9-Star Qi Creation stage expert surged into him as he trembled and gagged intensely. 

But Min Hong didn't back down, instead, in a bid to further solidify his cultivation, he used only his body cultivation alone to attempt opening the door.

The moment he activated his body strength, eight of his nine invincible dragon tattoos floated out of his body and then merged together in pairs.

Two on each arm and leg as they strengthened his body immensely. 

Then Min Hong began to push...

It was an extremely arduous task since his dragon tattoos were enduring an exponential increase in pressure because they were outside his body.

But Min Hong was very determined to use only his physical body cultivation to push open the door.

Meanwhile about a mile away, the great elder and Little Wu who were currently watching Min Hong undergo his first test noticed what Min Hong was trying to do. Then the great elder spoke; 

"It takes double the amount of cultivation power one is using to push open those gates. This means it would take the strength of at least a 5-Star King stage expert to open it, if he goes on this way."

Little Wu gasped in shock when he heard the great elder's explanation.

"Even if he summons all his physical body power, it can only amount to the 5-Star King stage. But with the immense pressure he is enduring, that will at least drop his power another two levels But I trust him completely, his desire to obtain strength is unprecedented." 

Little Wu spoke with absolute belief like he knew Min Hong more than Min Hong knew himself.

This greatly stumped the great elder as he turned his gaze back to Min Hong and mumbled;

"If it is as you say, then this shouldn't be a problem for him." The moment his words landed;


Min Hong yelled at the top of his lungs as the last tattoo within him joined him in the roar of defiance.

Then the 'Dawn Sovereign' bloodline within Min Hong crossed the 5 percent purification margin, as tiny droplets of golden blood was infused into every part of Min Hong's body including his dragon tattoos.

Then with a new surge in power, the door swung open; 

Jiaaa! Bam!

The door opened completely as its two massive doors slammed into the inner walls of the pagoda, belching huge amounts of dusts outwards, signifying that this Pagoda of Ascension had not been opened in a very long time. 

Min Hong then walked into the massive door and saw a spiral step that went upwards to the entrance of an active portal ahead.

He walked up the step, still with his physical cultivation power alone and the increasing pressure which had now reached a Quasi-Qi Sea stage level.

Then when he got to the portal, he stepped in and vanished from sight.

When Min Hong reappeared, he found himself in an ongoing battle field and a full on 9-Star Qi Sea stage pressure weighed up on him, slowing him down greatly.

He tried to maneuvre his Oblivion Dao in a bid to suck away and reduce this pressure but found out that he was completely cut off from all Daos. Then it dawned on him;

"This is the battleground I saw while I was walking through the 'Bridge of Ancestors'. But it seems I am extremely far away from the centre of the battle. Moreover, this pressure feels so much like it belongs to the 'great creator'." 

Min Hong thought as he looked to his side and then saw several bare-chested body cultivators fighting some kind of beast he had never seen before.

These creatures looked like demons with beastly appendages and demonic auras.

They had two upper bodies; one facing the front with two arms wielding otherworldly weapons and another similar body facing the back.

This mashup made these creatures appear somehow invincible without blind spots.

Moreover, instead of a decrease in speed, their speed seemed to be doubled as they fought without any care for their lives, it was like an utter and blind devotion to the entity who had sent them.

Then Min Hong noticed the most shocking thing; he had to kill these demons twice before they can be defeated and killed!

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