The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 108: Becoming Friends

Chapter 108: Becoming Friends

Long Sha resumed his sightseeing as he continued;

"But as long as humans have desires, there will always be people whose interest will conflict your goal."

"Some will even go the extent of rebelling or initiating a coup. But, to protect my ideal Long Clan, I must have enough strength to deter such person."

"That's why I am here, otherwise, I would not even care one bit about the clan and live my life peacefully, even if I'm only a little better than those guys."

"I do not value wealth nor fame, I just want to live a peaceful and happy life, one without daily strife, conspiracies and struggles." Long Sha sighed sadly as he ended his explanation. 

Before long the atmosphere had become inundated with a crestfallen aura, not because Min Hong's group was sad, it was more like the fact that they have misjudged Long Sha's personality.

At first, they thought the reason why he was stuck-up was because of his status as an heir of a super clan. 

But now, they just realized that they had been wrong from the start. He wasn't stuck-up because of pride.

No, it was because he was somehow fed up with the way the world was being managed by people who didn't really care about the wellbeing of others.

As it would be termed on earth, Long Sha was more like a visionary who is crestfallen about the fact that he is still too weak to make a difference in the entire world, but was still striving really hard to make one. Even if he had to begin with his own clan.


[Thoughts: Min Hong] "I guess it is the same everywhere. No matter the dimension or world, greedy, selfish and heartless people will always exist within positions of power. Yes, I want to cultivate and possess immense power. But, what do I truly need all these powers for?"

"Is it to only protect my family and friendsthat would be extremely selfish right and to what end? I have been truly narrowminded."

"No matter how much I protect my family and friends, I can never fully protect them from the influence of such despicable people"

"(Sighs and frowns self-depreciatingly) What was I thinking? What determines and differentiates worlds, dimensions and planes of existence from each other is still the attitude and mindset of its population."

"I guess, I was created for the sole purpose of thwarting conspiracies and saving the ordinary folks from tyrannic rulers"


"Is that your only goal in life?" Min Hong asked. He had truly begun to look at Long Sha in a new light. the current Long Sha held the same view and drive as him in his first life. Then he was an assassin who loved killing those rulers who rule selfishly and inconsiderately.

"Yes, I just want everyone to live peacefully and happily, irrespective of their status" Long Sha looked over and saw Min Hong frowning, then he laughed for the first time as he asked; "What You think that reason alone is not worth dying for?"

"No. As a matter of fact, I deeply respect that." Min Hong looked into Long Sha's eyes as he spoke.

Long Sha looked into Min Hong's eyes and noticed that it wasn't displeasure that was within them, rather it was a sense of glaring approval and acknowledgement that was radiating from within those deep-set eyes of his.

"If you are truly serious and determined to achieve that, then I promise to help you to the best of my abilities as long as there is a single strand of breath left within me" the corners of Min Hong's lips curled up into a slight friendly smile as he spoke.

Long Sha saw this and was deeply moved from within as he spoke; "I hope we can be friends from now henceforth, Fei Hong."

Long Sha sat up and extended his hand towards Min Hong. Seeing this, Min Hong also sat up from his relaxed position as he extended his own hand also and they both grabbed each other's arm and shook it like the way gladiators do in ancient days on earth and then he added;

"What do you mean by that, aren't we friends already? Moreover, our goals in life seem to be arriving at the same junction in the future. But we don't need to wait that long now, do we?" 

"No, not at all, my friend." Long Sha smiled for the first time and everyone became instantly dumbstruck.

The English language fails tragically and incompetently short of being able to capture this smile in literature. It was a smile that could brighten the darkest days in one's life. 

Even Min Hong was affected despite being a male.

But the person who reacted the most was the Min Qing who was fully aware of her ability to enchant anyone.

This time, a deep red hue took over her entire cheeks as she turned her face away in a bid to calm her dazzled face.

Elder Jun who was just coming out of the merchant building where he went to purchase a residence for their temporal stay, stepped out only to see Min Hong and Long Sha in a manly arm shake.

But what also stumped him the most was that, Long Sha was actually smiling.


[Thoughts: Elder Long Jun] "Am I seeing things? (Smacks himself) This is impossible. No really, even his mother couldn't make smile this much again. How I wish she was here to see this. Perhaps, it will help her recover faster"

[Little Ming] "Huoyi's curly beard! I would never believe that this little punk was this handsome, even if I was to have my gouged out and fed to me this is truly a shocking sight."

[Elder Yun] "If not for young master's tender skin and appearance, he would have really been the most handsome kid I have ever come across (Sighs through one nostril) That was truly a close call. Even young mistress has been smitten by his sheer handsomeness."


"Oi, you should try to smile more often. You really gave everyone the wrong ideas there." Little Ming sighed deeply as she vented her grievances, prompting Long Sha to feel embarrassed.

"Ha ha, sorry. Pardon her brash behaviour, young master Long Sha." Elder Yun laughed awkwardly as she lightly smacked Little Ming at the back of her head. 

As the awkward atmosphere surged to its peak, Elder Long Jun then entered shattering the awkwardness in the air, as Min Hong and Long Sha simultaneously sighed in relief.

Elder Yun sat at his earlier position as he gave the beast their destination via mental transmission. 

"So, since we have all become acquainted with each other, and before I continue my explanation, take this"

Elder Long Jun spoke as Long Sha handed Min Hong a green-coloured wooden tag, which had the name Long etched on one side of its surface and a battleground etched on the other side of its surface. 

"From now on, you are a guest of the Long Clan. If you ever need our help, come to the clan and show them this tag and they will allow you see my father; the Clan Head"

Long Sha added as Min Hong received the tag and slid his thumb over it. It was cold and smooth to the touch like it was made out of a unique type of bamboo wood. 

"Thanks a lot, friend when I need your assistance, I will definitely not stand on ceremony."

Min Hong tried to cup his hands in gratitude but was stopped by Long Sha;

"Friends do not say thanks and do not owe debts amongst one another, so you can forget about repaying Elder Jun's help earlier."

"Moreover, it is just a guest tag of the clan. It is nothing worth giving to a friend, so when we have the chance to return to the clan, I will properly introduce you to my parents, so you all can properly become a member of the Long Clan." Long Sha said.

"So back to the explanation. Although no one knows how the entry selection process of the Desert Sun Sect would be, this time around. But there's something I am certain of, and that is, a 5-Star Dan Formation stage cultivation would grant you entry and become an outer disciple."

"Then a Peak Dan Formation stage cultivation base would grant you access to become an inner disciple and at least a 3-Star Nascent Soul cultivation would grant you access to become a core disciple. Of course, all these is bound by the age of at most seventeen years." 

Elder Long Jun summarized as he looked towards Min Hong and asked;

"Do you think you can reach a 5-Star Dan Formation cultivation base in two months?"

Something within Elder Long kept telling him that Min Hong may look very young, he is in no way ordinary.


"Our intentions for coming here, was to find a place where we can lay low and cultivate. Then when we have enough strength, we return to our home and get our vengeance. But if joining this sect would help us achieve that, then I have no issues with that. What about you guys?"

Min Hong looked over to his three companions, as he asked for their opinions

"Like I have said before, I will follow you wherever you go and do whatever you do" Min Qing didn't even bat an eyelid as she made her intentions very clear.

"We will follow your lead, master" Little Ming butt spoke up for both herself and Elder Yun.

"Then it is decided then" Min Hong smiled when he got their response, he never for once thought of any one of his companions as a servant or slave but more like his equal.


"As for your question about having a 5-Star Dan Formation stage cultivation base, would it be okay if I just have a battle power of that level or do I have to have a cultivation base equal to it?" Min Hong turned to Elder Long Jun and inquired.

"If you can possess a battle power on that level, that would be good, but cultivating to that level would be even better."

"That would mean you would be able to defeat anyone above the 5-Star Dan Formation stage, should a duel be used as a selection process and you happen to be seeded with one." Elder Long Jun explained.

"I will try my best to cultivate to that level before the entry selection examination begins, but as for possessing a battle power on that level, that will take no effort at all." Min Hong replied.

"Fantastic. But remember to consolidate your cultivation. Cultivating too rapidly without a stable foundation can cause some very fatal repercussions." Elder Long Jun advised.

"Definitely. I am just about to recover my cultivation, I wouldn't want to do something that might return me to my powerless state now, will I?" Min Hong responded with a slight smile.

"Pardon my forwardness. I think we are here" Elder Long Jun looked out the window when he noticed that the carriage had slowed to a stop.

Everyone stepped out of the courtyard and found themselves in front of a massive mansion with two Dan Formation stage guards in front and two maids who had come to welcome and usher them into the mansion.

Within the Courtyard there were four separate apartments in a diamond shape with their front yards facing outwards and their backyards facing each other's backyards, with a massive courtyard tucked in between them. 

This courtyard was split into three rings; its outer ring was a garden with several cherry blossom trees planted to give shade amongst many other ornamental and sweet-smelling flowers.

The inner ring was more of a relaxation area decorated with several exquisitely sculptured wooden stools and tables. 

There were also reclining chairs and luxuriously embroidered mats with soft and cuddly futons on them.

Furthermore, this inner ring was positioned in a way that, it was backing the garden flourished outer ring and receiving shade from it, but it was actually looking forward at the core ring; which was just a massive, plain and smoothly shaped rocky ring stage.

The core area was a sparring or training area, with a range target practice area and a rack filled with several wooden weapons; ranging from bows and arrows to sword, spear and even whips.

Altogether, one could be under the shade of the cherry blossom trees on the outer ring within this flower scent diffused area and still leisurely enjoy the view of anyone training or sparring on the training area. It was a truly luxurious courtyard.

Elder Long Jun and the maids, servants and guards took the two apartments facing the entrance of the mansion, somehow creating a protective shield between any intruder and the two apartments at the back which was shared between Min Hong's group and Long Sha.

A day later 

Min Hong's group had finally settled into their new and temporary home.

Each of these apartments comprised of two luxurious bedrooms and one massive and luxurious welcoming room which looked more like a hall, but not big enough to be considered one with a small dining area to the side only big enough for two people. 

In a nutshell, each of these apartments were like a couple's apartment.

Min Hong picked one room and without a shred of doubt was sharing with Little Ming who had always been clinging to him like a hunchback.

Then Min Qing took the other room and shared with the shrunk Elder Yun.

They all met to eat and discuss at the welcoming room. 

Today, at dawn which would seem to be around 2 AM in our modern-day earth. Min Hong was currently resting on what would seem like a royal King-sized bed.

Those type which usually had transparent curtains erected to provide a fickle shade all around the bed.

Little Ming was coiled on another pillow just by his side, they both seem asleep. At least to the ordinary eye. 

But Min Hong was currently within great elder's hut, within the Realm of Creations.

He had been contacted by Little Lin a day earlier that the preparations had been completed.

So, he was here to also look at the formations and witness how it was being setup.

"Take this This is the output formation. You would arrange it in the sequence at which I have instructed, but I will leave the area it spans up to your discretion. It also comes with a self-powered energy barrier which is fuelled by the ancient aura it absorbs from this dimension." The great elder handed eight unique looking stones to Min Hong. 

These stones were rough as if they weren't even smoothened at all, but it had a flat base which seemed to have been cut by the sharpest of blades.

The runes on these stones were even more complicated than the one which sealed Little Wu who was currently beside the great elder, looking at his crafts, seemingly learning from him. 

The Little Wu who kept bubbling his head up and down in apprehension and also frowning in some occasions in a very docile manner was a very pleasing and rare sight to Min Hong.

But whenever he got lost or was confused about something, he always sought for further guidance and was never too proud to speak out.

"Wait here, I will back in a few breaths. I want to go set up this formation in the area of this dimension with the strongest and most potent source of the great creator's aura."

"That way it can greatly improve the quality of your cultivation." The great elder rose up and spoke to Min Hong before vanishing from sight.

"Master, have you been well?" Little Lin's spirit who was sitting atop the guardian staff, seemingly being influenced by Little Wu, floated towards Min Hong as she gave a slight bow.

"I almost died yesterday. But I met the young master of a clan who saved me." Min Hong spoke.

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