The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 103: Long Sha (1)

Chapter 103: Long Sha (1)

The moment Chi Zheng fainted, the middle-aged man gently laid him on the ground and made several mysterious hand seals as he pointed at Chi Zheng's back.

Then a green glow shot out of his finger and entered Chi Zheng's puke inducing back. 

The moment the green light entered Chi Zheng's back, his cracked spine began to heal and pop as they rearranged themselves, then his muscles and veins regenerated, followed by his skin.

When everything was done, his internal injuries also began to heal up. 

Blood continuously leaked out of Chi Zheng's mouth as his internal injuries were being healed, but he had yet to regain consciousness.

After healing him, the middle-aged man who Chi Zheng referred to as Elder Ning turned to face Min Hong with scarlet-red eyes.


Meanwhile at the back of the disorganized crowd...

A luxurious jade-green carriage designed with the image of warzone approached the crowds, as one of the two figures sitting within looked ahead and saw the ensuing battle between Min Hong's group and those of the two Super Clans.

"This guy is truly unlucky. His companions have been pinned and he has to face a Chi Ning, a Nascent Soul Expert all alone without any shred of cultivation. I don't think he has any defensive artifact capable of blocking against any of his attacks. Not when he is this angry." 

Then the second figure looked over and took a single glance before returning to his relaxed position.

This figure was that of a boy who had about the same body structure as Min Hong.

He was fifteen years old, with a head full of black hair, bound in a similar fashion to Min Hong. 

He sat there with his eyes closed and a vibe of utter disregard, as if even if the heavens should collapse, he will not spare the debris more than one glance.

He had an unsheathed dull metal sword in his folded his arms as he steadied his breathing.

It was as if he was meditating.

"What has he done to infuriate Chi Ning to this extent. Even I will prefer to avoid battling Chi Ning when he is pissed off. He is used to forgetting morality when angry." The figure added. 

"You! Sshhh! Tell me what happened" The first figure was an old man with flowing golden hair and beards.

He also looked to be in his early fifties but he also had a sense of a playful and friendly vibe about him which was in stark contrast with his battle-scarred face. 

He called a young lady who was standing nearby to learn about how the event transpired to this point.

But when the young lady saw him, she wanted to scream out of sheer shock, but was quickly hushed by the old man. 

The young lady supressed her palpitating heart and excitedly explained the entire event.

From the moment Yue Yao began to cause trouble with Min Hong, to the two heirs who tried to be a hero to a damsel in distressed only to get their asses handed to them in return.

She also explained the interference of the two elders of both clans and described the proceeding of the battle to its smallest details.

All in all, she tried her best to ensure that the duo within the carriage got an in-person view of the entire event.

"Is that so? What a pity. To think that such a talent would be buried here today, unable to show its true potential to this world." The old man remarked after hearing the young lady's story, and sent her back to the queue, but made her promise not to notify anyone of their presence.

"It seems he's about to use that troublesome technique again. Hmph! Using such a high-level technique against a helpless child with no cultivation. Chi Ning, your shamelessness really knows no bound." After the lady left, the old man furrowed his brows as he spoke in disdain.


Elder Ning glared at Min Hong with a look filled with anger and hatred as he spoke slowly;

"To hurt the young master of my Chi Clan to such an extent, you deserve to die a miserable death" Then an aura of a 3-Star Nascent Soul expert weighed down on everyone. 

The entire crowd felt very stifled, then a third plane Wood Intent diffused into the area.

He stretched his hand towards the direction of Min Hong and spoke gently;

"Splinter Execution!"

Boom! Boom!! Boom!!! 

All the tree and vines in the entire area began to explode into dust one after the other scattering wood dust into the air, but nothing happened to Min Hong.

But the very fact that nothing happened made Min Hong's fear increase. 

He quickly shut his eye as he sent out his mental energy.

By the time he got a feedback, his scalp tingled intensely.

He saw millions of dust particles, but if one zoomed in on a speck of these dusts, they will find out that they were actually tiny extremely sharp spikes. 

The moment Min Hong imagined himself being washed in these spiky death dust, he knew that he might not even have a patch of skin worth burying in the end.

Furthermore, he also knew that it was useless to use the blackhole technique, as the total amount of dust particles were just too much.

Moreover, he was being surrounded from every single possible angle and as a result he had no escape route.

[Thoughts: Min Hong] "I can't call for help, I will only be pushing them into committing a suicide. Neither can I call out Little Lin or Little Wu, their existence is something that must be kept a secret. Even at the cost of my life." 

"Hmph! Many people have tried to kill me, but I am still here. So, if this is truly my final straw, I might as well go down with a loud bang!"

Finally, all the trees and vines in the area exploded into dust.

Then Elder Ning took two steps towards Min Hong and began to clench his outstretched palm into a fist.

Instantly, all the spike dusts of wood responded to his gesture and swarmed over Min Hong from every direction. 

In the same moment Elder Ning made his move, Min Hong diverted all his mental energy into the 'Eye of Infinite Dao'.

He had discovered earlier that he could battle using his Daos, if he channelled his mental energy into it.

This was the manifestation part of the abilities of the 'Eye'.


Within the jade-green carriage, where the golden-haired old man and the boy who had his arm folded were currently sitting in, the old man smiled widely as he spoke to the little boy;

"Young master Sha, you have misjudged this time. I think this is the boy the oracle spoke about." He looked to the boy who sat opposite to him as he spoke.

"Elder Jun, do you mean to tell me that a person who has no cultivation and might not even survive the next few minutes, is the rival who was supposed to drag my potential to its peak?" The little boy calmly opened his eyes, as he spoke to the old man with a nonchalant tone. 

"The world is filled with many hidden experts capable of rendering the strongest and most famous cultivators useless in less than three breaths.

You should try to be a little more open-minded.

It is one thing to be confident, it is another thing to be overconfident."

"The former is good and is a necessary ingredient to your rise to the peak of power. But the latter is extremely disadvantageous and could bring one a massive misfortune." The old man called Elder Jun smiled at the little boy, seemingly unbothered by his nonchalant attitude.

"Elder Jun, there is no need to try and convince me. The one I am after is Gong Yi, the Dao Child of the Desert Sun Sect, there is no two people who could spur my potential in this part of the Dogon Empire other than him." The little boy, Long Sha decisively gave his response.

"Oh, you mean the orphan that was picked up from the streets two years ago and nurtured by the Sect Leader of the Desert Sun Sect himself? I heard he is already on the verge of forming his first Nascent Soul, and he is only thirteen years old." Elder Jun acknowledged.

"Hmmm, he is truly talented and even the skies can't limit his potential. But I have a strong feeling about this boy, you can just keep him and see if he will change your mind in the future." 

"It is better to have him at arm length. So, should he be the one, you wouldn't need to start building a relationship between you two from the scratch, and if he isn't, then you can just shed him off your back later on." 


Whilst they were speaking within the carriage, back at the fighting area... 


This time, it was two pitch-black orbs that morphed into Min Hong's palms, but he didn't stop there.

The moment the two blackholes formed, he slammed them into one another as they doubled in size and intensity.

A foreboding aura surged into the area as several spatial ripple appeared all around this new pitch-black that had the size of about ten inches in diameter.

After this, the 'Eye of Infinite Dao' sucked more energy from Min Hong as more Primus energy gathered and surrounded this orb.

The new pitch-black orb (or blackhole) in Min Hong's hands was like the planet Saturn, with the planet being the blackhole which was filled with Oblivion and Chaos energy, while the golden-green Primus energy made up the ring surrounding it. 

The current outcome of this divine ability shocked Min Hong himself, because previously, the Primus energy was usually only able to barely keep the two conflicting energies from revolting.

But the current pattern with which the primus energy balanced the two energies was spot on. 

The upper part of the blackhole contained the Oblivion energy while its lower part contained the Chaos energy, with the Primus energy splitting them into two equal halves.

It was truly a beautiful and enchanting creation. 

But no matter how pretty it was to their eyes, the entire crowd knew it was equally as deadly.

The moment the orb finished forming, Min Hong bellowed;

"Planetary Annihilation!" 

Instantly, the pitch-black orb began to absorb everything in the surroundings, including the sand on the floor.

People's caps, scarves and every loosely held belongings within the crowd were sucked towards it and shredded to pieces before being gobbled up. 

But no matter how much the pitch-black orb devoured everything, there was no way it could account for every speck of dust in the area, so several cuts began to appear on Min Hong's body as his hood also began to rip apart.

Then two breaths later, his face was finally revealed.


"What?! How can a boy be this handsome?!"

"Look at his eyes, they're so mysterious and inhuman!" 

Several ladies nearly went insane when they saw Min Hong's sheer handsomeness, especially with the two mystic eyes which sat within his sockets like that of a god who had seen all there is to see within and beyond life.

Many faces went red and became bashful, as several young girls turned their faces away in embarrassment.

Even Yue Yao and the little girl Yue Lin who had initiated the entire fight, were a little taken aback when they saw Min Hong's face. 

Thought they were beauties who could cause war amongst Empires and topple Dynasties, they still developed this slight sense of inferiority when they saw him in full view.

But this revelation only made them hate him the more as they simultaneously snorted in anger.

"Ho ho ho! Young master, didn't I tell you that boy wasn't ordinary?" Elder Jun laughed delightedly at the little boy.

"Unh?! What type of Dao is that? It feels immensely mysterious and deeply unfathomable I have never seen or heard of it before Elder Jun have I truly misjudged this time?" The little boy finally showed a slight reaction as he looked at the old man and lazily spoke.

"Don't fret about it, young master. That's the thing about prophecies, they never give you a detailed description of what one is supposed to find, so it is only natural that one might make some errors in judgement." 

"But, what do you want to do about it? The boy doesn't have much longer to live" Elder Jun gazed out the window and looked towards Min Hong who was currently in dire straits.


Elder Ning continued to clench his palm into a fist as the intensity of these spiked dusts surged more and more.

Then Min Hong's clothes began to rip apart as several splinter-like injuries began to appear on his smooth, tender and jade-like body. 

After about ten breaths, Min Hong was now exhausted and finally unable to hold on any longer.

He peeked at the other ongoing battles and noticed that everyone was pinned down by their opponents, even Little Ming who had an advantage over Yue Yao earlier couldn't free herself.


[Thoughts: Min Hong] "(Sighs self-depreciatingly) I could've just allowed her go through. But no, I allowed a slight moment of hot-headedness land me in such dire straits. I guess the overbearing nature of these Daos are beginning to influence my emotions."

"On a normal day, I would not have dared to actually meditate in the midst of cultivation tribulation, but I did. Now I have done it again, and landed myself in deep trouble. I have to meditate and comprehend more to bring these Daos under control."


"Little one, you can only blame yourself for not knowing your place. In your next life make sure to know who one should offend and who not to. You can go to sleep now" Elder Ning gazed towards Min Hong and abruptly clenched his palms into a fist.

Then, they both spoke at the same time;




A loud explosion rang through the area, as thick black-brown mushroom of dusts rose up into the sky, ripping apart the clouds and covering the all the rays of the sun within a two-mile radius.


"Young master!"


The Min Qing trio who had been pinned down by their opponents, looked at the outcome of the explosion and their hearts tugged intensely as they all simultaneously screamed out with pure grief

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