The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 102: 4-vs-5 (2)

Chapter 102: 4-vs-5 (2)

Min Hong's mental energy transformed into a thin spike as it bolted into the mind of the approaching Yue Yao.

The moment the mental spike pierced her mind, Yue Yao felt a splitting migraine as her vision blurred. 

But as a Dan Formation expert she recovered swiftly and continued with her attack.

As she got into close proximity with Little Ming, Min Hong's soul energy which had transformed into a giant sledge hammer slammed unhindered into her soul. 

This time, the golden flamed armor around her shattered as her shield and sword dissipated.

By the time she regained consciousness, Little Ming's extremely tensile and sturdy whip-like tail had already made contact with her chest.


A loud whiplash sound echoed throughout the area as Yue Yao's body was flung backwards like a kite with a loose string in the midst of a strong wind.

Then she threw up a mouthful of blood, but strangely her clothes weren't ripped.

Definitely, it wasn't an ordinary dress, but the sheer amount of blood she threw up made everyone around understand that she must have suffered a heavy and significant internal injury. 

Instantly, the little girl who came with her exploded with a hotter and mysterious golden-blue flame.

Seizing the chance that Min Hong was now left alone, she bolted towards Min Hong as she screamed;

"Retribution Flame!" 

The golden-blue flame surged out, transforming into a stream of fire as it gushed towards Min Hong.

Looking at the incoming stream of fire, something told Min Hong that he wouldn't be able to block this mysterious stream of blue flame with just a mental energy barrier.

But before he could do anything, the entire sky tuned dark as a bone-chilling wind swept into the environment, plunging the crowd who had just felt the atmosphere change from searing hot into bone-chilling cold, into a deep sense of vertigo.

Then a soft and tender harrumph floated over from behind Min Hong.

"Hmph! You don't have the qualification to attack Hong-ge." The slight harrumph obviously came from Min Qing who had been spectating the entire fight. 

An unrivalled Yin Law suffused the environment as a stream of Yin Qi gushed over to meet the incoming stream of golden-blue flame.

The moment these two attacks met; the golden-blue flame was instantly extinguished like a candle light in the face of a raging tsunami.

The yin Qi went on and smashed into the little girl, diffusing through her skin deep into her soul.

The little girl was thrown about seven metres backwards as she vomited a mouthful of black blood which turned into frost the moment it hit the ground. 

She landed almost lifelessly on the ground as she curled into a ball from the frigid pain her soul was experiencing.

Ignoring the little girl's dire strait, Min Qing lunged towards her once more looking to send her on her way.

Apparently, she was extremely pissed off.

"Hmph! Stay your hand!" 

Zi Kun dashed out of his carriage and arrived in front of Min Qing in the blink of an eye, as thunder rumbled through the dark sky.

The sheer speed at which he moved stunned both the crowd, Min Qing and Min Hong as everyone's hair stood on end.

He sent out a claw made entirely out of lightning as it smashed into the remaining stream of Yin Qi approaching the little girl, but Min Qing didn't halt her advance in the slightest. 

Water Concept diffused from her body into the surrounding as she disappeared; she had executed the 'One with World' level [Chaotic Shadow Steps].

She instantly appeared at Zi Kun's flank, sending a palm suffused with a more potent Yin Qi towards his head.

Zi Kun mysteriously twisted in a 180-degree angle without taking a step as he met Min Qing's Yin Palm with his Lightning claw.


The two palms met as the Lightning Law of Zi Kun and the Yin Law of Min Qing nullified each other.

Min Qing felt a slight numbness in her entire arm as she retreated three steps, but Zi Kun suffered more because of the invasive nature of the Yin Law and retreated five steps. 

He forcefully steadied himself with his fifth step but began to cough up black blood which also frosted on his lips and palm the moment they came in contact with the misty air.

Min Qing vanished once more as she sent a harrumph directly into Zi Kun's mind. 

Zi Kun zoned out momentarily as he lost his guard. Min Qing seized the opening as the Yin Qi surrounding her palm increased.

She sent the palm straight towards Zi Kun's head looking to smash his head into a pulp. 

The surrounding crowd gasped at the sight.

They fully understood that, should Min Qing's Yin Qi suffused palm make contact with Zi Kun's head, his skull would at least suffer a crack, that's if it wasn't smashed into a pulp. 

"Elder Mo, help me!"

Zi Kun screamed at the top of his lungs when he saw the incoming attack.

He also knew that this incoming Yin Palm would gravely injure him, if he lucky enough not to become crippled that is.


An aura of a 1-Star Nascent Soul expert weighed down on the crowd as the carriage where Zi Kun just came out of blew apart sending splinters of steel and wood into the crowd, forcing some experts within the crowd to utilize defensive arts to protect their young ones.

"Hmph! Who do you think you are to dare touch the young master of my Zi Clan?!"

"Thunder god Fist!" 

The Elder Mo who was an old man with head full of white hair and a flowing white beard appeared behind Min Qing as a fist made entirely out of untamed lightning flew towards Min Qing back.

Should this fist hit, Min Qing was definitely destined to be crippled.


A loud bird screech rang out nearly deafening the entire crowd. As a silvery owl dashed towards the incoming fist.

The owl increased in size almost instantaneously, growing into a size of about fifty feet from the tip of one wing to the other. 

The beast which looked like a crossbreed of an owl and an eagle flapped its wings as a strong and fierce wind kicked up tearing apart the lightning fist.

This beast which was of course Elder Yun was pushed back two metres whilst the old man which was Elder Mo retreated one metre. 

The moment they stopped Elder Yun and Elder Mo lunged towards each other again as a fierce battle ensued between the duo.

But Elder Yun could match up equally with Elder Mo because she was a beast, which naturally had a stronger and more resilient physical body than humans. 

Thus, a three-way battle began. Little Ming was utterly suppressing Yue Yao who had already fallen into a disadvantage because of the earlier strike she had suffered.

Moreover, she was still a little shaken by Min Hong's soul and mental attack earlier. 

Furthermore, Little Ming had built on the momentum of that earlier strike, plunging Yue Yao into a huge disadvantage.

She was barely holding on in that battle. Elder Yun and Elder Mo were also in a heated battle while Min Hong and Min Qing attacked Zi Kun from both sides.

"Chi Zheng, aren't you going to lend a hand, or do you enjoy watching me suffer and ganged up on?!" Zi Kun bellowed once more for help.

"True, I can't turn a blind eye when you're call for my help. You two will have to pardon my interruption." Chi Zheng lazily walked out of the carriage and a stifling Wood Law spread out with him at the centre.

Then he stretched forth his hand towards Min Hong and spoke softly;

"Wood Wall!" 

The earth rumbled as several huge trees with the thickness of seven adult thighs grew out of the ground, forcing Min Hong to retreat several steps, separating him from the battle between Zi Kun and Min Qing.

Min Hong frowned at the sudden intrusion of Chi Zheng as his left eye went blank as his right eye turned pitch black.

Then his forehead split open as three unique and highly mysterious energy swarmed into the environment.

No one noticed the transformations that just occurred on Min Hong's face because of the remnant hood that was still covering his entire head. 

Then a pitch black and slightly unstable orb appeared on Min Hong's palm.

He threw the orb at Chi Zheng who manipulated some of the outgrown trees towards the orb looking to rip it apart.

Though, fantasy is truly a sweet thing, reality is savagely bitter. 

The orb shredded the trees into splinters as it sucked them up, but it didn't stop, instead it continued to gobble up all the trees and even the Laws in the surroundings.

The more this orb ate away at everything, the hungrier and stronger it grew frightening everyone present.

"Hmmm. That's weird."

A middle-aged man who was previously sitting within the carriage Chi Zheng became alarmed as his brows shot up in shock.

He dashed out of the carriage as he spoke;

"Restraining Vines!" 

Innumerable ten inches thick vines tore out of the earth as they latched onto the orb looking to halt its advance.

The orb crazily devoured these vines but there were just too many, and in about three breaths, the orb had been completely encased within these thick vines.

"Hmph! You're dead." Chi Zheng became elated when he saw that the mysterious and fear inducing orb had been suppressed. 

He smiled faintly and bolted towards Min Hong as he stretched his hand at one of the shredded woods which transformed into a spike.

He grabbed the spike like a spear and thrusted it towards Min Hong's heart. 

Min Hong lazily stood looking at the incoming Chi Zheng and his spike.

The moment Chi Zheng passed the trapped orb, Min Hong's smile widened into a grin a foreboding sensation crept into the heart of Chi Zheng and the middle-aged man.

Min Hong doubled the strength of his mental energy as he pointed towards the trapped orb and murmured.


The moment this word fell from his mouth, the golden-green eye on his forehead closed up as the Primus energy which had been struggling to maintain a balance between the revolting Oblivion and Chaos energy abruptly disappeared. 

The instant that happened, everyone present, including those currently battling felt a raging energy pulsation begin to ripple out from within the ball of vines.

The intensity of these energy ripples increased rapidly until it reached a crescendo and then;


The two energies who had been revolting and repelling each other finally came made contact, then the orb exploded as all the energy and matter it had been absorbing for a while blasted outwards smashing into the back of the approaching Chi Zheng.

His armour like outfit which he was currently wearing was shredded into oblivion, by the Oblivion energy, then the Chaos energy landed on his back, but before it could touch his skin a subtle green glow surrounded his skin as a defensive barrier took shave over them. 

But even with his defensive artifact, the Chaos energy still ate away at the barrier till it was exhausted of energy and shattered.

But the sheer amount of force that rippled out of the explosion was enough to ensure that he suffered grievous internal energy. 

Furthermore, the several Law Qi that had been absorbed by the pitch-black orb ensured that he didn't go without suffering some external damage.

From the numbness that came from Lightning Law of those of the Zi Clan to the searing hot pain from Yue Yao's Flame Law and Min Qing's Intrusive Yin Law.

As all these factors smashed in together, Chi Zheng let out a soul creeping cry;


The shrill cry of Chi Zheng drowned every other sound in the environment.

The cry contained so much pain that even some of the people in the crowd shivered subconsciously.

Even the guards collecting the entry fee frowned in sympathy. 

For Chi Zheng, the pain started off as a dull pain on his back, but it soon spread across his entire body.

He felt extremely weak and sweat covered every inch of skin, as his hand trembled out of control until the wooden stake he was holding fell to the ground. 

He was trying to believe that the pain would soon be over.

After all, a pain on such a scale shouldn't last that long, right?

But the realization he might be wrong caused a moment of panic to flash through his every fibre of his entire being.

For a moment he thought about everything he might lose if he gave in to the pain, from the damsel he was trying to gain favour in front of by showing up like a hero to save the day, to the crowd he was trying to gain fame from by trying to impress them. 

As he began to fall to the ground, the middle-aged man who had used a vine technique earlier zoomed across the distance, catching Chi Zheng before he fell.

He looked at Chi Zheng's back and saw his mangled flesh and muscles, including some cracks on his spine.

"Elder Ning, am I going to die today???" Chi Zheng asked as he shivered in pain before fainting.

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