The Great Genetic Era

Chapter 2265: Shang Long Escapes

Chapter 2265: Shang Long Escapes

"Mr. Shang, what do you think of the Muyas' mental clone technique? Can you train it?" After Xu Tui arrived at the moon, he went straight to the communication base built in the deepest part of the moon. It was the easiest to communicate with Shang Long here.

Xu Tui had already asked Cai Shaochu to pass the mental body cloning technique to Shang Long when he returned at the end of July. However, he only let Shang Long study and deduce first. He was not in a hurry to cultivate. If he really wanted to cultivate, it would depend on the situation of the cultivation trials that Xu Tui had arranged.

The secret technique that Qiao An had given him did not seem to have any problems. It had been almost a month since Orthorpe had successfully cultivated it on the 16th of July. Under Xu Tui's urging, not only did he have to maintain a clone for a long time, but he also had to create an additional clone every day for the sake of experimenting.

In order to test the pressure, Xu Tui even allowed Orthorpe to get four clones at most. Four clones was Orthorpe's limit. He could not last long. However, Orthorpe still had no problems with a clone after lasting nearly a month.

Other than Orthorpe, the Ghost Kings and Ghost Commanders that had been used to test the abilities did not have any problems. As long as the mental body clone was not lost, it would not cause any damage to the main body.

Of course, if his avatar was outside, the strength of his main body would be reduced.

After reading the summary of Xu Tui's cultivation experience over the past month, Shang Long smiled and said, "I should be able to train this secret technique if you deduce it. Moreover, with the summary of the cultivation experience you brought, there would definitely be no problems with success.

"Now that I had fused with the moon, although the new moon had gradually stabilized in the past half a year, I still needed a portion of my mind power to maintain the stability inside the

new moon.

"Moreover, I'm now one with the moon. If I were a clone, I'm afraid it would cause the moon to tremble. Therefore, I'll take my time to try it out. I'll take my time." Shang Long was a little worried.

Xu Tui glanced at Cai Shaochu. The latter nodded gently at Xu Tui.

"Mr. Shang, why don't you take advantage of the fact that the principal and I are both here? If anything happens, I can help you stabilize it. You can try it out now. If you succeed, you will be a hidden sharp blade on the Blue Star when it's needed in the future. Moreover, if you successfully clone yourself, I will be more at ease if I lead an expedition," Xu Tui said.

Xu Tui's words made sense. Shang Long thought for a moment and nodded slightly. "Alright. However, I don't know the extent of the vibrations on the moon."

"I'll deal with it. Get ready first. These are 10 Silver Boxes of Spirit. Absorb a few of them first. Leave the rest to absorb it slowly."

In this expedition to the Muya Star Field, they had obtained a total of 700 Silver Spirit Boxes. Other than the expeditionary army giving out at least one each, there was also a small number of people who were focused on nurturing them.

Xu Tui still had 100 Silver Boxes of Spirit left. Other than keeping them for emergencies, he also gave Shang Long 10 at once.


This time, Shang Long did not hesitate.

Five minutes later, an alarm sounded on the entire moon. All the bases entered Level 1 combat readiness. All the researchers in the underground base evacuated to the ground and

temporarily rose into the air. All the scientific research materials, supplies, and military supplies rose into the air and were sealed.

This was to deal with the changes to the moon caused by Shang Long's clone.

Over the past year, under the huge seizure of the Blue Star Expeditionary Force, the new moon had become more and more prosperous. It took a full three hours to make full preparations. Several engineering teams and fire brigades also entered a battle-ready state. If anything went wrong, they would immediately intervene.

Shang Long was also prepared.

"I'll begin."

In the deepest base underground, two clones of Shang Long had already been placed. One was

a backup. When Shang Long started, Cai Shaochu left the underground base and rose to the moon. His mind power enveloped the entire moon.

On the other hand, Xu Tui's mind power spread out from within to observe and monitor all the changes in Shang Long.

The two emperor's seals floated above his head. If anything happened to Shang Long's clone or caused the extreme changes to the moon, the two emperor's seals could be activated and suppressed at any time.

This was the reason why Xu Tui wanted Shang Long to try it out now.

With him and Cai Shaochu around, even if something happened, it would be minimized.

An hour after his cultivation began, Xu Tui felt Shang Long's aura begin to dissipate.

Two hours later, a very weak aura was injected into a clone of Shang Long.

In an instant, the clone body came to life.

"The clone has succeeded. It only has 10% of my strength." Shang Long's clone stood up. Sword light flashed behind him.

"Mr. Shang, try and see how much power you can inject into the clone," Xu Tui said.


Ten minutes later, the aura of Shang Long's clone doubled. The remote sensing equipment that covered the moon and the outside world reported that everything on the moon was as usual. There were no changes.

"Mr. Shang, increase the power of your clone to 30%."

Five minutes later, Shang Long's clone body had already revealed some majestic sword intent. However, 30% was not enough. Shang Long was only at the late-stage of the Nine Satellites Planetary realm. Even if his combat strength was comparable to the Nebula Realm, 30% of his clone strength could barely deal with the Nine Satellites Planetary realm. It was still not


Fifteen minutes later, the aura of Shang Long's mental clone increased to 45%. Although it was still not enough for Xu Tui, it was already the limit of a clone. The power of a clone could not exceed the main body. If the clone had too much power, it would cause the main body to be damaged or even collapse.

However, 45% of the clone's power was still not enough. It was equivalent to splitting Shang Long into two, allowing Shang Long's clone to have the strength to deal with the Nine


"Mr. Shang, you have to change directions."

"Change directions? What do you mean?" Shang Long did not understand.

"Mr. Shang, you've split out your mental body clone. The main body is suppressing the moon. However, you can try to use your mental body clone to suppress the moon and free the main body from the moon. Is this okay?" Xu Tui suggested a path.

"Will this cause a commotion on the new moon?" Shang Long was a little worried.

"It might. However, at the moment, your clone has split into 45%. The new moon was not affected yet. Based on this, I can deduce that you will use at most 50% of your strength to suppress the moon. It might even be less. We are already prepared outside today. We can test

out a limit," Xu Tui said.


A few minutes later, Shang Long's clone collapsed weakly. The mental body returned to its

main body. Then, Xu Tui sensed two more auras suddenly appearing on the moon. This was Shang Long's clone on the moon. Twenty minutes later, Shang Long's clone stood up again. This time, his sword was oppressive.

Xu Tui understood that the main body of Shang Long had come out. However, his aura was

not too strong.

Shang Long was extremely cautious. The main body was currently at 55%. The mental body volume of the clone that was suppressing the moon was 45%.

Of course, this was only the beginning. Then, under the care of Xu Tui and Cai Shaochu, Shang

Long slowly began to migrate the power ratio between his clone and the main body. When the main body's strength reached 60%, there was still no movement inside or outside the moon. When Shang Long strengthened his main body to 70% and only retained 30% of his clone's strength, the entire moon only trembled slightly. There were no other abnormalities. It was still in orbit. The data of the remote sensing devices were completely normal.

At 75% of the main body's strength, it shook again. When Shang Long strengthened his main body's power to 80%, leaving only 20% of the clone's power to suppress the new moon, the entire moon shook for two seconds, but it stabilized.

Shang Long only tried to strengthen his main body's power to 85%. When he only had 15% of

the clone's power left to suppress the new moon, the entire moon began to tremble violently. The intensity of the trembling reached the level of a Level 6 earthquake. There were various degrees of energy trembling in the moon's center.

The trajectory of the new moon also deviated slightly. In the next moment, the moon stabilized again. This was because Shang Long had returned to 80% of his main body's power. The clone power that was suppressing the New Moon had reached 20%.

"The ratio of seven to three is the safest. At the critical moment, eight to two is fine. When will I find an outsider to test my sword with 80% of my main strength? I estimate that even if

I have 80% of my strength, no Nine Satellites can withstand my sword." Shang Long was very excited to regain his freedom. This feeling was indescribable. Previously, he had been restricted to the moon. Although he had free will, it was equivalent to


Shang Long did not have any complaints, but he could not mention his excitement now that he had the chance to regain his freedom. He looked at Xu Tui with even more gratitude. It was all thanks to this grand-disciple.

However, Shang Long was a stupid person. He was not good at expressing gratitude. He would only remember the true gratitude in his heart.

"Mr. Shang, it's most likely just now. In the future, I will provide you with a large number of Silver Spirit Boxes. When your total mental body becomes stronger, you will be able to use more and more of the main body's power. It's even possible for it to be 9 to 1, let alone 8 to 2."

Shang Long pursed his lips and nodded gently. Now that he had escaped, anything was possible in the future.

Xu Tui was even happier. Now that Shang Long had escaped, the top forces of the Blue Star were even more abundant. He was just short of a small universe powerhouse.

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