The Father of American Comics Superheroes

Chapter 172: The so-called empty white wolf...

Chapter 172: The so-called empty white wolf...

Having made a big deal, Mikes mood was very pleasant, and even the burst of gunfire turned wonderful in his ears.

Sloan put the phone away, looked at Mike, and said with a deep voice, I want to do another business with you.

Mike reached out and pointed to the bursts of gunfire inside the textile factory.

Want me to settle that?


Forget it. Mike patted Sloan and said, You have enough money to live in luxury, do you still want to dictate the fate of others, or even the world, by those people inside?

Sloans eyes shifted.

Mike laughed and said, Dont be ridiculous, just those people inside are not even a fart to those who wield great power.

Sloan was silent, and suddenly said, Like you?

Mike smiled, did not answer and said: For the sake of knowing so many years, I advise you, now is a good opportunity for you to get out.

Sloan thought about it, nodded, and surprisingly felt an overwhelming sense of relief throughout his body.

Its good to get out of it now

Maybe he should find a place with beautiful scenery, suitable for retirement, and then find two young women and enjoy life.

What about the people inside? Are you going to kill them?

Sloan asked.

Mike looked at Sloan speechlessly, Do you think Im a homicidal maniac?

Sloan looked at Mike with false eyes and said, You forget when you were on a mission before?

All right! Mike waved his hand and said, Hurry up and go, Ill have someone come and clean up the mess inside, he should really like these assassins.

Sloan nodded and said to Mike again, Thanks.

After a pause he said, Ask that man to be nice to them.

With those words, Sloan turned around and left.

Looking at Sloans back, the corners of Mikes mouth picked up slightly.

This guy is quite smart, as for the people inside

Mike thought about it and couldnt help but laugh.

Perhaps, there is still a business to be done.

Taking out the phone, he walked inside while calling Nick Fury.

The call was answered

Hey, Fury!

Say, did you ask me to wipe your ass again?

Nick Fury asked in a familiar voice.

Mike cupped his chin and said, Have I ever asked you to do anything like that?

What can I do except that Im somewhat useful in these matters that you cant handle?

Nick Fury said, his heart suddenly welled up with an indescribable sense of grief and anger.

He, as an ordinary person, turned out to be unable to help the powerful Mike what help, let alone now

Now he can even trust a few people, look at who are like Hydra.

As long as the thought of years of hard work by Hydra silently eaten, they have to sneakily transfer the accumulation of S.H.I.E.L.D., he cannot help

Fark! Fark!!!

Cursed twice in his heart, he took a deep breath and said to Mike: What is it?

I want to do a business with you.

Business? Nick Fury was a little curious: What kind of business?

Youre starting a new business and you need people, right?

Youre coming to help me?

Nick Fury said with surprise.

Unless you eat a hundred round slices of bread in a row, Ill think about it.

A hundred round slices of bread?

And thats just for consideration?

Nick Fury thought for a moment.

He saw the round slices of bread is disgusting, let alone eat it.

No, no, the risk was too great.

What is it, exactly?

You know the League of Assassins? Its the organization I stayed with many years ago.

Nick Fury nodded, an idea welling up in his heart, a glint of joy in his eyes.

Mike grinned and said, Now that the League of Assassins has had a change of heart, I think a lot of people want a new job, and if you want, I can sell them to you as a package.

Nick Fury thumped his heart.

The killer of the Assassin Alliance, as long as he trains, he can quickly become a qualified agent.

Packed and sold to me, whats a joke, do you think I look like a slave owner?

Ill kill them all if you dont want them.

Wait! Nick Fury hurriedly shouted, Thats too much of a waste!

Do you want it or not?

Yes! Make a price! Youre just wasting it, dont ask for too much!

Mike wanted to let Nick Fury look to give, but he said so, with Nick Furys shameless character, give him a dollar may be.

So he said, Not much, just enough money to buy two of Charles estates.

Goodbye! Nick Fury said indifferently.

Mike blinked and hung up straight away.

Nick Fury:

No one is allowed to return the offer?

The corners of his mouth twitched as he called Mike again and said, Cheaper, one.

One and a half.


Im hanging up!

Mike! Youre a vampire!

Do you believe Ill actually use my vampire powers to get to you for a chat?

Sorry, Papa Mike.

I dont have a son like you!

Mike said faintly, and then both of them laughed at the same time.

Such a conversation, as many years ago.

The laughter faded, Mike gave out the address, Nick Fury hung up the phone, the corners of his mouth slightly curled.

Does Mike care about this money?


Mike just do not want him to owe a favour.

Friends, sometimes the more you owe, the less you look like a friend, and he already owes Mike a lot.

Meanwhile, after Mike praised himself, a card appeared in his hand once again, still Professor X.

This ability is really convenient, Mike is more and more like it, but

Couldnt help but touch his hair.


The hair is firmly in place, no problem.

Mikes mind moved, the power of the mind gushed out, and the situation in the textile factory was instantly clear.

The two sides of the battle is very stalemate, fire fox three also suffered some injuries, looks very wretched.

Mike reached out and tapped his temple, and the invisible power instantly fixed everyone in place, and then controlled them to walk out.

After using the cloth that can be found everywhere in the textile factory, let those people tie each other up, Mike looked at the three Foxes.

Snapped his fingers, Mike released the three from control.

The moment the three were released from control, immediately raised the gun in their hands.

Just now their minds were suspended by Mike, their minds were still in the battle just now.

And when they looked at the assassins who were tied up and standing in place like puppets, they looked at Mike in a slight daze.

Fox, with a smile on his face, pressed his wound and said, Thanks!

Cross and Wesley looked at Mike gratefully.

Three cards of rejuvenation were thrown out, and green energy flowed through the three.

The three looked at the rapidly disappearing wounds and looked at Mike in surprise.

Mike: Fox, the situation is cleared up?

Fox nodded, her eyes were calm and said, Yes.

Sloan is the one who has turned his back on his faith and will be executed by fate!

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