The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 128: The trouble in reorganizing the family (23)

Chapter 128: The trouble in reorganizing the family (23)

Chapter 128 The trouble with reorganizing the family (23)

Since he came to town, the village chief took Xu Yin to the demolition transitional house provided by Mingyu Group. It was in the second phase of the new village and was a new house that had not yet been sold.

Xu Yin also recently heard that the ancient street in the town and the Xincun Apartments connected to the first and second phases behind it were also developed by a subsidiary of Mingyu Group.

Therefore, the unsold houses were used to resettle the demolished villagers.

Of course, there is a choice between this benefit and the "turnover compensation fee". If other villagers choose the turnover compensation fee, they will have to rent their own accommodation during the transition period.

Xu Yin originally wanted to use the money to rent it by herself, near Yigao.

With two special prize competition medals, she easily got the chance to be admitted to a high school. However, she did not choose one of the key high schools in the city, but chose the first county high school, just to make it easier to take care of Grandma Xu.

Because she was recommended, she did not have to go to school and had time to soak in the private plot. Otherwise, the melon thief would not be discovered, or the watermelons in that acre of land would have been damaged by the time he was discovered.

Getting back to the subject, if she rents a house near Yigao, will Grandma Xu be able to get used to a completely unfamiliar environment?

At that time, I had to go to school and had no time to accompany him. It would be lonely for the elderly alone, so like the village chief, I chose a transitional house in the town.

It would be best if the high school can be a day school, but if she has to live on campus, Grandma Xu can rest assured that she has the village chief in the new village and fellow Danhe Village residents who moved to the town early to take care of her.

Now that Grandma Xus eyesight has improved and her legs and feet are sharp, it will not be inconvenient for the grandparents and grandson to get a two-bedroom apartment on the second floor facing the sun.

She was really lucky. The apartment she got was actually a fully decorated model house. Except for some soft furnishings, there was no need to buy anything else. It was all ready-made.

"I have inquired, there are only three model houses in the second phase, and the other two have not been released. The only one released was chosen by you, Yin Yin, you are so lucky! You can live in it after you move in Not to mention, I saved a lot of money!" Every time the village chief comes to the new village, he always praises her good luck.

Xu Yin also felt that she was lucky.

Can't help but wonder whether the "blood gall golden lotus" that Yan Kejin gave her at the beginning can really bring koi luck to people?

"Yinyin, this is the Uncle Chen I'm talking about. Just call him Grandpa Chen. His son is the owner of this fruit shop. Didn't you grow a lot of watermelons this year? If you have no other way, just bring him to the shop. Here, he will help you sell it."

When she arrived in the new village, the village chief took her to an acquaintances fruit shop to identify the door.

This is because she is worried that the watermelons in her field cannot be sold, so I want to find a way for her.

Xu Yin was a little confused about whether to laugh or cry.

Even though the yield of six thousand kilograms of melons per mu is quite a lot, due to their large size, there are only about 300 melons in total.

During the Qingming Festival, Liu Yan learned that she had planted an acre of watermelon and ordered a thousand kilograms in advance.

On May Day, I heard Xu Yin say that these melons are estimated to be about twenty pounds each. After calculation, there are only fifty melons per thousand pounds? So he quickly added fifty more. I'm afraid it won't be enough like the strawberries last time.

The equivalent of two thousand kilograms of watermelons has been ordered before they are ripe.

She has other plans for the remaining melons.

Shudong Live has been increasing its fans recently, and it has exceeded the 20 million mark in the past two days.

Xu Yin was thinking about setting up a more serious lottery like other bloggers to reward her fans and friends who have always supported her, so she asked fans if they wanted sunscreen or lipstick, or something else, to see what they liked.

Unexpectedly, fans asked her to eat the watermelon she grew.

[I have been raising Yun for so long, I really want to try one! ]

[Agree with drawing watermelons in the lottery! ]

[No lottery, just sell me a few! ]

Xu Yin:

Its rare for my sister to be serious for once. You must force her to be down-to-earth.

Can watermelons be mailed?

But after asking around, I found that there is indeed a courier station that accepts the business of sending watermelons, so lets take the watermelons as a bonus. This was the first time for other netizens to hear that watermelon was a fan benefit and that the broadcaster grew it himself. They were very novel and went to Shudong live broadcast to follow her and rushed to participate in the lottery.

Liu Yan bought a hundred of them, fans drew a hundred of them, and kept a few more to eat and give away. There really wasnt much left.

Zhou Yangs family received the watermelons sent by Xu Yin, and they all remembered the taste of last years batch of watermelons.

"Oops! Why did I forget!" Zhou Yang's mother slapped her forehead and said angrily, "The Purchasing Department told me early in the morning that the cold drink fee for the unit will not be paid this year, but watermelon will be paid instead. Last year's watermelon was not enough for them. I see that at the beginning of the year, Yinyin, you said you would plant an acre this year, so you didnt rush to contact you, but you completely forgot about it! Is it still too late to place an order now?

Zhou Yang's dad also quickly placed an order for his friend who owns a restaurant: "Yin Yin, Lao Zhao said that as long as the food is as delicious as last year, he will have as much as he wants. This guy thinks I gave him less than thirty last year."

Xu Yin smiled and shook her head: "There aren't many left. There won't be enough to divide the two families. Why don't you discuss it?"

"An acre of melons has been almost ordered so quickly?"

The couple were taken aback and rushed to place an order:

I, I, I, I! I want it!

I want it! My wife, dont steal it from me!

You dont want to fight with me! The Purchasing Department asked me to do it this morning. If I cant finish it, Ill be in trouble!

Then give it to me at least, there is none, Lao Zhao must not scold me to death!

Okay, Ill give you one.

If I had known better, I would have said a few more words.

Zhou Yangs mother was afraid that the remaining hundred or so melons would be missing after a long night and a lot of dreams, so she called a pick-up truck to take the watermelons to her work unit that day.

Zhou Yangs dad helped diligently, but in the end he couldnt get a few more. He was carrying the single melon given to him and looking at his back pitifully.

But Zhou Yangs mother said that there was still a gift from Xu Yin at home. If he wanted to part with it, he would give his share to Lao Zhao, but Zhou Yangs father was reluctant to part with it.

Lao Zhao: After all, twenty years of friendship was paid for by mistake.

The winning fans received watermelons from Xu Yin one after another a few days later.

One by one, live broadcasts of unpacking and cutting and eating melons were carried out with a sense of ceremony.

After finishing it, they went to the bib to leave a comment and thank the bloggers they follow. The watermelon they grew by themselves was so delicious. It was one of the most delicious watermelons they had ever tasted in their lives.

This summers most delicious watermelon# subsequently rushed to the top three on the hot list.

Xu Yinshudongs inbox is full.

Some netizens are willing to pay the courier fee out of their own pockets to ask her to buy watermelons. Some want to exchange ideas on growing melons with her on behalf of fellow villagers. Some simply express their admiration and envy. Some want to use Xu Yin's live broadcast room to promote their own fields. Xigua, and even asked Xu Yin if she wanted to sign a contract with a company to enter the entertainment industry...

Xu Yin had no time to read these letters. She had harvested the last batch of melons and ushered in the spring wheat harvest season.

After harvesting the wheat, it is midsummer, which is a good time for making wine.

She worked hard, purchased enough tools and accessories for brewing, and spent 1,000 energy points to ask the system to prepare a rare brewing recipe. She first brewed wheat into distiller's yeast, and when the sorghum matured in September, she could brew. I vow to brew a wine that will amaze the world!

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