The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1267: Wake up! Love brain! (27)

Chapter 1267: Wake up! Love brain! (27)

Chapter 1267: Awaken! Love brain! (27)

I don't know whether she was really tired, or she was holding on to a hint of temptation. When Fang Haocheng came back, she packed her luggage lonely and expressed that she wanted to go back to her home.

Fang Haocheng asked her what was wrong, and she burst into tears with grievance: "I'm so tired, really tired! It's not that I'm tired physically, it's that I'm tired mentally. I feel like I'm an outsider in this family and I have to do everything. Being questioned, there is no freedom at all. I would rather live in a small rental house of ten square meters than stay here. Hao Cheng, can't we move out and live our own lives? We don't need such a big house, nor do we need Nanny, I can take care of baby Beibei by myself, as long as my heart is free and happy, I can bear the physical fatigue."

Fang Haocheng was heartbroken.

He didn't know that she was so stressed. He thought that having a nanny at home, a driver to go out, and her parents to deal with undecided matters would make her feel more relaxed, but he didn't expect that it would make her even more stressed.

He gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes: "You should have told me earlier. Since we are not happy living here, we will move out."

But I dont want you to have conflicts with your family because of me.

Fool. He pinched her nose lovingly.

More importantly, he felt that she was gentle, considerate and considerate of him, so much so that even when his parents objected to them moving out with their two grandchildren, and even threatened not to organize the wedding, they still insisted on moving out.

You two are going to move out by yourselves, and baby Beibei will live with us. Mother Fang was reluctant to let go of her two precious grandchildren.

"Mom, please be reasonable. We are the parents of baby Beibei. The child is still so young, how can he live separately from his parents? It's not like we won't come back. We will bring the child back to see you on weekends."

"No!" Mother Fang was worried that her precious grandson would be spoiled by her mother, so she insisted and refused to give in. "If you insist on moving out with my grandson, you can handle your marriage to her yourself, and I won't care!"

Fang Hao also became angry: "Don't care, just don't care. We didn't plan to have a big wedding in the first place, and we just saved money."

Fangs mother was so angry that she fell back.

Shortly after Xu Yin returned from vacation in Madai, she accidentally checked her mobile phone and saw a message that "the heir of the Fang Group has remarried." It was not surprising.

The two elders of the Fang family looked at the Buddha rather than the monk. For the sake of their two grandsons, they would accept Song Yanli.

Surprisingly, the wedding was not as luxurious and grand as described in the original article, far surpassing the scene when the Fang and Xu families got married. Instead, it was low-key and simple, with only a few tables for wedding banquets. This was not like the Fang familys wedding. character. Is the Fang Group in trouble? Or is Lihao Real Estate going bankrupt ahead of schedule?

Its not caused by her butterfly again, is it?

She will not bear this responsibility.

Lawyer Feng was so embarrassed that he asked her jokingly: "My ex-husband is getting married for the second time. Don't you want to send me a gift? I see that Song Yanli has become a lot more haggard after moving into Fang's house. Even her careful maintenance cannot hide the exhaustion on her face." It can be seen that it is really difficult to be the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family. Why dont you thank your ex-husband for letting you out of misery?"

Xu Yin ignored Lawyer Fengs teasing and prepared to fly to Haicheng.

A new type of ultra-light protective clothing has been developed. After the press conference, factories will be identified for mass production.

Lawyer Feng sighed: "When I was studying, I saw a saying: The richer people are, the harder they work to make money. At that time, I didn't believe it until I saw you... By the way, sisters, you really don't have the self-consciousness of a rich woman. If I were you, , wouldnt it be nice to lie down, eat, drink, travel around and be surrounded by beautiful men? Youre flying here and there all day long. If youre not tired, Im tired just looking at you.

I have some sightseeing tours. Xu Yin said with a smile.

Lawyer Feng was right when he thought about it. Although this girl is dedicated, she is not a person who would wrong herself. Otherwise, she would not spend tens of millions to buy a private jet just to live comfortably during the flight; there are no formal hotels in the Green Seeding Project donation area. , this girl invested in building her own...

You can be willful if you have money! "Stop talking about me, you should think about how to appease your old man Xing." Xu Yin winked at Lawyer Feng narrowly.

Lawyer Feng turned around and saw her boyfriend, who had come to pick her up, leaning against the door with his arms folded across his chest. Looking at his resentful expression, it seemed that he had been there for a while, that is to say, he had heard her heroic words of "surrounded by beautiful men".

Lawyer Feng gave Xu Yin a "you're not kind" look and went on a date with her boyfriend.

Xu Yin drove to the airport.

Driving on the empty highway on weekdays, Comrade Xiao Jins face occasionally flashed in my mind.

This mission world seems to be without him, and the system has not released additional missions for a long time. However, the "Xu Qiao Foundation" established in the first year of her arrival has already launched several major projects.

In addition to the initial "Connect Every Village" and "Care for Young Seedlings" initiatives, in recent years we have also launched the "Care Buds" campaign to provide free sanitary products to schoolgirls in poor areas, and the "Blue Sky and Clear Waters" campaign to help impoverished mountain villages deal with sewage problems. "Two donation projects.

Although the "Xu Qiao" Foundation is not large in scale, it is extremely powerful in action.

After Xu Yin visited the site and determined that donations were needed, she immediately approved the funds and solved the difficulties of the donors like timely rain.

Especially because she conducts each inspection anonymously and in disguise. No one knows when she will come and when she will leave. Even if she wants to cheat, anyone who cheats will be directly added to her "blacklist".

A foundation like the "Xu Qiao" Foundation, in which the chairman personally visits the site to inspect and ensures the implementation of every donation, is extremely rare in the world. It is called a miracle by its peers and praised by the public as a philanthropic A breath of fresh air.

Fortunately, several of the projects she has invested in are relatively profitable. Not to mention the just-released "Night Time", which successfully ended with a box office of 2.5 billion, giving herself a generous sum of money. Otherwise, I really can't afford such a big venue.

While waiting in the VIP lounge, Xu Yin received a call from Lu Weifeng, asking her about what time she would arrive in Haicheng and whether she needed the company to send a car to pick her up.

Xu Yin asked him to stop working and it would be easier to take a taxi.

Hang up the phone and look up to see that the double sofa opposite has an owner, and he is an acquaintance.

Fang Haocheng and Song Yanli seemed to be on their honeymoon. The double sofa in the first-class VIP lounge was spacious enough to accommodate three people, and they were glued to each other.

Thankfully, Xu Yin is not the original body and is immune to the male protagonist of the original text. If she were the original body here, she would probably be greatly stimulated by this scene at this moment.

After Fang Haocheng sat down, he realized that the person opposite him was Xu Yin. This was the first time he had seen her in real life since the divorce. He had seen her many times on TV.

After the divorce, she is really good at doing things, can really make money, and is much more lively and beautiful than before.

He glanced at her lightly and then looked away.

It was Song Yanli who took the initiative to greet Xu Yin: "We meet again. Where are you going, Miss Xu?"


What a coincidence, so are we. Maybe we are on the same flight. We are going to Turkey, and only Haicheng has direct flights.

Xu Yin looked at her strangely, what was the way for the current person to take the initiative to chat up his ex?

You want to ask me to borrow a private jet?

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