The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 103: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (52)

Chapter 103: The sperm-making female partner chooses to farm (52)

Chapter 103: A female partner chooses farming (52)

At this moment, Xu Yin was extremely glad that the **** bureau was opened by the royal family, and that it had opened early. It had developed into a crisscross and wide distribution, and its management was getting better and better year by year. Otherwise, transporting so many supplies to Donghai County at once might alarm the outside world.

Her worries were really not unnecessary, the Crown Princess kept sending people to keep an eye on her.

When she was in Yanguan, the Crown Princess wanted to stare at her like this.

It is a pity that Yanguan is under the management of Yan Kejin and is as tightly guarded as an iron barrel. No matter how disguised her people are, they can only get into the periphery and cannot get into the core area of Yanguan at all.

After leaving Yan Pass, I had the opportunity to keep an eye on Yan Kejin and his wife.

According to reports, Princess Jinnan was still in the mood to visit the market on her way to Donghai County. She would stop at any stall she saw that was interesting.

The Crown Princess finally relaxed and sneered in her heart: "It seems that she has not changed much from her previous life. She is still so brainless. What did she think her husband was doing when he went to the front line to fight against the barbaric Dongyi people? She was still in the mood to play. Playing with mountains and rivers. I really dont understand why King Jinnan likes her!"

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but come to persuade the prince.

Although she didn't believe the prince's reason for accepting five beauties at once, as the emperor had heard, she couldn't help but that the prince did indeed do something smart this time. He led King Jinnan to Donghai County and asked the Dongyi people to deal with him.

Therefore, she selectively forgave the prince and took the initiative to reconcile with him.

"Sir, King Jinnan has led his army to Donghai County. According to reports from spies, he has brought a batch of strange weapons with him. It seems that he has no intention of negotiating peace with Dongyi. The battle may have already started along the coast of Donghai County."

The prince smiled proudly: "It's better to fight! I hope the Dongyi people are braver and not so useless. My good second brother has been going smoothly for many years, and it's time for him to die."

A few days later, in the morning court, before the emperor arrived, a group of ministers gathered together to discuss the matter of General Wei Zhen leading his army to permanently station in Donghai County to fight against Dongyi. None of them were very optimistic about this.

I heard that all Dongyi people can swim and are good at water warfare. King Jinnan has been leading troops in Yanguan these years. Im afraid..."

"Why are you panicking? King Jinnan is very resourceful. Just because you don't have access to water doesn't mean you can't win the battle. You old man, you're trying to inflate other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige before the war even starts."

"You! What do you know, a civil servant! I said this just because I have studied the terrain of Donghai County and the habits of the Dongyi people, and am worried about the Yan family army. If you have the ability, you can come up with an idea!"


The Holy One has arrived

The emperor flirted with Fochen, the **** who was waiting in front of him, and stepped out. Behind him was the holy king in bright yellow dragon robes.

All the ministers quickly knelt down to pay their respects.

The emperor frowned, looking worried, waved his hands, and sat on the throne.

All of you dear friends must have heard that Dongyi has become more and more outrageous in recent years, frequently invading our Yanhua sea territory and disturbing the innocent people in our territory.

According to the memorial submitted by the governor of Donghai County, since this year alone, hundreds of fishing boats have been madly invaded and plundered by the Dongyi people. Innocent people have been robbed because of the fishing boats. Some died under the knife of the Dongyi people, and some Falling into the sea and drowning.

I have ordered King Jinnan to go and pacify it a month ago. Dear friends, you can express your opinions. Is it better to negotiate for peace or to fight Dongyi? "

The ministers of civil and military affairs started talking at once, and along with the discussion, they stood in two teams.

One group supported the peace negotiation and felt that war was a waste of people and money.

Whats more, in recent years, I have tasted the sweetness of peace negotiations with various ethnic groups outside the customs. I feel that there are no permanent enemies between countries. As long as both sides benefit, no one wants to start a war. There is also a group of people who insist on fighting.

The Dongyi people are different from the Tatars. When the Tatars invaded Yan Pass, their main purpose was to grab grain, and they were willing to settle for some food.

But Dongyis movements in recent years are not just like people robbing because they dont have enough food to eat. They are clearly robbing for the sake of robbing, and they are clearly bullying me, Yanhua. That being the case, why negotiate for peace? Do you think I, Yanhua, am easy to bully?

In short, it is reasonable for the mother-in-law to speak to her mother-in-law, and it is reasonable for the father-in-law to speak to the public.

The emperor was originally a soft-spoken person, otherwise a woman who would not be favored would have done the thing of appointing the queen less than a year after the death of the late queen. After the crown prince was established, the legitimate son was driven to the southern barbarian fiefdom, which was also due to the pillow wind.

At this moment, after listening to this side, I feel that what this side said is right. After listening to that side, I felt that that side made sense.

For three days in a row, no charter was discussed.

On the fourth day, the two parties in the court were still debating the issue of "peace" or "war." Suddenly they heard that the defenders of Donghai County sent people to rush to deliver the good news -

"Report - Dongyi invaded the waters of Donghai County again. Our Yan family army annihilated the invading enemy forces from Dongyi in one fell swoop, displaying the prestige of our country and the beauty of our army!"

When everyone present heard this, their jaws dropped in astonishment.

Seeing the news coming in a hurry, I was worried that the Yan army would suffer a defeat, and Donghai County rushed to ask for help, but I didn't expect that the battle was won.

Eh, wait? Is King Jinnan sure that he will not discuss peace and start a war directly?

The emperor was also full of doubts, so he called the messenger soldier to come closer and explain in detail.

This little soldier was so excited that he didn't know how to place his hands and feet, but when he talked about how the Yan family's army wiped out the enemy, how to pull up the defense line, and how to assemble the defenders to train for maritime operations...he talked with joy.

"...The warship was bigger and more majestic than the Dongyi ships. It was equipped with artillery. As soon as the Dongyi ship entered our Yanhua waters, the general waved his hand and signaled: Fire! An iron ball flew out of the cannon barrel. , landed on the Dongyi peoples ship and exploded with a bang, tearing the Dongyi peoples skin and flesh to pieces... A series of shells bombarded the enemy, causing Dongyi to lose six large ships at once, but our side was intact..."

The emperor and his ministers seemed to understand, but they didn't seem to understand.

What is an artillery piece? Is it a newly invented weapon by King Jinnan?

No wonder King Jinnan started fighting without saying a word. It turned out that this divine creature helped me. God bless me, Yanhua!

I heard that King Jinnan invented many weapons in Yanguan in recent years. They were originally intended to deter foreigners such as Tatars and Ronghu, and he did not want to use them on the Dongyi people.

Haha! Now lets see if Dongyi dares!

Most of the courtiers showed happy and gratified smiles, except for the group of people who stood in front of the prince.

Yan Keheng was also in the court. He was shocked at first. Did the Yan army win the battle? How can it be! That was maritime warfare, an area that Dongyi was good at. Why was the second child so good at it?

Then his face gradually darkened.

I used to think that his good second brother could still be a harmonious brother as long as he didn't get in his way in the capital and stayed in the inhospitable southern barbarian fiefdom.

But now, he can make such a big splash in Yanguan and Donghai County and attract the attention of the courtiers, but what about the future? Is he going to fight back to the capital to regain his position as crown prince?

No! We can't keep him anymore!

Yan Keheng's eyes flashed fiercely and he thought fiercely.

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