The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 68: Trap (2)

Chapter 68: Trap (2)

With doubt in her eyes, Min Juri seemed to have made up her mind and nodded.

Ill take care of the first part of the plan.

You want to do it alone?

Yes. Theres no need for both of us to be trapped, right? Having both of us act like helpless baby birds waiting to be eaten is suspecious, and

Are you confident you wont make a mistake?

Of course. I understood the plan, and I should be able to handle that much, right? I can at least earn my keep.

When Min Juri offered to take on the task, Ryu Min didnt object further.

Alright. Ill wait outside.

With a determined but somewhat nervous expression, Min Juri opened the door to the hut.


She cautiously entered alone.

There was no sign of anyone inside, no indication of any presence.

Creak Creak

With each step on the noisy path, she entered a spacious area.

Twenty orcs could easily fit in this space.

This must be the trap point that Black Scythe mentioned

What was peculiar was the out-of-place red carpet.

Min Juri swallowed nervously as she recalled the plan she had heard just moments ago.

Inside, theres an Orc Shaman hidden. Hes only focused on the sound of the door opening and footsteps, waiting for humans to come in.

We can use that to our advantage, deceive him, and corner the orcs. The method is simple. If you go a bit further, youll reach an area with a red carpet. Thats the trap point the Orc Shaman prepared. The moment you step on it, he summons orcs to block your escape. About 10 to 20 orcs will be summoned, and when they surround you, theres no way out. Youll go only as far as the carpet and then immediately leave the room. Afterward, the orcs will think they missed their prey and send a few scouts to lure us back. All we need to do is capture those scouts.

That sounds simple enough. Ill give it a try.

Min Juri reached the red carpet and nervously recalled the plan.


Making a noise to signal her presence, she quickly turned around without looking back and exited the room.

Phew. Its not a big deal, but its making me nervous for no reason.

As she was catching her breath, she suddenly looked up and saw Ryu Min casually looking at the door.

Are you okay?

Haha Yes.

Seeing his unwavering demeanor made her feel strangely relieved.

How did it go?

I followed the plan and reached the red carpet.

Good, thats enough.

Are they really going to send scouts after us?

Well find out if we wait.

The two of them pressed themselves against the side of the hut, waiting for the door to open.

A moment later


The door opened, and six orcs emerged.

They received fresh orders to lure the recently escaped humans, and the orcs scurried around, following the instructions diligently.

In that very moment, Ryu Min stepped forward, wielding his scythe with purpose.

Why are you searching so intently? he inquired.


Right here, Ryu Min stated calmly.

With a swift and brutal motion, an orcs limbs came crashing down, the grim sound of its fall filling the air.

Before the remaining orcs could even raise their axes from their waists, their hands and feet were severed swiftly.

Thud, thud, thud! The six orcs crumbled like a stack of toppled toy blocks.

Ryu Min, as if his role were completed, tactfully stepped back.

It was now Min Juris turn, her rapier gracefully ending the orcs lives.

These summoned creatures provided experience points and gold just like real orcs, despite their unnatural origins.

Phew, its done, Min Juri sighed in relief.

Then, lets lure them again, Ryu Min ordered.

Will they fall for it again? Min Juri inquired.

They might possess some intelligence, but they forget things as quickly as goldfish.

Min Juri ventured into the house once more, repeating the process.

She reached the red carpet and then exited, expertly leading the orcs.

Thud, thud! Thud, thud!

As Ryu Min severed limbs, Min Juri swiftly finished off the orcs.

Their coordinated efforts became increasingly efficient as they continued their task, almost like a well-practiced team.

By the time orc summon corpses piled up next to the huts, Min Juris voice rang out with joy.

Black Scythe! Weve captured all 300!

Ryu Min checked his progress window, noting, Exactly one hour has passed.

In just one hour, they had managed to capture 248 orcs, reaching the impressive total of 300.

Thanks to you, Black Scythe, we could hunt comfortably and quickly. Im truly grateful, Min Juri expressed her gratitude.

Ryu Min smiled warmly, appreciating her sincerity.

How much did your level go up? he inquired.

Ive already reached level 19! Min Juri proudly proclaimed.

Just 10,000 more experience points, and youll rank up, Ryu Min commented.

Ranking up would grant her the ability to learn new skills and enhance existing ones, making her an even more valuable ally.

It means I can receive more efficient Blessings. And new kind of buffs as well,

Indeed, her growth would benefit Ryu Min as well, and he was pleased with the progress they were making.

I dont have to assist with this anymore, right? he asked.

Of course not! Ive received so much help already, and I didnt even request it, Min Juri replied gratefully.

But what if I help you reach level 20? he proposed.

Oh You really dont have to Min Juri hesitated.

No, I need to. Helping you reach level 20 will benefit me, I need to get a buff from you so I can set a record when I capture the High Orc.

In the fifth round, there were four formidable bosses: Orc Warrior, Orc Shaman, Orc Archer, and High Orc.

Among them, the High Orc was a particularly powerful foe, almost on par with a mid-boss.

Thats why High Orc is different from other bosses. Even the Time for Kill rule applies differently to him, Ryu Min explained.

Time for Kill refers to a rule where you get a reward based on how quickly you catch a specific monster.

I have to raise Min Juris level to 20, receive the two buffs. Then I can attempt a break the record.

For the first time ever, he may be able to set an unprecedented record.

Without even knowing that, Minjuri raised her hand to refuse, but Ryu Min was determined.

You dont have to help me anymore.

So does that mean we wont hunt together anymore?

No way. How could I run away after receiving such great help? This time, I have to help Black Scythe.

If you want to help, do it after you reach level 20. Ill take care of you until then.

but .

Listen to me. Until you are level 20, please calmly accept the food I give you.

Minjuri remained silent, her face not reflecting annoyance or frustration but rather deep thought.

I cant believe you care so much about me

Her expression revealed her gratitude for the unexpected help.

Uh, its a bit shameless, but Ill be in your care, she finally agreed.

Sure. Lets start the work again

Their conversation was interrupted by a rumbling sound from behind.

Ryu Min and Min Juri simultaneously turned their heads to see a group approaching.

I'm currently Translating the following novels: Pick Me Up! | A Frontline Soldier Awakened as a Gamer In The War! | The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player. If you want to support me and read more chapters please subscribe to my Patreon!

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