The 100th Regression of the Max-Level Player

Chapter 56: The Interview (2)

Chapter 56: The Interview (2)

Youre a level 10 Warrior and ranked 3rd in the district rankings. Is that true?

Yes, it is. Would I lie about that?

The Black Flame Dragons somewhat gruff response caught the officer off guard.

Ahem, I simply asked for confirmation. If it bothered you, I apologize.

Next, your name, Black Scythe

Kim In-hong. Im 28 years old, a fund manager. Ive never missed the top spot in my district, and my level is 30. And youre well aware that I belong to the Reaper class, right?

Oh, yes! Of course.

Is that enough now? Anything else to prove?

No! Thank you for verifying.

Black Scythe nonchalantly folded his arms, as if to shrug off any suspicions.

Their words carried a hint of skepticism as if he expected someone to call him out as a scammer.

That guy is nothing but a bundle of lies.

He didnt even give them his true name.

Not to mention the questionable information surrounding Black Scythe.

Fund manager? How did come up with that? Its quite vivid that hes here for the money.

His intention behind impersonating Black Scythe was purely driven by financial gain.

Using the reputation of Black Scythe to borrow money from players. Thats why he wants to join the cafe.

Even in times of economic collapse and the rise of a dystopian era, money remains a constant. Its value may fluctuate, but it never disappears.

Now that the basic information check is complete, lets proceed with the formal interview.

The three individuals directed their attention to the officer, ready for the next phase.

First, Ill ask each of you a common question. Please take turns and share your reasons for wanting to join our Player Haven Cafe. Lets start with Little Crock.

Um, well

Ryu Min, having gone through multiple regressions, knew exactly what the officer was expecting to hear.

The purpose behind the establishment of the Player Haven Cafe and the type of players they sought.

The world can be a harsh place these days, you know? Its frightening to face it alone. So, I thought it would be beneficial to unite with other players and support each other. Thats why I decided to apply.

Hmm, I understand. Next, Black Flame Dragon.


Shim Hyung-taek paused, lost in thought for a moment.

Could he honestly reveal his true intention of coming to kill other players?

I I have a similar reason to Little Crock. I cant go to school anymore, and Im worried about the next round. I thought it would be helpful to exchange opinions and find support among fellow players.

I see, thank you for sharing.

The officers query had prompted Shim Hyung-taek to respond as expected.

It had become a pattern, repeating itself since the previous regressions.

The world can only be set right when players come together. Its the motto and driving force behind this cafe.

If they emphasized the importance of player unity, they would likely pass the initial interview.

Of course, there were exceptions.

Now, what about you, Black Scythe?

I simply noticed the existence of this cafe and thought it might be interesting to join. Thats why I decided to apply.

Haha, I see.

When it came to Black Scythe, his words held weight. There was no way they would reject Black Scythe even if he fails the interview.

Its just a formality, Ryu Min thought. The desire to declare immediate acceptance was written all over their face.

Very well. All three of you provided satisfying answers from the perspective of the cafe. Now, I have one more question for Little Crock, the interviewer announced.

Yes, Little Crock replied.

Have you ever experienced bullying at school? Or perhaps theres someone you wish to harm? the interviewer asked, their tone serious.

What? Ryu Min had expected this question, yet he faked surprise.

What is this about?

These questions are necessary for the interview. Please provide your answers, the interviewer insisted.

Little Crock hesitated for a moment. Well, I have been bullied before but I dont have any desire to harm anyone

Hmm, I see. Do you hold any personal grudges? Feel free to share, the interviewer pressed further.

No, I dont, Little Crock replied with certainty.

Ryu Min waved his hand, noticing the disappointment in the interviewers expression.

Understood. Now, I will ask the same question to Black Flame Dragon. Have you ever experienced bullying at school? Has anyone tormented you? Or is there someone you wish to harm? the interviewer continued.

Black Flame Dragon remained silent, pondering on how to answer to ensure their passage in the interview.

What kind of question is this? What do you want from me? Damn it. Should I be honest and admit to killing? Black Flame Dragons thoughts raced.

Observing Black Flame Dragons dilemma, Ryu Min couldnt help but smile inwardly.

Just be honest. If you admit to murder, you might just get a free pass, Ryu Min thought.

However, it seemed that Black Flame Dragon hadnt reached the point of confessing his crimes to others. He raised his head and replied, I havent experienced any bullying.

Ah So, theres nothing? the interviewer sighed, once again disappointed.

The attention turned to Black Scythe. The interviewer asked, And what about you, Black Scythe? Do you have a desire to harm someone?

Black Scythe retorted, their words laced with skepticism, Why? Do you want me to kill someone for you? Whats the reason behind these meaningless questions?

The interviewers eyes widened at Black Scythes defiance. Though they appeared surprised, it didnt truly catch them off guard.

Oh, how did you figure it out? Thats right. I asked because I wanted you to kill someone for me. Well, to be precise, its more like killing together, the interviewer said, a sly smile on their face.

What? Everyone stared at him with a mix of confusion and disbelief.

Given the casual discussion of murder, their reaction was understandable.

Why are you all so surprised? By the 4th round, I assume youve all gone through the experience of killing someone, the interviewer continued.

Silence filled the room.

Well, I understand. Killing in the otherworld and killing in the real world feel different, dont they?

More silence followed.

Now that the truth is out, the final challenge of this interview is committing murder. You must take a life to pass the ultimate stage of this interview. Thats why I asked if any of you had someone you wanted to kill.

To to kill? Little Crocks expression revealed his shock, and his words came out in a stutter.

Why would you resort to such actions?

Hmm? Little Crock, you dont grasp the situation, do you?

As if responding to his thoughts, the interviewer nodded.

Very well. I will explain why were doing this. Some of you may have read the news and know that the government is already taking steps to regulate and distance itself from players like us. They fear the power we possess, surpassing the limits of ordinary humans.

The statement wasnt entirely wrong.

Faced with the players disorderly behavior, the government was preparing various laws and regulations.

But in reality, these laws have no power over players who choose to ignore them,

Such policies only fueled the players resentment.

Merely looking at the interviewer, was a shred of evidence, wasnt it?

We are different from ordinary people. We are no longer weak or inferior. I can confidently say that players will lead the world in the future. When we come together, our progress will accelerate. Thats the essence and significance of this cafes existence!

The interviewers fervent demeanor was reminiscent of a zealous believer of a cult, but

I cant refute it because these things are actually happening.

As someone who had experienced a world where players were in control, Ryu Min couldnt simply dismiss it and laugh at it.

Thats why we dont need to confine ourselves within the boundaries of the law. We must resist and confront the governments regulations. Its crucial to demonstrate that players themselves embody the essence of the law.

So, murder?

Exactly. Murder serves as a form of rebellion, a means to showcase the players will against the oppressive regulations of the government. Its a statement that we cannot be restrained by mere laws.

Silence hung in the air.

Do you understand now, Little Crock?

Oh, yes

Our Caf only welcomes individuals who are prepared to challenge the government and spearhead the future world. If any of you are not inclined to do so, I urge you to leave now. However, those who choose to leave should not expect any assistance from our caf in the future.

In other words, it was an implicit threata warning that they would be marked as outcasts.

It seems that everyone has perceived the gravity of the situation.

No one stood up or departed from their seats.

Hehe, it seems you are all resolute enough. Excellent. Then, assuming you all agree, we will proceed to the final interview.

Proceed with murder?

Black Flame Dragons response was met with a nonchalant reply from the interviewer.

Thats correct.

But what if we dont have anyone worth killing? How will we proceed?

Theres no need to fret about that.

In a fleeting moment, the interviewers expression turned cold, sporting a chilling smile.

We have already identified suitable targets in anticipation of this very moment.

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